hey chipper ---you like simsons?-- must be since u have them up on page
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
i see by the la web page that if you use a contractor to clean up your leaves, they now can drop them off at the leaf disposal area by the maintenance building--- before the contractor had to dispose of the leaves at another place other than la--- this is a sensible decision on the part of la----it should make it easier to find a contractor to do this work-- it should also make it cheaper for the members
why this old rule was set up to prohibit contractors from using the leaf dump is beyond me----- it was counterproductive and resulted in members having difficulty finding someone to provide this service and it cost members more money if they could find someone to remove leaves-- as a result i'm sure some people didn't get their leaves up and that in itself is not good-- it makes the community look badly, it creates a fire hazard (the fire last month proved that)-- it causes matted leaves to clog up drainage ditches and pipes, it breeds mosquitoes and offers protective cover for rodents and snakes
leaf collection seems to be a difficult idea for la management--
they seem to fight it at any mention of the idea-- leaf collection is neither difficult or need be expensive-- what it takes is planning and scheduling-- these two actions are really lacking on this issue-- hopefully someone will see that this is important to the community and the community's safety--- -----
Posted by
9:03 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
added a new feature slide show-- i will alternate various picture albums periodically-- if anyone has pictures they want to post on the slide show feature they can email me and we'll set them up so everyone can look at your pictures-- it can be your pets, adventures at la, hobbies, vacation pictures or just about anything else---chipper
Posted by
8:15 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
yea it was a nice clear crisp day today at la-- most everyone gone by this morning except the nesters that live here -- end to a very good long weekend
i was looking for a lock for my sliding door and i couldn't find it anywhere -- most replacement system locks were not the same type of lock that was an original installation-- i googled it and believe it or not i found the exact locking assembly and door handle that was on the trailer-- the only thing was the original door lock was brown and the only color available was white -- i checked several other suppliers and everyone was out of stock for this lock-- so for those who need this type of lock here's the info:
Posted by
7:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I have a comment about the current dues schedule.....Everytime we turn around we change something because we are morons on The Bod at La. Do you think we went Back to Quarterly Payment schedule The a working class Family can afford People would make a payment reguarly? Also there is alot seniors with a limted income feel the same way. Wake up you get a collection agencey you loose a big percentage to fees. Brillant sease the land how many lots do we have now that Joco and association owns and can't turnover. The 12 ft wide issue will never go through. Stop wasting money so the all year rounders will have biggers trailers and everyone will suffer with little or no electric or water.I rather pay for my own electric put a meter up on my lot.I got a chance of getting anew meter before we can actually order the proper grade wire
Posted by
1:57 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
big bass:
the 12' wide issue was reviewed by the la attorney and i must say i was dumbfounded and more than a little angry about this attorney for la
- after a year that i'm aware of ---her comment was that she THINKS the supervisors may be thinking about allowing 12' wides--- THINKS --- what the hell has this attorney accomplished if she only thinks and doesn't know where the township position lays--- how much time do you need to say ---
- Q; la wants 12' wides -- A: yes -- or no; depending upon their answer you move on to Q: what will it take to get this for la---then you get their answer and see where you're at --so far this so called legal beagle hasn't even got this far -- maybe she sees something in the next year--- NEXT YEAR!!!!!
