Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Penthouse in NYC, maybe you should run for the board and straighten things out!!!...There are a lot of property owners in LA that have management positions in the other world outside of Lake Adventure and am quite sure they, along with retirees, would be an asset. I feel if you don't have a solution to the problem don't create another. Once the board opened up the finances with the budget and salaries to all they unleashed a whole new source of anger with property owners who are NOT happy with the way things are being run and to let everyone know how much people are being paid for what they do, those of us working probably feel slighted when we are being asked to take from 10 to 15% pay cuts and pay more for medical and are happy to have a job!!! I don't know where the board works, if they do, or if they read papers or watch TV because if they did they would understand why owners are upset about employee's salaries and the spending the board is doing. If they continue, with the economy the way it is, look for more dues increases and less owners paying dues, be real will you make car payments or pay lake Adventure. This board and manager, if we have one by now, must get a handle on spending and cut costs to survive. The time is now and not wait until the summer and have an emergency meeting and say dues must go up or the park will close and if the township levies severe fines against us, and the DEP as in the past to the tune of 10K, where will this money come from. Property owners voiced their opinions against a management company but with the shape Lake Adventure is in now that may be our only chance for survival, or maybe the property owner who knows the problems that exist and did interview for the job and where was the result of his interview posted????
Posted by chipper at 12:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: finances
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
Born and raised in new york city and still live there when I sell my lot and TRAILER I will move back to my park ave penthouse
anon -- hope your not counting on selling your la property any time soon-- you couldn't give it away right now --- when you look at the bod meeting notes you wonder why they give preferable treatment to jaco and not all realtors -- i bet the other realtors have sold just as many properties as jaco over the last year -- maybe more-- that's surely an unholy alliance between jaco and this bod
Posted by chipper at 10:22 AM 3 comments
Labels: realtors
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Anonymous to me
show details 10:51 PM (2 hours ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
First this should be discussed in private( Financial issues). An employee or their family member shouldn't be involved. I would love to be a fly on the wall in my employers office and find out information. This blog is great for interaction among the owners but it is open to all (employees/contractors/owners).Never a good thing.
We need to cut back on our spending. Jobs have to be cut.Money has to be saved. In the next few years we may lose lake adventure if we don't act. We need the right people on the board who know how to help the community. Put the Ego's aside and deal with the issues. This is a serious situation.
And for the New York comment, if we don't come to your state and spend you better have a money making tree.
Posted by chipper at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: finances