Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "12 wides":
Sounds like it is time for a change in management. We as LA owners should look to replace this Gary Stevens and find a more capable Manager of LA.
So say it the Shepard!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Posted by
8:55 PM
12 wides
potter i think you got it right -- no one person knows what is going on with this situation -- the manager gary stephens probably hawks the story you got because most things at la run on auto pilot - there isn't anyone knowledgeable running la --sometimes it looks like a three ring circus without a ringmaster --la has tried before to get this approval and it led to nothing-- i suspect that this endeavor will end up the same way -- if you ever attended any of the meetings with the township officials (2 out the last 3 were canceled by the attorneys) you see that there is no real strong management guiding this through the steps that are necessary to get approval -- adding to this is a very inefficient attorney representing la interests and no professional support for presenting la's case- (ps-- the la attorney has been working on this case for years to no avail-- a law student would do better than the la attorney)-- the dob has little to no experience in running anything and again they're not paid positions although they are legally responsible for the events at la -- so they rely on the manager -- the dob needs qualified individuals that are capable of taking charge of la and managing it --they need individuals who are involved with la on a daily basis and not as i suspect only on the days of the board meetings or when they show up on their vacation days-- hard to get in unpaid positions and having no nearby residencies-- but still qualified individuals should step up and take over --but the board is made up of people who have been on it for years yet few community members know what they do or what they're responsible for in the operation of la--- the annual open board meeting are held each year -- no bod members talk or makes presentations-- only the president talks -- it basically is a gripe session for members and if and when you can hear (which is next to impossible with the crap sound system they have-- i have a theory about this -- the bod are mushroom farmers and we're the mushrooms -- kept in the dark and fed s--t--) nothing much is presented-- they hawk their annual budget and let everyone know the status of the capital improvements projects (as if they initiated them yea under orders from the government to get in compliance with the current statures) and to accommodate the additional requirements of the members--- for years these capital improvements were ignored and now very expensive projects must be done under threats and deadlines-- a few more examples of poor planning and management-- so yes the fact is that you can't get info on the 12 wide status isn't surprising -- call gary stephens at 570-682-2800 and see what he feeds you -- let us know how you made out --- chipper
Posted by
12:54 AM