GET RID OF THIS LAWYER -- THE ARGUMENT THAT SOMEHOW SHE MAGICALLY CAN PUT THIS CASE FORWARD IS NONSENSE--- the idea that starting over with a new lawyer would be a time consuming effort until the new lawyer gets familiar with the case is NONSENSE-any lawyer could understand the mechanics of this case and the law pertaining to this issue in less than a day and as far as getting to know the township supervisors that's a non starter--- it doesn't matter who is the township supervisors are -- they also want to resolve this issue so la and the township can move on to other things---
there will be issues put forward by the township and la will have to evaluate these stipulations-- but if these stipulations are for all projects in the township and not just la then they're probably legal and permissible under the township code -- surely no one expects that la is going to get this 12' wide issue approved without having to comply with today's ordinances and the current planning concepts that townships are employing in guiding their townships
members of this community should speak up on this matter --if you find this dragging of the feet by this attorney objectionable you should contact gary stevens, la manager
phone 570-686-2800; fax 570-686-3851
email: info@lakeadventure.net
address your comments to the new bod-- here is their names-- let them know what you think
2008/2009 Board of Directors: Artie Berkey - President; Lenny Masucci - Vice-President; Ed Rohs - Treasurer; Alfredo Siaba - Secretary; Tom Annunziata - Member; Alfonso Alaimo - Member; Marietta Richard - Member
Posted by
10:40 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "skipped dues crunch home assos.":
I thought I read the attorney was going to send letters threatening to put a lien on the property? Given LA's financial obligations a collection agency may be too costly but losing thousands in lost dues may be worth the cost. I was interested in a few lots on the For Sale by Owners list and it turns out many want out and are years behind on dues with no intention of paying up. If they sell they would actually owe money at closing so they're asking unreasonable prices.At least the realtor gets some turn around. Was the 12' wide attorney at the meeting? She said at least another year or more? What was her reason? According to March minutes she replied to the township ordinance changes and was setting up a face to face meeting. That was almost three months ago. I believe she's from E Stroudsburg, not local or even our county. Wonder why LA didn't go with a local attorney that would have some connections with the township ? You're right, she's out of her league on this issue and LA should look for a replacement. Another year of fixing roof leaks and making floor repairs. I hate to buy a new one that will have the same problems.
Posted by
10:38 PM
hornet reply
dateTue, May 27, 2008 at 4:54 PMsubjectHornet/Waspmailed-byaim.com
hide details 4:54 PM (23 minutes ago) Reply
You ever see a bald face hornet in LA in the past? I killed one in my screen room and after researching it i saw the queen has venom!!!!
Posted by
5:18 PM
Anonymous said...
I had this black and white bee in my screen room and killed it. After researching it i found it to be a Bald Face Hornet. I am sure of what it is after seeing pictures of it, my question is are the hornets common for LA as i have never seen one there before?
May 27, 2008 4:29 PM
Posted by
5:03 PM
skipped dues crunch home assos.
the usatoday has an article regarding skipped dues that are putting a crunch on home owners assos.--- this is an article you should read--- the link is
there has been at both meet the candidates night and the open bod meeting questions regarding the ability of some members to pay their dues and also questions in regards to members who are delinquent in paying their dues -- this is going to be AN ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE CAREFULLY ADDRESSED by this bod--- everything from how the payments may be made easier for some who are having difficulty with the current payment schedule to increased efforts to collect chronic delinquent past dues from those members who just aren't paying-- the asso. should not have to carry anyone-- yet being realistic we are in a difficult financial time and every method possible must be looked at to insure that la is adequately funded -- assos. do go bankrupt in these situations and la must tread carefully
some members may need monthly payment schedules for a limited time-- but with this also comes a need to have a backup plan in place to more strongly pursue these members if they don't maintain their modified payment schedules
chronic delinquent member dues need to be more aggressively pursued-- most cases these people are just not responsible and need extraordinary methods to collect the dues (many inherited these properties from a family member and have little to no interest in the property or the community)-- so if a collection agency is the first method in recovering these dues then that is what should be done-- second if after a specified period this fails to get the fees paid then a lien should be placed on the property--when this property has sufficient liens against it then la should move to acquire this property with the purpose of reselling it asap so as to return it to a income generating property-- (i've had a response to this idea that we don't have enough accounts to interest any collection agency--- that's crap -- for the right fee and the right company they will do this--- even answering services offer this service -- how hard can this be -- of course you have to want to do it and since no one in house has the gumption to do it we'll need an outside service)
yes all this takes more work and perhaps more legal expenses but the welfare of the community is more important than the additional workload for the office staff or additional legal costs (to minimize the legal cost and to be effective try hiring a real attorney -- the one handing the 12' wide issue is already over her head and much like g. bush see sees that issue goin into the next year and beyond????? god help us!)
rough financial time means real careful planning is required ---la has a lot of large financial obligations in the upgrades to the utilities that are required to satisfy the government and they can't be delayed -- that leaves la with the possibilities of cuts in staffing, services and etc. if it's financial situation deteriorates
no one wants to see that happen to la!
Posted by
3:52 PM
bod meeting
BigBass to me show details 12:02 PM (44 minutes ago) Reply
Did anyone attend the board meeting Sat morning? Any info on 12' wide issue? Back dues collections?
