Tuesday, March 3, 2009
bod rules + budget
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "hydrants - bod":
I am a new owner (4 years) but isn't this Association run according to Roberts Rules, I thought that this was law in PA as in most states which I believe states that property owners have the right to vote for or against a new budget & if voted against then a new budget must be prepared & presented. Also at a schedule hearing of the budget a quoram of the people attending can vote for or against. From listening to neighbors this board or previous members for the last two years over-ruled the quoram and pushed an unwanted budget thru & the next year the board wouldn't allow the property owners vote. Even this year when they lowered the dues by $150.00 (a drop in the bucket, after the enormous increases from the $950 charge 5 years ago) they still would not ALLOW the owners to vote on budget. Someone with knowledge of PA law of Roberts Rule is this even legal? Help please if you know the answer and can back it up so we can take them to task.
Posted by chipper at 2:01 AM 1 comments
permits - township
Anonymous to me
show details 1:58 AM (1 minute ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PERMIT REQUIREMENTS":
Mistake by township - what else is new - Lake Adventure there new cash cow - I called & you only need as before permit for trailer placement from LA - recommend that if your lot does not have original stakes according to your deed then get it surveyed & staked. Hey, have friends in other dingman communities & they just go get a permit for a deck from twp with no hassel then when completed inspector comes out & gives approval. Why all the harrasment aginst us? What is twp objective to force us out and sell to a developer so they have more taxes to coffer. I guess they're not worried about infrastruce of other communities who are having way more problems with their Assoc than us - Heard that Sunrise suing their builder who they pay dues to & won't even fix their pool plus not living up to their promies. Dingmans after them too?:
Posted by chipper at 2:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: permits. township