Anonymous to me show details 8:27 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
These are some serious allegations and if the community is in such bad shape from mismanagement of money and the CCLA is willing to address the issues then we're lucky there is a group trying to create some checks and balances. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" and if those in charge are not held accountable whether it be for funds or community management we're doomed to stay a second class resort forever.
Don't know what lateral replacements are, sewer pipes or something? I thought I heard there was an eight year plan to get everything up to par and we were in year three. I can't comment on the termination of the manager since I don't know what breaches of ethics occured or what part the BOD played but certainly the manager's actions were done with board approval or he would have been out of here much sooner. If it was as bad as is indicated why wasn't the manager prosecuted or sued for restitution?
It's been two months since the new attorney was hired for the 12' wide ordinance. I think an update is in order. We sure don't want to support another attorney for five years of doing nothing. Quick notes to the BOD on a regular basis should be done by all participating in this blog. I've sent a few notes prior to the new attorney and was told any news would be posted on the web site. The only members who even know there is a new attorney or the manager was fired are the ones who attended the open meeting or log on to this site. I'd bet more than half the community doesn't know what's going on. Nothing was on the LA web site about it and now the news page is blank. Only a little blurp on the July meeting minutes saying the manager was terminated but no reason was given. Seems things are spirling out of control.
anom--- more like a rocket aiming for mars and crashing and burning in NYC
Monday, September 8, 2008
comment reply
Posted by
9:47 PM
Labels: mismangement
comment reply
Anonymous to me show details 10:28 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "golf carts":
I was at Eagle Lake and kids 14 yrs old are able to drive golf carts. I was a bit nervous driving my car with children buzzing around in the roads in open carts. If LA allowed them who would pay the insurance? I'm guessing the owner of the cart so LA wouldn't be liable. They could rule you have to be 17 and have a regular driver's license to be eligible to drive a cart on community roads.Heard the dues at EL are about the same but the lake is beautiful (the swimming areas, they have two, one on each side of the lake, and lake bottom are clean) and the lots are larger. Checked out Trails End and lots are about the same size however their dues for 2008 were only $1250 including water and electric. Both places allow 12' wide homes. LA's dues are higher and we have less and the old trailers are looking worse every season. Each year my lot is worth less, if 12' wides aren't approved for next season it may be time to consider making a move but I may not even get what I paid for my lot if I can sell it at all.
anon-- your right i also checked several other communities ( i have some listed in the right column and links to them when you click on the link address ) and the fees are less or about even and yes MOST have better features than la ---the problem with la is that for years no one and none of the boards have spent money to maintain the la facilities, infrastructure or to improve them -- they do not and did not have any long range plans to take care of this community over a multi year schedule -- and to be honest they don't have them now ---the lateral replacement program that the current board always refers to is dead in the water as this so called dedicated crew doing everything except lateral replacements-- who knows why -- surely this board doesn't have a clue---
this is the fault of the members also -- they don't insist on a level of service or a level of maintenance -- this is the problem now --members don't hold the bod responsible for the condition of the community-- when you have a do nothing and absent bod and a unqualified and weak manager this is what happens--
but la members don't even vote for the bod -- last time only 600+ members out of 2000 voted--with that kind of response from the members, they are forfeiting control of the bod to a third of the members-- same people -- same results--
so if anything is ever to get better the members need to get involved, vote, complain, insist and finally if they don't get improvements get rid of those responsible---the bod is viewed by most of the current bod members as an honorary position --- they don't see themselves as responsible for anything or have next to any involvement in the la operations --of course they're wrong --- la is 1 accident, 1 fine or 1 lawsuit away from disaster and this bod is responsible for any and all of these problems-- while their job is unpaid it does carry the legal responsibility for the la operations whether it is good or bad -- that comes with the title director
the community needs to be cleaned up (REALLY ) and the 12' wide issue needs to be pursued -- there is a new lawyer handling this issue but we haven't heard much -- that needs to be addressed -- i doubt that the holdup is the township --i think it is la not knowing how to proceed --after all that requires someone like the bod to make a decision -- hmm!!!
yes and the price of each members investment in their property is affected by the condition at la both physical and organizational
so anon -- if you want change talk to other members to get involved -- complain. insist, scream, let a few choice words fly, get involved and finally vote you financial interests when it comes time for voting for bod members -- it would also help if new people would run for the board-- recycling the same people only gets you the same results -- this sounds an awful like mccane/obama -- oh no mr bill!
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: carts. 12' wide. bod