Posted by
12:48 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Posted by
10:17 PM
awning supplier
kay home products is the company that supplies many screen room enclosure here at la -- last august '07 i ordered and received a replacement roof for my screen room - i didn't open it until april '08 -- i found out i had the wrong size and it didn't work -- i called them and they allowed me to return the roof for credit and they sent me the correct replacement roof -- they were very helpful and sure were cooperative with this matter--
i'm listing their web address below -- i also have it in my links list on the right side of the chippers blog page:
Posted by
4:52 PM
heard about this company that does all kinds of service-- don't know anything about them but they may offer some services of interest to community members
Posted by
4:40 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
holiday con'ts
another great day filled with hordes of other community members--- place really jumpin --music playing, fires goin, kids on the hayrides-- they sure like those road bumps -- only kids would like them, motorcycles and yes more dogs --really has been a surprise with number of people here-- maybe this is hint that the '08 season could be big-- tom'w is lookin fine too--enjoy
Posted by
11:28 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
See ya!

Posted by
9:30 PM
welcome to the new bod
welcome and congratulations to the new board of directors--- and with a new president arthur berkey at the helm i'm sure the bod will be ready to work for the betterment of the community interests and guide la to all that it can be in the future.
the bod election only had 650 votes cast--- that not very many community members voting-- hopefully more people will get involved until next year's election so that as many members as possible are represented with their votes and their choices for the bod -- engaged members are interested members and that's good for la (we need a get out the vote effort?)
i think only one bod candidate was on the ballot for the first time this year-- while he didn't make it--- i hope that he and others will step forward and run in the next election cycle-- newbies must become known to the community and once people become familiar with the individual i'm sure they will do better in future elections ( after all look at sen. robert casey-- he ran for everything except dogcatcher before he was elected-- yea!)
i really do thank everyone who ran for the bod-- i'm a firm believer in the democratic principal of election of your representatives and those that ran should be congratulated-- enuf -chipper
Posted by
8:38 PM
the lake adventure flyer that is at the gate was a special for the memorial day weekend--- it contained a very well organized and informative extra page devoted to the weekend recreation events---for members it was a helpful addition to refer to and see what was happening throughout the weekend holidays--good presentation and let's hope we see additional efforts like this to get la community families more engaged---- happy people make happy campers !(that's real corny?)
Posted by
6:40 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "reply":
The minutes from the March 15th board meeting were published on the LA website last week and it addressed collection agencies. Too expensive for such a small population so "the attorney" (one on retainer or the 12' wide attorney--or one and the same?)will take on the project. By now, three months later, something should be in the works.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Posted by
11:41 PM
chipper has left a new comment on your post "comment":
i have to agree with a lot that you have observed -- job descriptions and responsiblites for each job should be in writing--oversite for all employees should be a responsibility of the bod -- there are ample number of people on the bod to divide up the various functions and be assigned responsibility for a specific operation at la -- most bod members probablly are uncommitted and are treatng the post as some kind of honorary position with no real functions to oversee -- while the postions are unpaid they still are responsible for the operations at la and if they have no ability or capabilities to do these jobs they should resign and let other people take a turn at running la-- i'm sure this will not happen-- the only way to get real change on the bod is to get new qualified individuals to run for and get them elected-- this is a multiyear effort and a year round search for the right people -- but most members don't get interested until the get the ballots mailed to them --and they find one or two new individuals running with a selection of current board members who are up for reelection -- nothing is known about the new people and the sitting board members are well less than appealing --- as one commented at meet the candidates night that his one accomplishment on the board was to start the raffle that pays for the fireworks (like al gore's invention of the internet---yea)that must have been his outstanding accomplishment while on he board--- so i hope more people join us in this blog and let us know what they think and help in getting new people interested in running for open board seats---
the 12' wide procress with dingman township is dragging along-- i hope the people handing this matter are successful and la can get 12' wides--- new housing stock is always needed in any community and many trailers in la are due to be replaced and many people will do it when it is approved--- without a reinvestment by members in new housing stock will result in la becoming a run down, has been rv community -- sure don't want that
