The Lake Adventure Community Association Board of Directors held a closed Executive
Meeting on Saturday, September 20th, 2008 at the Administration Office.
PRESENT: Artie Berkey, Ed Rohs, Lenny Masucci, Thomas Annunziata, Alfredo Siaba,
Alfonso Alaimo and Marietta Richard.
CALL TO ORDER: Berkey called the meeting to order at 8:45am and requested that all
stand and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion By: Annunziata
Seconded By: Rohs
All in favor, minutes approved.
Bank Account Balances for August, 2008 (08-09-517)
Berkey noted that the current 7% commercial loan was locked in until January of 09.
Rohs was happy that the Wachovia accounts balances were down under $100,000.
Cash Disbursements for August, 2008 (08-09-518)
Berkey questioned Richard if any checks written looked abnormal. She stated she had
a question about Annunziata’s phone card reimbursement. Annunziata stated that ALL
Board members are entitled to one in order to defray the cost of making calls for LACA
business. Siaba stated that he has made several calls for LACA, and was not informed
that this card was available for all members. Siaba stated there should be an
information packet for new board members presented to them at their first meeting.
Checks in question: William Bowser – check for lettering and numbering all LACA
vehicles. TC Lloyd – Richard stated that the bill for tree trimming does not show where
trees were trimmed, nor man hours worked for labor. Berkey requested that this be
supplied. Siaba stated that the Maintenance Supervisor should be present during the
tree trimming in the future. RKR Hess – check for their work on the GP5 permit that
was not complete. Richard and Birrell completed the permit process for a fee of
$25.00. Siaba informed the Board that Stevens supplied him with a list of studies
ordered for RKR Hess by the Board for work to be done, that was turned down by the
Board. Annunziata stated he should present this list so all could see. TLC Tree - $975
was paid to them for tree removals for the new electric that did not even need to be
removed. (Steven’s recommendation)
CIF Fund Report for August 08 looks good. (08-09-519)
Breakdown of Accounts – Dues for August 08 (08-09-520)
Rohs stated he was happy with the collection rate. Payment plans are doing well with
the exception of a few. Delinquent letters are being worked on.
Write ons/ Write offs for August 08 (08-09-521)
Motion for approval – 1st by Annunziata, 2nd by Rohs, write ons/write offs approved.
Actual vs Budget (08-09-522)
Berkey stated that the electric bill was very high. It was noted that the new manager
should look into finding a better rate for LACA.
The Board briefly discussed the Kitchen and wants it advertised to an outside company.
The fee is $2,000 for the season. The specifics will be discussed at the next closed
Berkey questioned the income late charges line. DeStefano stated that this was what
was billed, not collected. He stated that this line should be eliminated. It will be
removed from the Actual vs Budget, as it is not an actual figure and gives a false
income figure.
Betty White Gross entered the meeting @9:35am. Currently the Community Manager of
Birchwood Lakes and is seeking other options, as sometimes board meetings last until
1:30 in the morning. She is on call 24/7. She is familiar with the DEP and permitting
process. Her reputation is that she squeezes the penny until it squeals. Her asking
salary is $58,000 with full benefits for herself and her family.
Robert Swinton entered the meeting @ 10:10am. Was the Community Manager of
Conasaugh Lake for three (3) years and was let go for reasons they would not say.
His job consisted of hands on with all departments, maintenance, recreation, security.
Asking salary is $42,000 without benefits.
Leslie Santiago entered the meeting @ 10:45am. Worked for Holiday City as an interim
Manager and is currently working at home handling the budget for Pocono Medical
Center which is $7 million. Has a construction background, oversaw maintenance
department in Holiday City, along with outside contractors for a 4,000 home
community. She can handle any situation, despite her size, will be visible to all
property owners, and out in the field as she is also very hands on. Asking salary is
$48,000 with health for herself.
Architectural Committee Minutes – Berkey stated he did not agree with getting the
Township involved with the unregistered, unlicensed vehicles in Lake Adventure.
Letters were sent to the property owners from the enforcement officer regarding the
illegal vehicles.
The Board discussed the lateral equipment rental rates, which are extremely high. Our
lateral crew is now gone. Annunziata informed the Board what the plan was for buying
the backhoe. Every year a piece would be purchased for it, such as a hammer, the drill,
the tamper, etc. Two trench boxes were also budgeted for and should have been
purchased by Stevens, but they never were. When there were a few mains to be done,
equipment that we did not have would be rented one time to do them in one shot.
Richard presented the Board with a list of laterals and mains needing work from
Fitzgerald. She got in touch with a contractor (Joe Grab) who has done work in LACA
before. Masucci stated he has a new machine that can go underground without
digging up the driveway. Berkey stated to let him come in a see what work needs to be
done and submit a bid.
The Board discussed gun shots in LACA. Citations have been issued. It seems that the
people are renting a lot in here. There was another occasion where the renter was
passed out on the Tennis Court. A letter will be sent to the property owners informing
them that this is not allowed in Lake Adventure.
The copy of the 07 Stream Study appears to be okay.
Scrap Dealer -Richard found a scrap dealer willing to take refrigerators, a/c’s, propane
tanks and not charge us for Freon removal. Berkey questioned if he was insured and
Richard stated yes. Berkey stated he should supply us with a certificate of insurance,
as we are responsible for what he takes away from LACA. He will take the units away
and then take the Freon out at his place. Annunziata stated he should have a license
number from the DEP because of the restrictions on Freon. Berkey stated we should
check him out and ask for his license.
Laundry Room – Berkey questioned Masucci what could be done with the laundry room.
Masucci stated we can build it up with cement and trusses. The laundry service man
will be informed that we want the machines out by Columbus Weekend and he will be
paid for the tokens used over the summer. The floor can then be looked at without
machines in there, ripped up, and a decision can be made on what will be done.
