i'm at the clubhouse using my computer -- but not for long -- i believe after october or november la is shutting down the wifi system ---- WHY ???? --- THE INTERNET IS THE PHONE OF 1950'S AND IT IS AN INDISPENSABLE PART OF MANY PEOPLES LIVES -- it is used for communication between families, shopping, research, news, education and entertainment -- it is the most economical way to pay bills and send messages -- no postage costs--but in the wisdom of the la management team ( whoever that is since there is no manager ) they are discontinuing it for the winter
la doesn't get it that the Internet is the communication tool of this time and today's people -- in fact if they were smart (?) they'd figure out how to use it in their business operations -- they would save money on postage, improve their ability to communicate information to their members and improve the performance of the la operations ( but don't hold your breath -- i don't think they can think that far or that deeply ) --
after all they only need to see what has happened in usa politics and see that the Internet has changed forever the way the usa will conduct elections in the future --- of course many would say it is not an improvement and they liked the game of politics before so many new people were involved and able to help shape the future of the usa--- actually maybe we could go back to 1950 -- it was so great then -- hmmmm!
so i doubt they would be able to comprehend this idea and see how the Internet could help run la for the better -- opps that's right most of those in charge think la is doing just fine and everything is honky dorky-- from their view with their heads in the sand it looks great !!!!
so if you use the wifi system at the clubhouse and want it through the winter you should call the office and register a very loud complaint and insist on this service through the winter email cheryl at
or call her at 570-686-2800
later i will have ways la can save money that la is spending in areas that is just plain mismanagement of asso. funds--- lots of it here -- that's for sure-- and maybe you are aware of other mismanagement and i'd sure be interested in knowing about it so we can share it with other involved members-- this is my email or ---
if we can save a few $ here and there maybe la could afford to keep the wifi going-- it's terrible the la management (?) is so shortsighted or in most cases blind or ignorant -- you take your pick
we need to get other members involved in this blog so we can track what is happening to la-- if we can communicate with each other and share our knowledge of all things la--we'll then know what's going on in the community and when things are wrong we can lobby the la board and management (?)-- heck if we're really dissatisfied we can be sure to recall this at time of the election of board members-- nothing sends a message better than changing out a few bod members ------
so talk to other members, email them, call them, write them and give them the blog address so we can keep in touch throughout the winter -- here's the address-
hey chipper checked out sites for eagle and trails end noticed golf carts are permitted with a reg fee why are they not allowed at la?seems la could uses the income also would cut down on dust and wear on roads.whats up with this?