aacesf@aim.com to undisclosed-re. show details 10:55 PM (47 minutes ago) Reply
What is wrong with some people? Two days in a row an adult has ----- in the pool and forced it to close down and ruin the fun for the kids. 8/26/2008 and 8/27/2008 the pool has been shut down due to this problem. Last year it happened three Sundays in a row. People this is unacceptable and ruins the fun for the children who enjoy the pool. I don't know if this is out of spite or it is a person who is not well enough to control their movements
aacesf- --this is a problem that i've heard about the last few days-- hopefully no one is doing this on purpose -- if they are and then if they're caught the bod should take a very strong stand with them-- i can't imagine that anyone would do this with the the consequences of having people know who they were when they're caught-- makes no sense-- if it continues then la should hire someone to monitor the pool and try to catch them -- they should also make it publicly known that they are doing this monitoring -- hopefully to discourage this person--
but having said that if a person is having medical problems then they should have the common decency not engage in activities where they can have an accident in a public place and put people at risk-- if you have any medical condition that puts others at risk then you have an obligation not to participate in activities that cause this risk -- this isn't denying anyone their access to a public place due to a disability but more denying access due to a risk to the public that their causing with their medical condition or ignorance
another issue is that they shut down the pool when this happens--- i wonder what other places that operate pools do in this situation--i don't think they shut down pools for this situation --i think they should skim the pool and cleanup the problem--- there is enough chemicals in that water and enough volume of water that this situation doesn't really pose a health hazard as much as a negative perception -- sometimes the pool personnel are quick to jump on this situation to get out of work early-- someone should check out what others do in this type of case
you know members come to la for their vacation and it isn't good when one day they have no water and for two days the pool shuts down-- i think the people working for la forget that the purpose of la is to provide recreation for the members -- that is the # 1 responsibility and at all costs the community needs to be open and operating -- this seems to get lost in the operations -- not a good thing for la
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Posted by
11:44 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "COMMENT REPLYs":
LA could have done a better job in notifing folks of the water shut off. Why didn't they use security to notify us? Instead they made an anouncement at the clubhouse and relied on "Word of Mouth".
I'm sure some folks didn't get the word in time and were not able to save a few "Flush Buckets" to make it through the inconvience
Kathleen has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I was up at LA for the past 7 days and returned home late last night. I can say that the water problem was "fixed" and water came back on at my site somewhere around 3:30 pm.
While is was a slight inconvenience....I was glad that it didn't take more than a day (more or less)...to fix the problem. All in all...my visit to LA was wonderful! Weather great....pool was crystal clear....beach happenings were lots of fun..ice cream social a success...the deer and turkeys were lovely to see....need I say more
Posted by
5:51 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "IT MUST HAVE BEEN COLD AT LA":
Can you please remove all the crap off this blog? It would be much easier to read for us older folks. If you want to get a message across it would be easier if we did not have to read all the CRAP!!!!
anon -- there are a lot of different sections to the blog and i know they aren't organized in the best manner but i'm still working on the basics of learning how to manage the layout functions and to be truthful i'm not making much progress-- but i'll keep working on it -- just be patient and be a little adventursome and try different elements of the blog and you'll find it easier to navigate after a few trys
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
In my opinion the water problem this week has been totally mishandled. Why the secrecy around it? I have spoken to security, multiple maintenance workers, the office, janitor, other LA members and no one had the same story. What's the deal? The lack of response and urgency is unacceptable. I came home yesterday as I have 2 children, has the problem been fixed yet?
anon-- i just arrived yesterday and saw the signage re water problem-- it seems to be okay at my trailer but i don't know about the rest of the community-- maybe someone who has the scoop on this problem will send it to me so i can post it in the blog---
i heard that a main pump had gone out and that was the problem== don't know what that means but i guess it interrupted the water supply--- again a maintenance issue comes up that causes a failure in a basic utility--this time water supply and other times electric failures and sewage problems -- the basic utility functions need to be examined and corrective action must be identified and then implemented to reduce or stop failures in the basics utilities -- i'm sure that would mean an expenditure of dollars to get the systems in a more reliable condition but that should be the community goal over a specified period of time to relieve these problems-- we'll see what happens
Posted by
3:09 PM