Anonymous to me
show details 8:26 PM (10 minutes ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "secretive bod":
I think you got the wrong impression as to what a secure ID is used for. I don't believe our finances should not be floating around the Internet. Publicizing certain information may compromise the successful outcome of projects especially with the township. No one is suggesting the board is participating in covert and illegal operations and that it should be covered up. There is a reason Eagle Lake and other communities have a secure site, so no one sees their laundry. For instances, if some are late with dues and it's comes up during a board meeting there is no need to publically embarrass people by putting it in the minutes and then on the website. There needs to be some ethical discretion in what is published on a non-secure website vs what can be displayed on a secure site. A secure site should eliminate secrecy not promote it as you suggest.
anon -- your right on the individual financial data needs to be confidential and should be, all member data is highly confidential-- there is never an excuse to dissiminate this type of info just as the personnel files are off limits -no community member should have access to any of type of information just because he is a member -- knowledge of this information doesn't accomplish anything in a members ability to understand the la operations-- you have a right to understand the overall view of these catagories such as how many members are in default, what is the cost for labor for each employee segment--- but there is never a need for or should be allowed the individuals details -- i thought most people understood that managers or directors would never divulge this type of data-- i guess i may be wrong---
-- chipper
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
secretive bod #2
Posted by
8:38 PM
Labels: bod, manager, secretive data
secretive bod
the bod meeting minutes should reflect what the bod is discussing in regards to the community business -- if the bod is engaged in any actions or conversations that are they not able to be discussed in public then they are on a slippery slope AND SHOULD NOT ENGAGE IN THIS ACTIVITY -- the community business should never have to be done in secrecy except in closed sessions to discuss personnel matters ( IRONICALLY THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM PUBLICLY THREATENING WORKERS FOR NOT PERFORMING UP TO THEIR PERCEIVED STANDARDS OR PERCEPTION OF THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN'T DIRECTLY SUPERVISING NOR MANAGING THESE WORKERS-- this could lead them to some real labor problems )
as a member i would not want nor expect nor condone the bod to engage in any activity or discussion that can be illegal or inappropriate or need to be done secretly--- openness is the best way to stay out of trouble with everyone including the community members--- if this bod feels it needs secrecy then it's time they get off the board before la gets into a legal mess
-- chipper
Posted by
5:58 PM
email LISTS = SMART $ MOVE !!!! # 3
Anonymous to me
show details 4:44 PM (34 minutes ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "email LISTS = SMART $ MOVE !!!! # 2":
I like both ideas. A secure website is really needed, there is no reason why any and everyone including the township should be able to access LA's financial info as well as board meeting minutes. The ID could be any naming convention such as your last name and address:
SmithCreekview. This could develop into an administrative nightmare given the large number of property owners.The ID could be the same for everyone as long as it's kept safe. Does anyone know someone at Eagle Lake? How is their's set up? Being able to pay dues online might take some time to set up but once activated it would save the Office time in the long run. Getting e-mail updates is another great idea,inexpensive and fast. Those who are not interested don't have to respond with an ID. However, if there is a secure website there wouldn't be a need for e-mail but it would be a quick fix until a secure site could be set up. These are two good ideas that should be submitted to the board for official consideration.
Either one of the idea people willing to send a letter?
Posted by
5:19 PM
email LISTS = SMART $ MOVE !!!! # 2
Anonymous to me
show details 10:15 AM (3 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "EMAIL LISTS = SMART $ MOVE !!!!":
Another way to keep members informed: take a look at the Eagle Lake website. Property owners have to register and log in to pay their dues. LA should also set up a secure section on their website that owners would have to log into. This could be used for sensitive material to be shared by property owners only. Ability to pay dues online might also help to improve delinquency payment situations.
anon -- development of a member email list would be a cheap way for the manager or the bod to inform members of various happenings in the community -- everything from rule implementations, rules enforcement programs, activity schedules and highlights, general community news items, action notices such as electrical and lateral upgrade schedules and etc and etc-- the possibilities just goes on and on --this would be a way to save money for postage by sending out the adventurer via email and allow for greater communication for some of the above sample actions.--- all companies and organizations have developed and maintain email lists for employees and customers and use them effectively-- now can this bod see the advantage of this type of program???? i doubt it!!!!! based on their past actions they aren't very good at managing organizations and handling the details of this community--nor do they have a strong interest in letting the members know anything that is happening with la's business-- this bod is of the mushroom school of thought " that if we keep them in that dark and feed them crap" we'll be a lot better off!!!
-- chipper
Posted by
1:54 PM