Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
There seems to be a double standard when it comes to hiring personnel at LA. Don't we already have a manager on staff that is a property owner? From what I understand -- I may be mistaken -- the Recreation Director (and in my opinion a "director" is a management position) is a property owner here and during the off season that person works in the administration office. So why is that okay and not for other management positions?
I see nothing wrong with hiring someone who happens to be a property owner if they have Community management experience and the expertise to perform the job of General Manager. After all, they have a vested interest in seeing this particular park succeed. But, they need to be willing to relocate to this area -- remember, this person has to be pretty much on call to make major decisions or handle any emergency situations that arise, especially with the electrical situation and all the construction or repairs going on within the community.
anon -- i agree
Thursday, October 9, 2008
comment replys manager
Posted by
4:29 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Putting money into renovations for the laundry at this time is irresponsible,there are laundry facilities close by, but then again you have a board member going around telling people he is going to have a new laundry put in. I'm sure this will make a very small group happy and probably get him votes, but where is the money coming from? Is it being pulled from one of the projects in the 8 year plan? P/O's better start checking out the people they are electing to the BOD, the last few got on mainly by canvassing and giving people a line of BS. This place sure isn't being run more efficiently than in the past. WAKE UP LA PROPERTY OWNERS!
anon-- your right there is no way it is justified to be spending a lot of money on a laundry for the few people that used it frequently -- most members don't utilize this service so it should not have money thrown at it to satisfy a few members for their votes and their electioneering they perform at the time to vote for bod members-- these individuals do a lot of electioneering for the bod directors that give them what they want-- this is very much a lot like lobbyist and they do the campaigning for those board members they can manipulate-- but all community members pay for this waste -- where is the money coming from ? -- most likely from the budgets that they are supposed to be used for electrical and lateral improvements-- next open bod meeting we will be told that these projects are progressing but in fact they raid these budgets and divert the labor and equipment for just about any project they can think of-- drainage swales, stoning properties, laundry and who knows what else-- no accounting, no responsibility by this bod -- la needs a strong manager to operate la -- until that happens the members will continue to be fleeced by this bod
Posted by
4:29 PM
Labels: bod fleecing, ghost projects, incompetence
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Ok what the h*ll. What ever happened to the October 20 interviews? Where they too qualified, not qualified or did they want to much money? You get what you pay for. Did I read it right, are they really trying to pay very little for the Manager? This is great we are gonna end up with a loser.
By the way chipper, Im kind of hurt that you would work here but you wont volunteer your time for your own community. Why don't you run for the BOD? If everyone that has the experience to run LA wont because their experience is to valueable not to be paid for it then we will alway have the same people. And those who think that they are to valuable should not complain.
Just my opinion.
anon== i guess the bod is still working on the evaluation process or they aren't satisfied with the crop of candidates they received -- this can be a long process -- the manager is important because the members are absent bod members and they spend little to no time here at la-- that then requires a strong professional manager to operate la -- a strong well managed la will reflect positively on the bod and should help them get re-elected -- a bad manager choice and poorly run la will be a real problem for the bod and considering the financial turmoil in the country the manager job may become really important if la gets into trouble with fee defaults--reducing overhead costs is a tricky process and not something a amateur can do -- for that you need to have an adequate compensation package and you need to understand what qualities your looking for in this person -- what happens to often is that the qualifications are so extensive because they are looking for an individual that can do everything -- only god could fill their requirements-- they need to rework the job description and prioritize the requirements ---but that can be hard when you don't know what your doing or just don't have that experience not to mention that you probably have 7 people trying to do this job
i don't believe my volunteer work is an issue at la -- i don't do any here
Posted by
11:21 AM