Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I thought this was place people could express their opinion. Both of you have expressed valid concerns however the Post Script comment and photograph were probably unnecessary. I also understand why a property owner isn't allowed to be property manager or office employee to an extent however it is common practice for select employees with a need to know to have access to that type of information in the business world. Divulging or misusing this information is grounds for dismissal and possible criminal charges. That being the case it wouldn't matter whether the employee lived inside or outside the community. In this scenario I can see why the rule is there and bias is a concern as is 12 month residency. I don't think there is any discrimination law being broken. Discrimination laws cover gender, age, race, religion, family status, national orgin, military status, sexual orientation, disability, body size/shape assuming you meet the job requirements. LAs rule falls into the job requirement category similar to companies not allowing their employees to take part in marketing contests, or requiring them to have a valid driver's license, or not have any DUI's, or must not have a criminal record, must submit to a drug test, etc. Having a property manager live on site may lead to salary problems, on site-on call 24/7 $$$. Is the PM a real exempt manager who can hire and fire or does the BOD need to approve? If a non-exempt manager (supervises but does not hire and fire) then all the labor laws come into effect. Who wants to take on the Labor Board? Then there is the living standard, the trailers and community by law are not approved for 12 month residency so the manager or office employee would have to have a larger 4 season manufactured home to live in and get a dispensation from the township to live on site for 12 months. 12' wides for recreation are not yet allowed so getting this to pass seems bleak. Who would pay for it? I'm sure there are several other things that come into play so this is just not a simple case of the BOD playing hard ball by not allowing a property owner or office employee to live on site.
anon -- i believe your wrong on more than one issue -- it remains to be seen---chipper
Friday, September 19, 2008
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Posted by
5:28 PM
Labels: bod, violations
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anonymous said...
for your information 3 seats are up for re-election!!!!!!!!duh!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
We all bought our property knowing it is available for our use 12 months a year. Stop complaining because you only come up week ends, that's your choice, or sell and go to Eagle Lake since it's so great there.
anons --- 3 seats are better than two -- hopefully the community members will be able to remove 3 sitting members and begin to really change the board == i'm told that used board members from years ago are interested in being recycled back for another term-- the problems at la are not just the problems from this current neglectful board but from past boards that didn't oversee and manage la any better than the board members now -- they were just as neglectful --- la needs new people who will work for the members interests -- these new people need to begin to come forward
i am trying to put together a email list of people who would like to be updated on what is happening at la and be made aware of those that are interested in running for board seats --- send me your email at
anon -- yes la is open all year round -- and anyone is welcome to use and visit la -- but 99% of all the members visit la between memorial day and labor day -- about 12 weeks -- the other 40 weeks just about no one is here but la employees a full time staff all winter -- waste of funds -- everyone else in the poconos operates on a seasonal basis and there is no reason la doesn't adopt this sensible practice and stop wasting money -- an essential staff will stay at la year round and be available for operations -- but there are some staff and operations that can go seasonal and help la save money
management of staffing and operations are the responsibility of the bod -- they're dropping the ball
Posted by
5:25 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I for one am against a property owner being the manager. It leaves too much room for bias, which is probably why the rule is in place, also don't need a P/O privy to confidential information. Mr. Friend sounds like a child who can't get his way. Too many people throwing out mis-information here just for the sake of it. Try doing your homework before shooting off your mouth. By the way, we did have a mgmt. co. just prior to the last mgr. and it cost us a fortune, but if you are up on things at LA you would have known that. BOD aren't miracle workers and have state & local regulations they have to follow, not to say there isn't always room for improvement. Just tired of all the bashing going on from people who don't bother to check the facts.
anon -- members now are exposed to intimidation, harassment, retaliation coming from the sitting security and architectural committees with the indiscriminate enforcement of rules in response to complaints from misguided and in some cases outright racist members simply base upon their racial bias, ethnic bias, generational bias, gender bias --- this is going on now -- these people involved in this activity are the ones that are afraid of a strong manager who might put an end to their assault on other community members
a manager is responsible to maintain the confidentiality of assoc. records -- that is the rule any professional manager understands -- second if any records are being hidden by the bod or contain data that is harmful to the bod then the bod is in more trouble than we think and quite frankly a lot more stupid than i thought
that is an indefensible excuse and a well as the no members can have an office management position rule
this board is responsible for la and it is now and in the past have allowed numerous violations of rules and laws, both at the state and federal level---- community members must realize that this puts la at financial risk in case of an accident. fine or a lawsuit -- this will happen sooner or later
a community that has a bod that is irresponsible, incompetent, reckless, willfully violates and is in violation of state and federal statures and to top it off arrogant is a recipe for disaster!!
ps -mr. friend says get your head out of your ass and look around -
Posted by
4:58 PM
Labels: bod, manager, violations
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "contract management":
Time passes by and the BOD still has no answer to a new property Manager. Most of the "Summer Dwellers" have left so again no one to watch the store. What is so hard about evaluating resumes or applications.If we go into the winter season with no one to make decisions in case of an emergency situation such as sewage discharge, power failure, storm.... Will Board members make themselves available 24/7 to run the place??? Not hardly when they want to sail thru meetings so they can go to social events. LA is in a serious situation and it's about time ALL PROPERTY owners are aware of it and voice their opinions before their investment in LA goes down the sewers, if they are repaired.perfect example of wasted money on ghost lateral repair.Wake up people or when we return next summer we may find a chain across the entrance
anon-- my god i didn't think anyone out there had a reasonable appreciation as to what's happening to la -- thanks --i couldn't have said it better -- you're right the bod wants to operate in a vacuum where no one can see them and make fundamental changes to la without any members seeing them or knowing about them until the next year -- then they get through the election process before the members are aware of the changes or before the open bod meetings -- elections should be moved to august when the members see how la is running during the summer -- a few more bod members may not be on the board -- also i missed the last open bod meeting -- i get it was short circuited because they claimed they had other commitments - well let me tell you there isn't any issue more important then the open bod meetings for community members -- the members need to really raise hell with the bod about this --if someone has another commitment that they need to attend -- get up and leave --- the others can't run the meeting?? this is just another example of the bod arrogance, incompetence, disregard for the members-- when are the community members going to wise up and realize that many bod members don't do a damn thing for the community and shouldn't be on the board -- next election in the spring 2 more sitting members are up for election and they should be removed --- this board runs as a united group -- NO ONE MEMBER OF THIS BOD IS INDEPENDENT OR DISPLAYS ANY BACKBONE OR INITIATIVE ON THE ISSUES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO THE LA COMMUNITY MEMBERS-- if they are they should be sure the community members know about their efforts--otherwise they get grouped together and they're all at fault for the problems at la-- new community members need to step up and run for the bod -- i'm trying to set up a data base of email addresses for the purposes of letting members know about who is running for the bod and what they stand for and what their plans are for la - so anyone that wants to can send me their address to EMAIL:
Posted by
4:57 PM
Labels: bod, incompetence
member's dues
the financial situation is deteriorating and the extend and degree that it effects on our members is unknown -- but i think that the bod must be prepared for a problem with members maintaining their dues -- chances are it could be serious problem by this spring -- several months ago an article in the papers indicated that home owners associations in florida and california were having 40 to 50% delinquency rate on dues -- it was having serious impact on their operations -- the la bod needs to have contingency plans if this develops
Posted by
4:41 PM