KLuers1 has left a new comment on your post "RISING TO THE OCCASION":
We'll second that......hats off to all of the LA workers who got us back up and running! Thanks for your dedication and hard work. Thanks goes out to the office staff as well!
K.and B. Luers
254 Forest Glen Drive
Monday, November 24, 2008
Posted by chipper at 12:19 AM 1 comments
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Wake up people, where have you been all these years. if you were really worried about our community you would have not voted the same people onto the board over & over again and are the ones responsible for the situation we are now in and you still reelected members who have been on the BOD 14 years, 12 years, 9 years, etc., etc. If you are so unhappy then do not vote them back on or are you too lazy to get out there and do some work. You blame this board for the mistakes of the past . They fired a manager who should have been fired years ago but then why would he get fired when you kept electing the same ones who hired him and got us into the trouble we are now paying for. Do you even realize that you now have board members who care about this community & volunteerd their time to oversee the work that continued on thru the summer & completion of the second phase of electric. Just because there is no property manager the work of the community has gone on. Maybe they want to make sure that the mistakes of the past boards are not continued & are making sure that they find the best qualified person to oversee the continuation of the work that is needed to be done. If you have suggestions instead of complaints why don't you show up at open board meetings or are you too busy enjoying your weekend & letting the rest of us do your work trying to get this community back on track. I am here 25 years & don't believe anyone should serve more than 2 terms on the board so why do the majority of you who vote keep electing the same ones over and over again & then complain that the bod are a bunch of do nothings. Watch who runs for the board this year again, the same ones that did nothing in their terms before and cost us plenty & are looking to get elected again, WHY? Why did the dues go up 100% in thelast 5 years, why was questions never answered when we asked what did they do with the moneies after the mortgage was paid off, why do they want to get more money to pay the loan for the sewers off sooner when so many of us are struggling to pay our bills in this economy why is there so much money in reserves, why do they have the same accounting firm for 10 years, why wasn't there a seperate audit done after the manager was fired lots of questions no answers. ARE YOU ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS OR JUST WHAT TO SIT ON YOUR DECKS COMPLAINING?
Posted by chipper at 12:18 AM 2 comments