Anonymous to me
show details 9:25 PM (1 hour ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment == still unhappy too !!!!":
It seems a lot of people who are involved with Lake Adventure -- property owners, staff members, etc. -- partake in this blog. So I think it is safe to assume that even board members occasionally (if not regularly) read the comments left here.
Why in God's name, then, don't they answer questions/concerns or squash any rumors with the REAL FACTS by commenting on this blog themselves????? Yes, this is not an "official" LA site but if they cannot provide us with the information and answers on the "authorized" or "official" LA website or send out more newsletters to keep us informed, what better way than to participate on a blog that so many of us read?
How could NOT ONE OF THEM have any answers or comments to make? Why wouldn't EACH AND EVERY one of them want to communicate with the community members and address their concerns?
anon -- the official web page for la is always out of date and besides never has any real news--- no one from la replies because they don't want anyone to comment officially or unofficially about anything-- this bod believes they should be allowed to operate out of sight and in secret -- the less members know and the less they can communicate with each other the better it is for this bod -- after all when you are performing so poorly for the membership you don't want anyone to talk about this poor performance-- this blog is for the members to communicate and offers all a place to register their thoughts and feelings about la -- good or bad -- hopefully more people including la spokesmen will join in -- this summer i hope more will take the time to let their neighbors and friends know about the blog and we can get more participation from more members-- informed and involved membership is GOOD for la
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
comment = reply
Posted by
10:29 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement
comment == still unhappy too !!!!
Anonymous to me
show details 3:35 PM (37 minutes ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "unhappy in la !!!!!":
I'm thinking there is a reason the board isn't publishing the minutes from Oct and Nov. Perhaps they don't want to publish what little they're accomplishing. It's a disgrace we're not able to get operation information in a timely manner. I've been at LA for a long time and this is the first time I've been so misinformed. It's now the middle of January and we don't know what is going on as far back as October. This is a community we support and are entitled to information on how our money is being spent. I may be off base but my perception is not only is this board not productive they seem to be counter-productive. Almost seven months and no management? Why would you fire a manager without a plan to replace him? Things are backing up and they can't use Gary as a scape goat anymore. This was a very bad administrative move and indicates, contrary to their resumes, we have elected very inexperienced board members. They also hired a new attorney to work the 12' wide issue. When will they take that matter to task? This is going on six years and not one board in six years has been able to give this a priority and get it passed? Hopefully "The Adventurer" that is being published next month will be full of information. Thanks to Cheryl et al for keeping the place running.
anon -- your right on all the issues -- new bod members are needed -- the same old brings the members the same old -- we must get new people to run for the available seats --- get anyone interested and have them send me their emails and i'll start a bank of emails so we can send out info for members who want to run -- it may be a start -- email me at or
Posted by
4:15 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement