Anonymous said...
Hi there Chipper, I'm so glad I found this blog, perhaps now, I can get some answers. Why is it that none of the links to LA rules and regulations work? (And there are quite a few)I find that odd.How long are you able to stay at LA in one clip? 2 months, 4 months?Are you allowed to have two dogs?I am in the process of negotiating a deal for a LA purchase and I feel that these answers are being avoided.Whats up with this?Thanks! Nice blog btw
July 18, 2008 6:39 PM
[Photo]HOT !
posted by chipper at 2:38 PM on Jul 18, 2008
anon:-- thanks for the nice comment -- links on the la web site? don't know since i have nothing to do with the la web page-- but i can say that there are always problems when you have a web site and it is always good to know about them when they occur -- perhaps you could email them about the links-- i know i appreciate when someone lets me know about problems with my blog-- i have 3 dogs-- 1 is 16yo and she's on her last round so soon i'll have 2 --- 8yo and 4yo -- all minpins-- 2 will be enough for me -- some people have 3 put i don't know anyone with more than that-- i stay up from early spring through the early winter -- i only live 70 mi from la so it's easy to get here-- others stay into the winter -- the rules say you can't establish residence at la-- whatever that means?????-- wide interpretation there ???? -- la is a great place -- i only discovered it 2 years ago -- my parents were here for about 25+ years and i never visited -- then i came up and liked what i saw and bought my own place -- i'm retired and it gives me a good place to get out of the city-- i'm sure you'll enjoy it -- any other questions let me know -- chipper
PS: open bod meeting next saturday 7.19.08 at 11:00 am --Plan 2 meet the new bod!