Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "4 SALE SIGNS":
This isn't a problem for me. I think if it was allowed people would migrate to signs for other things. Give 'em an inch and they take a mile. Real estate is mostly sold to outsiders who need an escort to get in so the signs would only be useful to those looking to move within the community and I don't think that happens often enough to warrant for sale signs all over the place. While it might be a useful tool in the general real estate market I don't think it is useful in a gated community. I've been to Eagle Lake and Trails End and neither allow for sale signs either. If I were to pick my battles with the BOD I'd go with things that have a bigger impact like getting the 12' wides passed and getting junk off the lots and not sweat the small stuff.
Anon-- yes you're right it will most useful within the community---but all kinds of outsiders drive around la UNESCORTED every spring and fall looking for properties--- their ability to get into la is through a realtor --usually the realtor will show you the top 3 properties then sends you around unescorted with a map and list in hand to look around and if you see something you can call them--- if they don't sense that your ready to buy they move on and let you search on your own--- in these cases signs would be helpful----- also another interesting observation in regards to protecting the in house realtor-- why are the realtor resales list carrying the property descriptions and the sale price for the properties while the la list excludes any descriptions or sale price------ oversight on la part or realtor pressure--- this should change--
also no one is picking a battle with the bod--- the comments in this blog are meant to highlight some of the inequities in the operational behaviors that occur in the community and let members express their opinions just as you did in the comment section-- and this community should only have one maximum -- if it doesn't benefit the entire community membership it should not be allowed to happen--- there is a lot of special interests that seek and get preferable treatment and that doesn't do anything for the community--- actually this comment that you sent sounds like you could be a realtor or working for him --- i wonder
you comment 'give 'em an inch and they take a mile' is really out of step in today's world-- that something from another era and should be left there ---
also if the rules are changed to allow sale signs they can be tailored to suit whatever the needs are and if it doesn't work then you modify them to get to what you want to achieve --
change is necessary and desirable -- la is stuck in a hole and the membership needs to speak up and insist that things get corrected and improved -- after all it is YOUR community!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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Posted by
2:43 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BIG DAY TOMORRROW!":
#1 - who the hell are the minnows. That is not the name of Lake Adventures Swim Team. #2 I want to clarify that what you wrote is strictly your opinion - and other owners opinions think that the "coin toss" is absolutely wonderful. Children were never in harm's way and I would suggest that you think carefully before making such defamatory unrealistic and incorrect comments on something you know nothing about
Anon--- you must really be a case-- i drove in and out that gate and saw what those kids were doing---
- jumping up and down on the island between the in bound lanes
- running from the car in front of the guardhouse to the center island
- standing next to the guardhouse on the out bound lane
anyone who can say that putting children in harms way to raise a few dollars for a swim team has got their priorities messed up -- i understand the fervor in supporting your group and that's good .....but you never allow this fervor to over ride common sense and let the raising of money become a more important issue than the safety of children--- i don't think you will get much support for endangering the welfare of children---chipper
Posted by
12:26 AM