Anonymous to me
show details 3:23 PM (1 hour ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bod mismanagement":
Your comments about the board being the problem and not Gary seem to be right on!! In all due respect Gary could do nothing without the board approval and with the bullies on the board how would you respond in his shoes??? No matter if a manager and compliance officer are hired they will only be granted the authority given them by the board so unless we have a new board, and not former members who have enough friends to elect them, nothing will change. All the board members got their up grades in sewer, electric etc so why don't they just resign!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
bod mismanagement
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement
bod mismanagement
Anonymous to me
show details 6:20 PM (6 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "water break !!":
As Chipper has said all along, nothing will change if all we do is write about it here. I've written numerous letters since last spring while Gary was still here and have not gotten a response to one of them since Gary left. Maybe Gary wasn't the problem as the board would have us believe,maybe they're the problem and have been all along. We all need to start making weekly calls to LA so Cheryl can let the Board know how dissatisfied we are. If we don't get any information we need to start calling the attorney so she can let the board know we want information. Even if all you get when you call is "there is no new information" ask about specific items. "I'm calling about the status of the 12' wide ordinance and what steps the attorney has taken since being hired seven months ago?". "I'd like to know why a property manager has not been hired?" "Who is prioritizing the work, the vacation and over time schedules? Who has taken on the compliance work? Who is responding to the township/DEP regarding ordinances? Who is signing paychecks and validating project compliance?" I'm sure all are doing their own particular job well but we need an overseer who has a grasp of the whole community. I'd hate to resort to calling the board members at home but if we don't start getting information and answers we may have to resort to that. These people voluntered to run for office and they may be doing a decent job but they are not releasing any information so we can only surmise the worst. Relaying information via the timely publishing of board meeting minutes (were there meetings in Oct and Nov?)and current updates on the LA website would go a long way to squelch rumors.
anon -- your right in all cases -- this bod is not providing any management of la's affairs -- this bod needs members replaced starting with the next election -- also we need NEW members to run for the bod -- see if you can talk to your friends and neighbors in the community and maybe we can recruit new people to run -- ps no experience needed--- after all this board has shown it has no talent to run this community!!!
-- chipper
Posted by
12:47 AM
Labels: bod, mismangement