Anonymous to me show details 9:21 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "golf carts":
if all you are saying is true why not give your name. why are the officers in ccla so afraid to use there name. if you want us to believe in you let us know who you are.
anon--- everyone associated with the bod and the management {?) team know who i am -- who are you anon?????
one reason is that a few people out there are vindictive, retaliatory, and lash out when they are protecting what they feel is their right, entitlement as a member or when they are taking the la community for a ride and don't want anyone messing up their gig -- there are a few kooks in the community and i know -- but i can assure anyone with any idea about coming after me that they will get much more than they may be looking for -- i guarantee it!!!! --others need to take the same attitude and not let anyone intimidate them -- keeping quiet doesn't help la -- if there's a problem in la it needs to be brought to light so concerned members can address it --if that was the situation in the past maybe la would be in better shape than it is now
Monday, September 15, 2008
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Posted by
10:22 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAD DAY !!!!!":
It seems like more property owners are concerned then you think. Spending has always been a problem in the past with previous boards and it seems this one may be following suit. As far as going bankrupt if you read the last financial report we should be stable, again, unless the BOD does some stupid spending.The BOD must work together and not worry about certain employees and property owners and make decisions fairly to ALL property owners. Everyone should also realize we employ the staff and they do not employ the owners.Also, with all the delays in choosing a property manager we should look towards Appletree Mgt. that runs Eagle Lake and if you're curious how good they are take a visit to Eagle Lake where their dues are lower then ours and the comeback from owners here will be they pay their own electric, well, the average electric bill is under $100 for a season. Before people think this would not benefit us think about someone who doesn't take input from owners who helped the board member get elected and is now looking for paybacks, if you don't think this is happening I know a bridge in NY that I can get you a good deal on.
anon---- yes i'll take that bridge -- what color is it? ---well i know that everyone thinks that the finances are stable and in good shape -- but remember a mill ot two isn't much -- a lot of people have that in a savings accounts or under their pillow-- today that's chump change -- la wastes money like no end --there are all kinds of areas that need a review at la -- everything from the staffing to the operations at la to the way the discretionary spending is controlled-- these are things that should be reviewed periodically on a regular basis and not only at times when finances are stressful--- operations continue unabated as if la operated at full tilt year round when in fact this community is a seasonal operation when 95% of all members visit in about 12 weeks of the summer -- during the rest of the year la should have operations cut back and staffing levels reduced to reflect the off season status-- everyone else in the poconos operates this way --why not la????? the members are literally providing a virtual welfare state for employees who have no work load or any fuctions that require full time status in these 40 weeks of the off season---- WHY????? because the bod can't make the right decisions or are afraid to make the tough decisions-- they are more interested in maintaining their board seats than tending to the la operations-- any change will bring about a screaming response from the 20 nesters who live at la almost all year ( wink -- wink) and these people want all services and all staffing avialable all the time -- if they don't get it they will go after the bod members who took away their operations and staffing -- they will wage a campaign against those members when the bod elections comes around--- it doesn't bother the nesters that other la members are subsidizing their lifestyle and virtual full time status here at la --and that this subsidy is wasting other member's money-- they're only interested in their self preservation of a very cheap lifestyle here at la -- not unlike welfare???---so changing anything at la is very risky for the board members-- so the chances that the bod will make the right decisions is slim to none
Posted by
6:21 PM
BAD DAY !!!!!
why is this important to la????-- well i believe la may have the worst financial emergency since la was created -- the dues receivables could very well be a disaster by spring -- there may not be enuf $ to pay for la --this bod needs to seriously begin to figure out how to operate la with a lot less income -- they need an emergency plan to be able to cut costs at la -- that will mean making tough decisions like what and where to cut -- operational schedules, payroll, discretionary spending, capital improvements and any other area where costs can be contained -- if they don't start planning now and begin to understand what they will do if la gets in trouble then if that happens then the board will be derelict in their duties and should resign en mass-- i have very little confidence -- in this bod -- many are incompetent and arrogant and i doubt they even understand the magnitude of what la could be facing-- the members may very well need to be ready to act in case the la bod fails in protecting la and the members interest -- over this winter we members need to keep an eye on them to protect our interests -- i will report about any actions that bod implements-- but don't put too much hope into that to happen with this bod--i would like to know what others feel about this issue and what you think could be done if la gets into financial trouble-- post a comment or email me at
Posted by
4:03 PM
Labels: bod, finances, tough times, wamu