Posted by
11:35 PM
chipper has left a new comment on your post "comment":
i have to agree with a lot that you have observed -- job descriptions and responsiblites for each job should be in writing--oversite for all employees should be a responsibility of the bod -- there are ample number of people on the bod to divide up the various functions and be assigned responsibility for a specific operation at la -- most bod members probablly are uncommitted and are treatng the post as some kind of honorary position with no real functions to oversee -- while the postions are unpaid they still are responsible for the operations at la and if they have no ability or capabilities to do these jobs they should resign and let other people take a turn at running la-- i'm sure this will not happen-- the only way to get real change on the bod is to get new qualified individuals to run for and get them elected-- this is a multiyear effort and a year round search for the right people -- but most members don't get interested until the get the ballots mailed to them --and they find one or two new individuals running with a selection of current board members who are up for reelection -- nothing is known about the new people and the sitting board members are well less than appealing --- as one commented at meet the candidates night that his one accomplishment on the board was to start the raffle that pays for the fireworks (like al gore's invention of the internet---yea)that must have been his outstanding accomplishment while on he board--- so i hope more people join us in this blog and let us know what they think and help in getting new people interested in running for open board seats---
the 12' wide procress with dingman township is dragging along-- i hope the people handing this matter are successful and la can get 12' wides--- new housing stock is always needed in any community and many trailers in la are due to be replaced and many people will do it when it is approved--- without a reinvestment by members in new housing stock will result in la becoming a run down, has been rv community -- sure don't want that
Posted by
11:35 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "con't open bod meeting":
One reason our dues are substantially increased each year is to cover the lost monies of deliquent owners. Some collection agencies are able to put a lien on the property thus affecting the owner's credit but they can't force payment. I think the only way money is received is when the property is sold whether it be by the owner or Sheriff or the owner coughs it up because of the credit rating change. This shouldn't be a big job for a reputible company. We're not talking tens of thousands of calls/letters like Master Card, maybe a few hundred? This seems like a good way to go. If not then let us know why.
Aren't bod's non-paying positions but the LA Manager a compensation job the same as office and maintenance workers? Who reviews the performance of this position? The BOD? What criteria is used to measure performance? Who has authority to hire and fire?
Perhaps the LA manager is spread too thin and the management structure needs a redesign. Project managers? One to handle administrative and one to handle maintenance. The attorney handling the 12' wide issue needs modivation or should be replaced with someone (more) aggressive. I'm guessing she isn't doing this for free and I find it hard to believe it takes over three months to set up meetings with the township. It seems to indicate this is a low level priority on her calendar as well as the LA management. From what I understand we're really close and if it's approved shortly she'll get some good PR, if it drags on not so much. We're asking for approval for something other communities in the state already have not a new landmark ordinance. The township is getting a nice chunk of change from LA as are the merchants and utility companies. All the new homes that will be ordered will certainly help the local economy as well as the manufacturing states. (the local vender has dozens of 12' wide homes, who's buying them? Why are we being penalized?)
Thanks for letting me vent and I hope to hear some good news from Saturday's meeting and our newly elected representatives.
Posted by
10:54 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
con't open bod meeting
last year the bod were looking into getting a collection agency to collect member's delinquent past dues
did they?? they've had year --let's hope so -- see if we'll find out -- also if they have--- do they have any numbers indicating that this approach is effective -- like delinquent '07 numbers vs 08 delinquent numbers-- a yes answer will not do and a no is an even worse answer
member's lots being picked up by the association at sheriff's sales for back taxes -- how many are la sitting on --- are they being sold -- if necessary they should be sold at costs to get this inventory back into a dues generating mode -( i'm sure the on site realtor whats no part of this idea -- after all he's got a real sweetheart deal at la -- it favors him but not the members or the association) so i'll be looking for some direction on this issue and see whether the bod and the la management are working for the la community members interest or .........................
