Anonymous to me
show details 6:27 PM (2 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
How much could a collection agency cost? Half a mil is a lot to be lost each year and it seems like it would be worth the investment even if we recovered 1 or $200,000. The LA website states electrical upgrades will start this month on Forrest Glenn and Blue Aspen.
anon -- you're right --- now la gets nothing in most cases and once people get behind in a payment or two they will never catch up-- then they all but abandon their property -- any thing la recovers through a collection agency is more than they get now and when word spreads that the CA is after members it may get others to pay up rather than let their dues slip into default and have a CA after them-- the thing is the bod doesn't have a better method to collect default payments and no one on staff wants to be a bad guy and do it so it's either ignore the problem ( which they're doing now) or get a collection agency -- not hard to figure out
it would be nice to have a count on the number of properties that this crew is doing in a given period of time -- there is no accountability for this work progress or the lateral work progress -- the bod says we're doing these jobs -- well then they should back it up with numbers otherwise 10 years down the road we're still doing these projects and the members are still paying the bills--- members need to have accountability and so far there is none-- how many people would hire a contractor to do a job at their home without some idea of the contractors progress and accounting of the job -- you just hire them and they work and keep sending you a bill as they see fit -- NO ONE WOULD DO THAT -- WHY DOES THE LA BOD THINK THEY CAN OPERATE THIS WAY--
Sunday, September 28, 2008
comment reply
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: bod, finances, mismangement
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WaMu":
for you're information, dues collection has actuall improved this past qtr., delinquent rate has dropped
anon-- that is great and let's hope it continues into the winter and spring BUT since this information is not available to the members no one really knows, except you evidently -- there should be a running account on this aspect of the finances on the la web site-- it should be updated quarterly -- the collection rate of any community is a sign of the communities financial status and health -- then again the bod would probably likes to keep this type of information quiet and secret -- no need to let the membership know about minor issues like this or maybe they're concerned that if the defaults increase they may have to do something-- that would require them to make decisions and god only knows that is difficult for this bod--- i believe that la is experiencing 16% defaults -- that over $ 500,000.00 ( a half mullion dollars) per year that la could be applying to upgrades on the electrics or the lateral project ( opps --SORRY both of these may be ghost projects that aren't being done anyway so why worry about them or the half million?????) so my point is they make no effort to collect the fee defaults now and leave a half million on the table -- i don't really have a lot of faith in them that they will make any effort to change their ways if the members defaults get worse --
Posted by
5:02 PM
Labels: bod, defaults, ghost projects