Saturday, July 5, 2008
Posted by
11:42 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "RESPONSE TO COMMENT":
Rule #1 in Business - if you aren't always attracting new customers, you may as well throw in the cards and call it quits! From mom and pop stores to major corporations, do you think they get to a point and say "OK thats enough, we don't need any new customers, we're satisfied with what we have. Hell no. When Mc'Donalds created the Big Mac, did they say "Ok thats it we can live off this forever". No way, now you can get salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, and apples to mention a few. They keep their staple items but they are always trying something new to appeal to new customers. Chipper you are right, we need to appeal to 2008 families otherwise we will turn into a rundown RV slum, as you stated. I'm about as happy about the increase in dues as anyone else, however I understand that if we want to improve while paying off debt, our association needs more money, and dues is our main source of income. I would like to see the association issue warnings for violations, like not upkeeping your lot and then following up with a summons, which could turn into a lien if unpaid so that if the property sells, LACA would still be able to collect their money upon the sale. OK maybe that's going too far, but I think if a few summons' were issued in honor of upkeeping your lot the community would quickly benefit, and look a lot better. Maybe they could hold your passes until all outstanding summons' are paid in full(maybe this is done already-not sure). Just a couple of suggestions, in case the board is reading this! I have more suggestions if anyone is interested by the way. Have a great July 4th weekend and see you at the pool!
anon-- i couldn't agree with you more--- la is a good community but it is in trouble financially with the heavy debt load they carry for the mandated upgrades of the water and sewer system--and quite frankly they aren't anywhere done with system upgrades - as soon as they feel they are there-- OH NO !-----the goalpost will be moved and more work will need to be done to maintain compliance-- it called progress with environmental concerns and requirements-- the w&s liability will be a financial drain on this community for the foreseeable future and beyond----
and they have others issues of compliance in other areas of the facilities services and they will at some time come up and need to be addressed---
la must start to maximize this communities assets and start saving money to lessen the need to raise dues everytime a situation arises (like our currrent financial situation with the us economy)and needs money thrown at it-- it needs to become a community that is anchored in 2008 and appeal to new members-- that means new attitude adjustments in how la is managed, programs presented, and to move off of a 3 month season and become a YEAR ROUND, 4 SEASON community-- they need to get all properties into a paying situation -- empty lots and nonproductive ($) lots are death to a community--
members need to be engaged in their community -- now they are not --
- only 600+ members out of 2000 vote for the bod
- properties are not maintained
- dues are in default
- housing stock is aging and not being replaced (30 years is the limit on trailer life span)
engaged members will reverse the problems listed above
current la management must start to move in a new direction -- and they do have quite a few options to start moving in that direction and
the members that currently follow what is happening in the affairs of the community must become more vocal and express their concerns, objections, complaints, and demand and hold la management to goals that enhance the interests of the whole community
we'll see what happens at the next open bod meeting on 19 july -- lots of issues still out there and the new makeup of the bod will be on display-- watch for what they say!----chipper
Posted by
12:15 AM