THE MEMBERS NEED TO ATTEND THIS OPEN BOARD MEETING IF POSSIBLE --THE CURRENT BOD AND LA MANAGER NEED TO KNOW THAT THE MEMBERS ARE GOING TO CALL THEM IN FOR THE PROBLEMS AT LA -- AND YES THERE ARE PROBLEMS-- but in many cases they only hear a few complaints at this and the other one or two open meetings and then they go about their monkey business as usual -- they get by with minimal input from the members except for those few that almost (wink) never leave and of course are the ones with the most consistent complaints -- that's what they hear and it unfortunately bears heavily on their decisions. this ignores many other member's concerns because as they say "out of sight-- out of mind" --- yet every member of this community is the same and should have the same review and consideration of their concerns and complaints---no member of an association is no more important or less important than the next member -- every one's equal -- (after all this is america).......hmmm -- heard that before
so if you can't attend check back here and i hope to review what was done at the bod board meeting and maybe others will also post their thoughts about what they gathered from this meeting--- together maybe we'll learn something
Note: this is predicated on our ability to hear the meeting proceeding -- considering the crappy sound system they've used in the past ----- more on this topic later
Posted by
11:15 PM
12 wide request
BigBass to me show details 9:14 PM (52 minutes ago) I can't make it to the open meeting this Sat. morning. Would someone mind asking about the status of 12 wides and post a response? It's been almost three months since we've heard anything. Any news on abandon lots and collection agencies recovering back dues?
THERE IS A LOT OF INTEREST IN THE 12' WIDE ISSUE-- my polls indicate that this is important to a lot of the community--- a recap of some of these polls follows:
past poll results
Q: should la membership be informed as to what dingman township is looking for to approve 12' wide trailers
A: yes --- 106; no --- 1
Q: if the la membership is to be informed what is the best method to do this
A: open is season meeting -- 9; mailing to members--5; both of the above --92
current polls results up to today
Q: what is the most important issue you have with la
A: annual fee ----12; 12' wide issue ---26; quality of life issues -- 36
Q: 12' wide issue is being
A: properly handled --- 3; not properly handled -- 56; dead in the water -- 13
as you can see this is a top identified issue with members and they what to be informed about the progress with dingman township and many feel that this issue is not being properly handled.
the chance for the bod to explain the progress on this issue should be presented at the 5-24 board meeting -- this could be an opportunity to reverse the negative feelings and perception about the handling of this important issue
---whether this will happens remains to be seen -- if the members aren't satisfied with what they hear then they need to let the bod and the la manager know of their dissatisfaction--- otherwise they'll keep their heads buried in the sand and it will die like other attempts at this issue-- the members need to listen carefully ...............
Posted by
10:05 PM
Posted by
7:24 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "reply":
Think of what the community would look like of every owner had junk on the front of their property. Thank goodness the majority of owners are considerate of their neighbors and the community as a whole. And yes, it is my business, that junk brings down the value of MY property..."can't spell"?, how about my five year old constructs better sentences. This guy should be ashamed and embarrassed that note is on public display.
Posted by
6:40 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "reply to roland":
I cannot believe the comment that Roland made about "complaining about what is not your business". This has to be one of the most ludicrous comments I have read in a long while. How can anyone think that they do not have an obligation in the upkeep of their property? It's in the bylaws. If a child wanders unto their property and gets injured guess what, they will be sued. We all have an obligation to keep our sites neat, orderly, and visually pleasing, not only for the potential increase in resale value but to make it a better place that we all enjoy. If you do not have the decency to respect your neighbors, their children, and yourself, you should not be allowed to buy land anywhere in America.
Remember the commercials "Keep America Beautiful". These ran for a reason. You would never see a commercial titled "Mind your own business". Caring about our environment and our neighbors is what makes us human. Rude, uncaring people annoy me, especially the ones that can't spell...
Posted by
1:55 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
reply to roland
hi roland - you do realize that it should not be necessary to explain why you have the gall to park and store rusted construction trailer with flat tires and equipment within the recreational community -- you are displaying complete disregard for your neighbors and other community members who take pride in this community and make exceptional efforts to maintain their properties in a manner that is commendable and in keeping with the community standards -- if the standards were based on the your standards we'd have to change the name to lake adventure salvage and disposal -- opps forget the disposal part -- unless you're thinking along the lines of this equipment rusting away as a method of disposal-- so yes i object and i point out this problem in the hope that la manangement and the bod will get off their rear ends and take action to prevent members from turning la into a junk yard - i guess so far the jury is still out on the actions of la management so we'll see -- i have a life and yes this is america but you should still have a little regard for other la members and the interests of the community - chipper
Posted by
10:40 PM
roland replys
construction equipmentInboxX
Roland to me, Brian show details 10:09 PM Reply
If you have to complain about something what belongs to me and is on my property you should have the balls to stop at my place and talk to me . not to be sneaky and like a rat taking pictures and complaining about what is not your business. get a live and worry about your own lot. this is still America. post this reply on your website (what sucks anyway).........
