Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Appletree Mgt successfully manages about 25 communities in the Poconos and heard they offered, for a price, to work with our former attorney in getting 12' wides approved. Now that we have a new attorney she should explore working with them and get the ordinance approved so we can be finally be done with paying an attorney retainer fee. I agree, the board should look into how Eagle Lake is run and consider what Appletree Management has to offer. I only use my property on weekends and maybe a week or two during the summer and would appreciate separate electric meters so I don't have to pay for those retirees who use utilities for 6+ months of the year. Wasn't a CCLA elected to the board? I realize she had to leave the group but it seems to me her loyalty will be to the Community and she'll not agree with unethical BOD decisions. Although she's only one person I'm optomistic things may start to change.
anon -- it may be difficult for one new member of the board to get anything done if the other bod members marginalize that individual or stonewall any ideas the new member puts forward -- but that doesn't mean the new bod member can't take off a few heads---also being a member of the bod doesn't mean you can't criticize the actions of those bod members that are incompetent or incapable to work to get things done for the betterment of the community-- new members owe nothing to these foot dragging bod members -- they owe their allegiance to the members that voted them onto the board and believe me their job is to raise hell, scream, tear off heads, and speak up to and point out the actions of the bod members that are blocking any progress -- if they can't do that then they shouldn't be on the board == also i thought i heard that the association has a rule that prevents board members from saying anything negative about la --- well that will hold up about as good as a paper bag will hold water--- the assoc. has other written rules that are not valid or legal -- they definitely need to review the printed matter they have out there and the rules, regulations, by laws and covenants before they get their ass in a sling
another comment: to me |
| show details 1:59 PM (1 hour ago) |  | Reply | |  |
where is eagle lake . how is it run better than la. i would like to go there and see. how it is run or is this just lip service from a few people that are not happy with la
on hiring a property member for manager i think it is a mistake you talk about retaliation . i think it should be an outsider with the qualifications and experience of a full time manager i think he should be checked out for job history and what he really knows about a running a park and the decisions should be the boards not a few property owners
tues-- web page
also listed in the far right column of this blog is a link to eagles lake
I believe I heard Appletree Mgt signs a contract with Eagle Lake to manage the community and employees and certain projects. The projects are to be be completed by a certain date, if project completion dates aren't met then monies are deducted. They are given an annual budget to manage and complete projects and if they go over budget depending on the reason they may or may not recoup the money from Eagle Lake. This includes managing property sales. This approach limits the BOD interactions with employees but they still need to be involved in decision making and expenditures. The board might do well to contact a few of the properties Appletree manages other than Eagle Lake to get an idea how effecient they are. Here is their services site that explains what they do.