Thursday, November 13, 2008
sno storm + aftermath
i think that many of the concerns about conditions after the storm are a result that members feel there is no one in charge of the la operations -- that there are no emergency procedures in place and little to no emergency preparedness-- the absence of a manager is a grave concern and this needs to be addressed by this bod (someone told me they thought that a sitting board member wants the job and that was causing problems with other bod members as it well should)
i think the employees in the office and maintenance did what was expected of them -- they always do their job as they know how to -- there is no complaint about their work
that having been said doesn't mean that la operations should not be reviewed and better planning done to head off any future problems -- a few thoughts
the office complex should have a backup gas powered electric generator to supply necessary minimal lighting and heating -- this then keeps this operation on line and can be used for emergency housing -- a cell phone should be operational for use when land lines go down
the club house should also be backed up with a gas powered electric generator for minimal lighting and heat and also serve as an emergency shelter
temporary porta potties should be in place near the office complex and clubhouse for the winter months just in case they are needed
managing a complex includes emergency preparedness for any event you may think of from a snow/ice storm, power grid failure, water system failure, fire, inter personal crisis, and lethal accidents -- the preparedness includes assigning functions and responsibilities to all workers and having a clear procedure known to all employees-
allowing the community to hangout and dry when things go wrong is not acceptable-- this bod needs to get off it's ass and hire a capable manager -- the members need to remind the bod members that this is an important issue with them and they want action NOW NOT LATER!!!!!!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: bod, emergency preparedness
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
what source?no one can ever give a straight answer.weres the manager,4-5 months later no manager.ask any board member no real answer.with 10 full time workers we have 400 man hours per week,how about monthly reports on all departments on what was accomplished.since you all do so much daily this should be very simple.just remember we all pay your salaries,you work for us.2 weeks later trees still down in the streets,laying on bath houses.did any one make a list of ownwers who received damage?were they contacted?my brother inlaw did not receive a call.this is why we need a manager on duty.yes open the club house,start a fire,it was a snow storm not a hurricane,enough with excuses already,thats all we ever get at la
Posted by
5:17 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
The board may have been aware of what was going on but property owners were not. I'm not only referring to those stuck in the community but those of us who are out of state wondering what the status of our property was. Other RV communities were able to put storm status information on their web site. I shouldn't have to log into Eagle Lake's web site to find out about snow, electric and water problems and assume the same thing is happening at Lake Adventure. The web site needs to be utilized with timely information. I still think the club house would have been better for people stuck regardless of the lack of heat. During high winds it is safer than being is a very thinly insulated old trailer. The old tip outs only have R 10 while the new 12' wides have R19 and R22. Plus they risk injury if a tree falls on a trailer. I believe the glass in the club house would have to be shatter proof. My home sun porch is.
I know much as been written about the staffing problems at LA but to my knowldege the Office Staff is the one group that is held is the highest regard with everyone recognizing and appreciating the work you women do for us all year round. I sincerely doubt any comments have been directed at your office and apologize if anything I've written annoyed you.
Posted by
5:16 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Very well said Cheryl, too many people spreading untruths. If they would go to the source maybe more good things would be said on this site.
Posted by
3:30 PM
STORM – Could you please tell me what a Community Manager could have done any differently if he was on property during the storm? There was a Board Member on property, who suffered damage to her property, and got no assistance from any department. The Board was well aware of what was going on at LACA, and how each department was handling everything. They also advised the Office to go home, as there was no reason to pay someone to sit in the dark.
Each department in LACA showed up for work and did what they do with any storm. The STP/water operator was on site doing everything possible that he could. The Maintenance Department was out clearing the fallen trees, clearing the roads, etc. The Security Department has their EMERGENCY LINE that is published on every copy of the flyer (570)-686-3496, that was handling any call that came in.
God forbid, in case of an extreme emergency, the local fire/police departments would take over to either evacuate to safety, etc. As far as housing people in the Clubhouse, I don’t think with high winds that housing people in a room with a wall of glass is safe. Also, it would take several kero heaters to make it maybe comfortable in that large room. Also, there were no lights, nor did the bathrooms work.
The Office staff showed up for work, (one did not because her house was buried under fallen trees ). There were no phones, and electricity. The office is very dark, and even if there were phones, what could the office staff have done to help the people.
OFFICE STAFFING – The office consists of 2 full time year round girls in the office, plus 1 part time girl. When the season starts, we employ 1 girl to help in the front office. Money comes into this office every day. We offer payment plans, and also monies are being sent in in smaller increments to help property owners make payments. Permits are still being issued, trailers come in until the snow fall. Payroll needs to be done, bills need to be paid, the Adventurer goes out in December, there are always phone calls, bulk mailings for the mailbox renewals, boat rack renewals, badges organized, etc.
LACA employees Holidays are as follows : New Years Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Christmas Day, and Good Friday. That’s it. When the Office is closed on the weekends, and people come up here, Security has any paperwork that the office has. Permits, Suggestion/Complaint Forms, etc. There is also a safe where Security can deposit anything to be given to the office. If there is a problem and the Maintenance Department is needed, there is a man on stand by for Security to call in.
There are 10 full time people working at LACA. The A/R clerk and Compliance Officer are part time. The Rec Director will not be working in the winter months beginning next year.
Many workers have been here at LACA for several years, and this constant criticism is like a slap in the face. We take pride in our work, and try our best to assist property owners to the best of our ability.
Thank you for letting me get this off my chest, and now I can get back to work.
Posted by
11:31 AM