it appears that many members were dissatisfied with the way the recent storm disruption to the operations at la were handled by la management(?) -- i think everyone realizes that the storm was a regional wide event and la couldn't be held responsible for these events BUT -- but -- but
the lack of contingency plans for emergencies was evident -- there appears to be no plan in the event off a community wide shut down of community electric and water supplies -- no generator backups for water well pumps --
no designated facility for emergency shelter in the event of an accident -- a shelter that again should have emergency generator for minimal lighting and heat --
no community support from the office administration -- again the office is closed due to a lack of electric and heat and therefore no one comes to work-- this is unacceptable
today backup generators are available and the pricing while still rather expensive are not out of the realm of possibility -- key areas and services should have backup and the office staff should be on a emergency mode to provide basic services
again there is no plans for emergencies and no contingency to continue la operations when something happens --
there is no qualified management in place and that is not good for the community
the web page is nice but is not informative, relevant or up to date -- again communications is a management function and it is not present at la
this bod is not managing la properly-- as a matter of fact no one is managing la!!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
complaints + web page
Posted by
11:26 PM
Labels: mismangement, storm damage
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Has the BOD ever looked to outside assistance in hiring a new manager? How about the Community Associations Institute ( There's a Pennsylvania chapter (
Posted by
6:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I certainly hope that if there are some property owners with community association/development experience, they will consider running for the Board this year. We desperately need it. That doesn't mean business owners--I was a business owner for over twelve years, and I know I'm not qualified to run a COMMUNITY. Sure there needs to be some business sense involved, but it takes a lot more than that. Perhaps the Board of Directors Application needs to be revised with a question specifically asking if the applicant has any community association governing experience (other than LA committees), especially outside of Lake Adventure.
November 5, 2008 9:56 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Regarding the LA website: Why doesn't each board member have an email address with a link to it below his or her name on the Board of Directors page? It's been stated that you cannot leave a phone message with the administration office for any of them and writing a letter is too slow a process in emergencies (that's why it's referred to as "snail" mail). They obviously cannot be at LA all the time. What better way for communication, especially when the website is not kept current.
Posted by
2:26 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
all i ever heard was if you change the board things would be better well so far the board has been changed except for one and he was voted by the bod not to be president just a member of the board AND AS EVERYONE CAN SEE LACA IS FALLING APART WITH THE NEW BOD.
three of the old board were not voted in and one was vote to be a member.
there were very involved and were for the community. not for themselves.
they were DONNA GRYZBOWSKY i prob spelled her name wrong but you know who i mean JIM LEOPOLE a lawyer with license in new york and penn.real estate lic. ALLEN PANZER. who was always at the clubhouse to see what was going on and answer questions. TOM ANNUNZIATA who by the way is retired and would not have been considered an absentee bod. he would make sure the board was kept informed with emails every day he may not have been a yes man but of all the bod he cared he would listen may not agree but he was a good president.
Now we have bod following the workers asking questions of them all the time how can they do there work
remember they only have one vote but you have seven people that dont get along where L A C A IS CONCERENED
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAN BE MEMBERS OF C C L A and be on the board. As far as i know there are 2 bod members that admit they are members of CCLA and someothers that are not as honest as them. As far as i am concerned either you are for the board and work together or they are not.
i hope the people are not suckered in when they vote this year the 150dollars reduction of dues is for only this year and will be going up next year. looks like the bod members are looking for votes.there are several people who are running for the board that are ccla members. who started this anyway who was so bright to feel that they know everything.I never trusted some one that knows everything and what is good for everyone
if you figure out what you as members get for your dues. it is not expensive
Posted by
12:48 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
all i ever heard was if you change the board things would be better well so far the board has been changed except for one and he was voted by the bod not to be president just a member of the board AND AS EVERYONE CAN SEE LACA IS FALLING APART WITH THE NEW BOD.
three of the old board were not voted in and one was vote to be a member.
there were very involved and were for the community. not for themselves.
they were DONNA GRYZBOWSKY i prob spelled her name wrong but you know who i mean JIM LEOPOLE a lawyer with license in new york and penn.real estate lic. ALLEN PANZER. who was always at the clubhouse to see what was going on and answer questions. TOM ANNUNZIATA who by the way is retired and would not have been considered an absentee bod. he would make sure the board was kept informed with emails every day he may not have been a yes man but of all the bod he cared he would listen may not agree but he was a good president.
Now we have bod following the workers asking questions of them all the time how can they do there work
remember they only have one vote but you have seven people that dont get along where L A C A IS CONCERENED
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAN BE MEMBERS OF C C L A and be on the board. As far as i know there are 2 bod members that admit they are members of CCLA and someothers that are not as honest as them. As far as i am concerned either you are for the board and work together or they are not.
i hope the people are not suckered in when they vote this year the 150dollars reduction of dues is for only this year and will be going up next year. looks like the bod members are looking for votes.there are several people who are running for the board that are ccla members. who started this anyway who was so bright to feel that they know everything.I never trusted some one that knows everything and what is good for everyone
if you figure out what you as members get for your dues. it is not expensive
Posted by
12:48 AM