Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by chipper at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "COMMENT REPLYs":
For your information security did go around the park with there loud speaker telling everyone to turn off your hot water heaters lake adventure has no water the second day they asked everyone to turn off their hydrants it was also posted at the gate and clubhouse I feel that security did a fine job with letting everyone know of LA situation. I was home both days and heard them MYSELF......Thankyou very much have a nice day......
anon -- yes i think they did a much better job with this problem -- they had bi lingual signs at the restrooms near me-- that is really a good improvement -- this was a difficult situation for the community and the la management team but i think both showed great cooperation-- much better than how the previous manager handled things (OH NO! MR. BILL ! MAYBE WE DON'T NEED A MANAGER?)
Posted by chipper at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "reply":
It sounds like the issues described for an oversight committee are the responsibilities of a property manager. Hopefully the BOD will support the new property manager and will allow him/her to represent the entire community in an inbiased manner. A community help group would be beneficial for the summer vacation season but given the varied demographics of the property owners who would be members it may be difficult for them to operate the rest of the year.
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "notice":
What happened at the pool? Can someone please explain? Thanks
Posted by chipper at 4:10 PM 0 comments
bill folz <billfolz@yahoo.com>tolachipper@gmail.com
dateThu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:30 AMsubjectcclamailed-byyahoo.comsigned-byyahoo.com
hide details 11:30 AM (1 hour ago) Reply
I think that having CCLA members on the BOD is not a good idea they have cost us thousands of dollars with their trips to the Pike town and the attorney general. I think we should keep everything in house. why don't we create an oversight committee to gather information about problems in LA and go directly to the BOD. If CCLA thinks money is missing prove it and confront the BOD. In the mean time this committee could go directly to the BOD with problems like security, maint, unsightly sights, boats and cars stored on sights all summer. this committee should concern it self with saving us money not wasting it on legal fees. bill
Posted by chipper at 1:28 PM 2 comments