why are 4 sale signs prohibited at la???
let's list some of the possible reasons this rule is still being enforced and members are being cited and fined for posting signs
let's list some of the possible reasons this rule is still being enforced and members are being cited and fined for posting signs
- there is a by-law prohibiting this --- ok-- out of step with today's markets and counterproductive for the benefit of the community
- proliferation of signs would be unsightly -- really -- does anyone in the upper echelon of la management really believe that this is worst then the derelict properties and unlicensed vehicles that are allowed to sit here for years before anything is done to clean them up or get rid of the owners
- la doesn't want them up because it will might make it easier to sell your property-- you think?
- la doesn't want them up because of racial bias among some clueless alumni members who help perpetuate this rule by lodging complaints against anyone posting a sign so they can keep la like it was when................ ---- that would NEVER happen!!!!!!
- the in house realtor doesn't want them up because he is protecting his interests and doesn't want competition and surely doesn't want members to be able to sell anything unless he has his hands in your pockets--- you enjoying it yet? -- THAT couldn't be or happen!
yes this banishment of signs whether for property, trailers, vehicles or any thing else is occurring for all the wrong reasons and the citations and fines are just perpetuating a unwarranted by- law that is being enforced for all the wrong reasons--- this is an action that needs to be reviewed and modified so that the la membership is the most important part of the equation and some help is given to the membership and not other interests that do not have the better intentions for the la community.......
follows is an article that appeared in the sunday morning call (click on article to enlarge it)

Full article link: http://www.mcall.com/business/realestate/all-salesign0803,0,5025838.story