Anonymous to me
show details 7:49 PM (2 minutes ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bod - mismangement again":
I log in frequently and voice opinions but don't think this is the appropriate forum for the BOD to reply. It would get into a war of words and the response of one member may not be the concensus of the whole board. I'm happy we have a place to share information and I'm sure by now the board has a good idea of where we're coming from and has gotten some good information and possibly some good ideas. I think for the most part they (BOD) may be operating for the good of the community but need a way to share information with us especially during the off season. I realize for security purposes not all relevant information can be posted in the meeting minutes but we as paying members have a need to know. How about LA taking the initative of setting up a group e-mail ID for those of us who are plugged in and would like updates on a regular basis? The initial cost would be the time to send out a letter requesting e-mail ID information (it could go with the mailing of the Adventurer) and the time to set up the ID. Hate to assign more work to Cheryl but she seems to be computer savy and could do it easily, a one time shot. Then all she would have to do (or anyone else in the office) is type up sensitive information that can't be displayed on the website and shoot it off. Would sure make me happy. Of course there are a lot of retirees who probably don't use a computer but as the demographic changes more and more owners will be online so we'd be keeping up with technology. The fact there is now wifi onsite indicates management is aware how many of us rely on computer communication.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Posted by
7:52 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WATER ADVISORY":
The minutes from the October 18th Board Meeting are finally available on the LA website for anyone interested.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WATER ADVISORY":
The cold weather is wreaking havoc on many old water lines so this problem is not unique to LA. Several towns in my area are having the same problems and we're not in the mountains. What year are we (LA) in regarding the 8 yr plan and how many more years until the electrical and water lines will be done? We may complain about the problem but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Too bad the BODs 10-12 years ago didn't start planning for this sooner. Until these two major (time and $$$) projects are completed not much will get a priority, rightfully so I guess.
Posted by
7:47 PM
bod - mismangement again
Anonymous to me
show details 1:59 PM (1 hour ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bod mismanagement":
I am not a frequent reader of Chipper, as a matter of fact today was the first time, but it is really something how people remark about the board and how they are running things and NOT ONE BOARD MEMBER RESPONDS!!! i have been in business for many years and cannot believe that someone doesn't try to defend themselves or their actions. From what I can assume from the blogs Lake Adventure is headed for disaster with all the problems and in fighting and with our present economy how many property owners will pay their dues before their car payments which will spell financial ruin with no dues. People request new blood on the board but no one steps forward and the same people stay on for years and do not improve their actions or ideas so how can we improve!!! It looks like change must happen with the board, as has been suggested, resign and have a fact finding group organize and try to salvage what's left. People mention CCLA, who are they ? Maybe this group of people can accomplish something because the board doesn't seem to be able to. The eight year plan with no dues or a low percentage of dues is going to destroy the structure of LA financially and it will never regain. Property owners better come forth!!!
anon -- thanks for your comment and hope you check out the blog on a regular basis and contribute your thoughts in the future -- your right a lot of things are wrong with la and this bod is clueless or are just unable to run la -- la needs a qualified experienced professional manager to run la ---this bod can not do this because they don't have the management experience or the time necessary to dedicate to the community's needs--hell they actually have no qualifications to be sitting on a bod -- election to the bod is a beauty (hee! hee!) contest and not based on factors that would benefit the community--- that is why la is heading downward and will soon may well be is real trouble financially with the current economic conditions in the country-- but again this is a concept that is beyond this bod -- oh well!!! members better wake up!!!!!!!!!!!
--- chipper
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement, new member