i find that when people get annoyed there is a tendency to rage out at the first person you come in contact with -- if you get a late fee on you credit card bill or a bank charge for a bounced check you go after the person answering the phone at visa or give the bank teller a few rude words -- neither person had anything to do with the penalty and probably can't give you satisfaction -- you need to go after the supervisor or the manager for relief -- the person who is the face of any activity or operation gets the grief yet maybe they can't and don't make the decisions that have you steamed or dissatisfied -- usually a general manager or in la's case the bod are responsible for the operations or lack of operations and are the one's that need to be addressed when there are grievances-- this has been the case with the rec director at la -- so let's direct the complaints to those responsible for these operations -- the bod
Friday, December 5, 2008
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Kerri McEvoy to me
show details 10:39 PM (48 minutes ago) Reply
Good Evening,
I was trying to sumbit this for approval but my screen is saying it is not going through. So I am emailing it to you instead, thank you for your time and your willingness to post my comments.
First of all I am not saying that I would do "anything to anyone". (Did you seriously think that?) WOW.
I simply stated that if you are going to come on this blog and discuss someone personally that you should be mature enough to leave your name. That's all. I wrote my name because I am not ashamed of what I write, nor am I trying to hide my identity. (You have the right to remain anonymous – and I guess we will just leave it at that!)
I am sorry that you do not have benefits. I am sure if you did have them... you would be fighting to keep them and if you had the opportunity to get them, you would probably take them. I know I would.
And finally, I did not post my previous comment to have you or anyone else for that matter “go off the handle” or become angry. I was simply standing up for my mother, which as her daughter I felt I had the right to do.
Thank you Chipper for posting this and my previous post. I really appreciate it.
kerri -- i don't think anyone could have misunderstood what you were saying -- you were defending your mom and for that you should be commended -- your defense was straightforward and clearly given from your heart -- i'm sorry that the postings began to get personal and in the future i will try to do a better job of moderating them before they're published -- as with any blog you want people to be able to express their opinions and therefore i am reluctant to want to get into a position of being a censor but yes this case went too far --- chipper
Posted by
11:29 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
We pay dues and out of them we expect certain things. Benefits should only be for full time workers period. This is how the world works. If your mom is looking to support a family "Get in line" we all are. A raise and benefits in these times is unheard of. If a person is doing a good job just to keep it is a blessing in this state we are in. BOD why are we handing out a pay increase?
And if you see an Anonymous post "so what". Here it comes, you find out the name and what would you do then? Most of us owners don't have benefits why should we just give them away?
Posted by
9:19 PM
Labels: benefits
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
If the activity calendar is the responsibility of the Social Committee, it may be a good idea for someone to post when their meetings are and how people can join. Maybe the addition of new voices and ideas would help the situation.
The committee and BOD should also consider having more cost-free activities on park premises so that more people can afford to go on the trips. For some people, it's not even the cost. Most trips are scheduled during the week. I think there would be a bigger response on the weekends. Many (myself included) cannot ride any longer on that old school bus (and I'm not a senior citizen). I know it probably is not financially feasible at this time, but we should start to consider a replacement for the future or else allow people to drive themselves to the activities.
It would actually be a good idea to post info about ALL the committees so more people can get involved across the whole realm of the community.
One last thing...We all appreciate that you have set up this blog and thank you Chipper. It has given EVERYONE the opportunity to vent, to learn, to educate. Some statements may seem cruel or even downright vicious; but many are valuable lessons and information. We have no other voice. I have been to many a board meeting over the years and more often than not, people's comments, suggestions and opinions seem to fall on deaf ears and questions go unanswered.
Posted by
5:27 PM
Labels: activities
i read the post from the rec director's daughter and i have to say that her comments are worth considering -- the rd works long hours during the season- between the management of the pool, food service, club house and the evening functions it is a bunch of long days -- the rd should be properly compensated for this long schedule or an assistant should be on board to share the schedule-- also it is true that the compensation -- from what can be determined -- is probably a bargain for la--- it is never fair to complain about individual workers since they should be performing under the direction of a manager and if their performance isn't acceptable it is the fault of management not the worker -- that is always the case
therefore i will reject any more comments about individuals--
the bod removed the manager and had no back up plan to replace him--- almost 6 months later they still haven't hired anyone -- they allow the mismanagement of la, it's assets and functions and therefore the complaints are with them not the workers
in the future i hope we can discuss anything that covers the structure and operation of la like whether it should be year round operations or seasonal operations, whether the activities schedules are fine or should be expanded or refocused, whether the dues are adequate or too high, whether the bod is performing in the best interests of the members, and etc. etc.--- let's leave individuals out of the conversations and stick to wider more important issues -- god only knows there's plenty out there
Posted by
12:10 AM