Anonymous said...
Does the twsp keep the certified copy of the survey or make a copy? Apparently they actually come out to the site and check the placement of a new trailer. Does LA keep a copy in your file? How did the twsp know that a new trailer was slightly over the easement if they didn't already have a current copy of a survey? Sorry about so many questions but I'm seriously thinking I need a new trailer next season and don't want to lose half the summer on logistics if I can help it. All the information I've gotten on this site in the last few weeks has been very helpful. Thanks for everyone's input.
December 2, 2008 7:38 PM
Anonymous said...
LA is requiring us to get permits from them before going to the town for decks, platforms, gazebos and screenhouses. Is there a fee for these LA permits? If so, that means we have to pay twice - once to LA and then to the town!
December 2, 2008 7:59 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
comment + 12' wide issue + question
Posted by
11:26 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
I was glad to hear that the BOD showed some fiscal responsibility in limiting most staff salary raises to 3% and are having our employees contribute 7% towards their health insurance. (See the Lake Adventure website, pages 8 & 9 of the SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING MINUTES). Also, starting with the 2009/2010 season, the recreation department will be considered seasonal. After all, our recreation calendar is mainly just July and August.
What disturbs me though is the fact that they are increasing the recreation director salary more than 23% and making it a salaried seasonal job for 8 months of the year with benefits. The other four months they can collect unemployment (which might increase LACA’s unemployment insurance rates). And we probably will still only have a recreation calendar consisting of mainly July and August!
Can someone please explain to me: 1) how this is benefiting the association; and 2) why we don’t have at least more activities from May 1st through October 15th (especially on weekends) if we are paying for the service?
anon -- yea sounds rather fishy -- hmmmm !!!! --- also the bod better watch out on those benefits since you can't give some in a class more benefits than the others in the job classification--- that could lead to real problems --the labor department loves these type of cases--- also seasonal is seasonal and shouldn't have a full time salary and benefits -- does the bod think everyone is stupid with this shell game
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: mismangement, seasonal staffing, violations
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous said...
A certified survey done by a licensed surveyor includes a drawing which shows the location of ALL structures and utilities on the property. To be certified, it must have their seal applied, signed and dated. The four corners of the property will usually be marked with rebarb stakes. You can also have them mark midway on property lines with wooden stakes.
Dingman Township does NOT require you to get a trailer permit (at least not yet). The trailer permit is only through LA. That's why LA should REQUIRE a recent survey to be done and on file before any trailer placement.
December 2, 2008 9:26 AM
Posted by
4:36 PM
comment + 12' wide issue -- more
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
I am sorry to hear that I guess I wont make my millions and be the new donald trump of trailer parks I was looking forward to being on jerry springer
Posted by
11:58 AM
comment + 12' wide issue -- more
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
Good point. I didn't buy property to make a monetary winfall but invested in a place that will be fun for the family but that won't continue if the appeal is gone if old, rusted and abandon trailers increase. People selling their lots with a trailer can't even get back the money they paid for their lot 10 years ago which may not be the case at some other communities. My neighbor said she would give her lot away for free just to get rid of the dues and taxes and it's still on the for sale by owner list. I know I'm not going to make money when I try to sell my lot, my thought is I don't want any abandon trailers in my neighborhood so I don't have to consider selling sooner than planned. We need new housing whether it be 12' wides or 8.5' wides but I hear many are waiting for 12' wides and the longer they wait the older and less appealing the neighborhoods appear to prospective buyers. In looking at new trailers the cost of a tipout was only slightly less than a 12' wide. Right now the dealers have a lot of '07 and '08 stock of 12' wides and are offering good discounts on them while the 8.5' still have to be special ordered at full price. The park models do depreciate quickly but for about the same money you get a better built home. If you check the specs of 8.5 vs a 12' you'd notice just about everything is upgraded on the 12'er making it more energy efficient for both heating and air conditioning.
Posted by
11:55 AM
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue -- more":
All this 12 wide issue talk is interesting, however, a 12 wide trailer cost at least $40,000.00 and the average selling price of properties with trailers is much less then that. Anyone who is considering their property at LA an investment is sadly mistaken. These are RV which depreciates as rapidly as an automobile. Don't get me wrong, I love LA and always will but as far as an investment I have never considered getting back what I have put into my place. So before you consider spending a lot of money on a new 12 wide trailer remember it is for enjoyment not investment.
Posted by
12:50 AM