Posted by
10:09 PM
comment reply
chipper has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
they due seem to want to trumpet the fact that they are progressing on the capital projects -- i guess this helps reinforce the need for thr dues increase -- of course as seems to be the problem with their management style they wait until things get out of control (like electic brown outs, low water pressure and violations of the enviromental statures for the waste treatment system) before they take any action -- then the large bills rear up and bite them in the rear end -- the bod and the la manager need to be more proactive to control the functions at la and not work as a fire company putting out fires -- we'll see what they feed the member mushrooms at the open board meeting-- hope your hungry
Posted by
2:03 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
When the electric and sewer gets fixed then you will hear about it. As far as the last meeting they didnt even order the electric wires last year LIKE THEY SAID they was going to do. You bring up situations to make it a better place. If you look at things as a negative that is your own personal issue. So right now dues went up and no electric and sewer upgrade so right now YOU WILL HEAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE MONEY LA MANAGEMENT? You pay you want things done and when they don't get done it is normal to complain about it. Pay your phone bill and have no dial tone and i want to hear you what you have to say.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2008 badges":
there are some valid concerns by chipper, but how about also posting some positive comments, like the beautiful pool we have that has been refurbished for everyone to enjoy, and also some major work being done to the electric & sewer & water systems, they used to be the major complaints, most LA residents enjoy our community, but you only hear from the negitive ones
Posted by
10:30 PM
la link & name?
Posted by
12:08 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008

Posted by
6:22 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
april showers
it looks like april showers are arriving in may -- oh well -- i missed a few weeks due to some work but i'm heading up to la this weekend -- weather doesn't look too bad --we'll see
Posted by
11:17 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "junk vehicles reply":
I can't put up a clothesline in the back of my trailer but this type of junk is allowed?
yea -- it makes you wonder some times where their coming from- chipper
Posted by
12:29 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
junk vehicles reply
peggy -- thanks for the clarification -- now only if la manager gary stevens and the bod would review the by laws maybe they too would understand this issue -- i still say both trailers and the construction equipment on the one and the hot rod on the other don't belong parked at la -- let's see if they do anything
12 wides were briefly mentioned -- same story as on the la web page --in the hands of the lawyers and etc. and etc. -- don't hold your breath on this issue --- chipper
Peggy Snow to me show details 6:47 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Found this in the by-laws 6.1b. As long as vehicle has current registration it is allowed, but read the next paragraph under Maintenance of Campsite on page 18. (b) A motor operated vehicle is deemed to be an abandoned or junked motor vehicle if is remains within the premises of the development known as Lake Adventure for more than four (4) weeks in such a condition that, for the duration of said period, the vehicle is either: 1. unable to move under its own power; or 2. without current inspection sticker or similar certification of the state in which the vehicle is registered; or license plates; or 3. is not currently registered in any state.Maintenance of Campsite(c) All personal property on a campsite shall be maintained in good condition so as not to become unsightly. Unless in actual use, personal property items, including tents, shall not be left on a campsite during the period between December first and the following April first. Also found this for the 12' wide question under Definitions on page 3. According to the by-laws there is no width restriction only total square footage. The 12' wides on sale are just under 400 square foot. Was this issue discussed at the Meet the Candidates??? (b) Park Model: A vehicular unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as to require a special highway movement permit when drawn by a motorized vehicle designed and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use and of a size no more that four hundred (400) square feet. (AMENDED 10/2006)
Posted by
8:48 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
response to la management falling asleep
Anonymous said...
Hi Chipper,I agree with you on this. If we let this continue, why would any family purchase at LA? I'm curious on the response you received when you pointed this out to LA management. Did they even respond? I notice you indicated that this mess is breaking the rules; where can I check this? Perhaps if we point this out to Gary and call him out on this he will be forced to take action.
April 27, 2008 1:34 PM
chipper said...
well at the meet the candidates night i was informed that if these are licensed vehicles that they are allowed at la-- i'm willing to bet neither of these trailers are legally licensed-- of course the managaement at la would rather ignor the problem than address it or maybe something else is going on-- anyone need their lot leveled, stone spread or rocks moved around?
May 4, 2008 8:51 PM
Posted by
8:53 PM
poll results
queestion: when do you make your first visit to la?
March -- 13 votes;..... april --18 votes; ... may--18 votes;.... june --22 votes;.. later --9 votes
question: do you go to another location for the winter?
answers:....... yes ----19 votes; ....... no -----59 votes
question: if you go to another location for winter is it
answers:... florida -- 10 votes; ....carolinas --9 votes; ....nome, alaska-- 0 votes; ..other--51 votes
well it looks like a lot of people come to la in the early spring months -- it really is a nice time to visit and of course it allows you to get a head start on getting your site ready for the summer
19 members get away for the winter -- snowbirds that is good -- but most of us are stuck here in the ne. or other-- florida and the carolinas is a favorite destination -- nobody goes to nome, alaska -- i wonder why?
Posted by
7:44 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
poll results
question was:
YES -----62 votes .....................NO -------8 votes
the by laws do not allow signs -- this should be changed --
when someone wants to sell their property they should have as many options as possible -- when they reach this point it is better for the community to have the property change hands then to have a property left unattended and start to look shabby due to neglect from the disinterested owners and maybe even go into default of the annual dues and property taxes resulting a long protracted period until the property is sold at sheriffs sale
the other issue is that this rule was probably set up to protect the on site realtor at the inception of la--it still has that same effect and makes it more difficult to market la property-- other realtors handle la property -- as a matter of fact i see other off site realtor's ads in the real estate publications all the time ( i have never seen an ad for the on site realtor in any publication )
another place that carries la property is the http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites.html--off site realtors have la property listed all the time -- this is also a place where you can post your own ad for free-- you can post it in multiple major east coast cities
it's in the best interest to the la community to make selling a property easier -- even to a point of upgrading the la website to allow members to post ads and photos --
of course i doubt this will happen -- the bod and la management are more interested in protecting certain other interests than the la community interests
Posted by
11:30 PM
poll results
the question was:
the answers were: YES 68 votes ------ NO 2 votes
la should help by have a schedule to collect leaves - these leaves can be collected and piled up by the roadside and la maintenance could come around the next week with a truck mounted vacuum and collect and discard the leaves ( yes at the meet the candidate night this idea was pooh poohed-- just another example of what is wrong with the attitude of the current board-- they just can't see how to things like this can be done-- not much imagination on their part) --
perhaps a truck and a few men could be utilized on this saturday to collect bulk material that needs to go to the dumpster -- nothing heavy and it would have to be outside a trailer in the front of the property ( a fee could be developed to cover these costs of this service for people who don't have a vehicle to haul items)
in most cases the junk that is accumulating on properties is a result that most people have no method to haul junk or their age limits their ability to accomplish this without help -- and i think most people would be willing to pay a nominal fee to get this service --
now i know that the answer from the la management and the bod is that this can't be done -- they have lots of reasons for not doing things -- what they don't have is an alternative method to accomplish these things-- it easier to just ignore the problems-- the status quo is how they see everything
so here is the situation those voting in the poll overwhelming want a clean up day -- i wonder if it has even a chance with this management-- i doubt it!
Posted by
10:27 PM
well the meeting was quite interesting -- lots of questions and comments but very few answers by the candidates -- there seems to be a lack of communications with these candidates -- a lot can't be done because........you name it and they said it -- it made the presidential candidates sound great -- but as always this is not a presidential race and we must choose from the list of candidates before us -- i know who i'm not voting for -- but i'll hold my selection private and hope for the best
in the future i believe more people should consider running for the board -- a turnover in the bod ranks is not a bad idea -- it allows new ideas and new approaches to be explored -- things change and la could use some new direction -- but that requires a change in the majority of the bod members and that requires several cycles of voting for new candidates by the community members -- i think this should be something the community members should think about between now and next year's elections
Posted by
10:09 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
RAIN RAIN RAIN but ---Saturday Meeting
that's the forecast for much of the next week at la --but the MEET THE CANDIDATES night is saturday evening at 7:30 -- great night for the incumbents not so good for the new candidates--but if you can you should try to get there -- assessing the qualifications of the candidates is important to understand what your getting on the bod -- also this way when you're dissatisfied with the way things are going at la you might be able to figure out who's to blame ( yea-- get real) that would require a crystal ball since no one knows who's responsible for what-- oh well--- see ya saturday night -- chipper
Posted by
12:18 AM