Bill for Latin Dance for Glow in the Dark Items - requests reimbursement for items
purchased given out to dance participants. The DJ’s wife hands out items for property
owners enjoyment. Motion By Alaimo to pay the bill and next year these items should
be added into the price of the DJ service.
CIF Fund – Siaba requested that the CIF Fund be reduced to $500.00. After a
discussion, MOTION By Siaba to lower to CIF fund to $500.00. Seconded By Rohs.
VOTE: Annunziata, NO, Richard, NO, Masucci, NO, Alaimo, NO. CIF stays at ½ the
yearly dues.
DIESEL TANK – Berkey stated that we are in violation from the DEP for using the diesel
tank as is. Two bids were received, and the Corey, Inc. bid was accepted for $10,000
and voted for by the Board. Berkey stated to get the quote and order the tank.
SPRAYFIELDS – Berkey stated that the canary grass will grow out of control and will be
too hard to harvest without damaging the pipes. The fence needs to be finished first.
Then next year 30 or 40 trees can be planted after the dead trees are cleared. Berkey
stated we can have volunteers come in and help clear the trees. Siaba stated that Art
Smith is looking for work and is willing to work any hours given. Berkey stated it was
not necessary at this time to hire anyone. Annunziata stated we should get a
professional in to assist in the best way to clear the dead trees.
CCLA Letter (no record for minutes) was emailed to all Board members by Berkey.
Siaba stated that a form should be filled out requesting whatever info they want. No
information should be refused to the CCLA or any property owner within a reasonable
time. Richard stated the the CCLA want an audit of our books. Berkey stated they can
pay for their own audit. Berkey stated he will bring this up with Clause. Richard
suggested that our lawyer and the CCLA lawyer should try to iron things out.
CATINA (KAREM CASE) – Catina was let go from the 12 wide issue, but never formally
from the Karem Case. Berkey questioned if we thought any money was going to be
collected. Annunziata stated this case has gone on for over 10 years, and he doubts it.
Motion By Siaba to remove Catina from the Karem case. VOTE: All in favor. Catina
should be notified via certified mail that she is off the case. One of our maintenance
men can pick up all prior files from her office.
MOTION BY: Annunziata - being the longevity of the suit and the fact that two of the
claimants are retired and out of business, and it doesn’t look like we will get anything
out of it except lawyers fees, that we drop the suit, and inform Catina to cease all work
on the case. SECONDED BY: Siaba – VOTE: All in favor.
Letter From Swimteam – next year the championships will be held here at LACA and the
liaison would like to meet with the Board at the next closed meeting to discuss
preparation for these 2 days.
Berkey stated to have Security keep an eye on Pat Moffitt and his friend over on Big
Bass. They are splitting wood, and partying and noisy all hours.
Siaba read Katies agreement for compensation time made between herself and Stevens.
He also stated that this office needs new windows as they are molding away.
Security will go down to one man effective October 31st. Siaba wished there was a way
to have a maintenance man cover at night for Security so there will be patrols done.
Annunziata stated he has said for years to keep Dan Matthews on off season for
painting, etc. to free up maintenance for other things.
Berkey stated the new property manager will be held accountable for handing out work
and making sure it gets done properly and efficiently and also the firing of any worker
who does not conform, and reporting to the Board on all accomplishments done.
PERMITS - LACA lost money for not requiring people to file a permit for township
required permits (deck,platforms,gazebos,screenhouses) with us before going to the
township. Stevens only required the office staff to get the people’s name and lot
number and what they were going to the township for. This will cease immediately,
and it will be publicized that a Lake Adventure permit is required before obtaining the
township permit. The township has been in LACA and several people have gotten
violations. The old permitting process will allow the Compliance Officer to keep on top
of what is being built.
TRAILER DEMOS – Richard stated that LACA makes about $35.00 per trailer demo as
the $600 fee is too low. Lords Valley Towing charges $1500. Many of the trailer
companies do not remove old trailers any more. After a brief discussion, Motion By
Richard to charge $750 per demo, Seconded By Rohs, Vote: All in favor. Trailer demos
will now cost $750.00.
Alaimo presented blow up bouncers (wet or dry) that should be purchased for the kids
at the beach or pool so we don’t have to rent them and can use it whenever suitable.
Berkey stated he was all for it, but would like to table it until next meeting.
2:20pm – Joseph Birrell – Community Manager Applicant
Joe stated he feels he is qualified for the job because he is familiar with the operations,
the problems, and the players. He is familiar with the Township Officials, the DEP, and
many property owners. He has many years experience in management and office
procedures as well as real estate. Joe discussed with the Board how he handled recent
situations with the township and deck violation, and his notifying the township of a
contractor building a deck without a permit. Siaba asked Joe how he felt about Doug.
Joe stated Doug needs direction. He has a wealth of information, but he doesn’t apply
himself or direct his men. Joe also feels that Ray is on top of his job and he has learned
a lot about the sewer plant from him. Joe’s asking salary is $60,000, but he is open
and will work without a contract.
2009/2010 BUDGET
The Board began their budget process by reviewing line by line items and edited
certain lines from the Budget Committee as follows:
Before the line by line, employee benefits and salary freeze was discussed.
Berkey stated that 25% and no raise was a slap in the face. There will be a 3% raise for
employees and there will be a 7% charge for employees insurance.
DUES INCOME – BASED ON 1600 LOTS 3,040,000
Total Income 3,278,200
The only line item to change in the income is the elimination of
Income Late Charges, because this is what is billed.
KITCHEN – All line items remain the same as committee’s
UTILITIES – line items that were changed:
Electric – 310,000 decreased to 300,000
Electric Repairs – 26,000 decreased to 20,000
MAINTENANCE EXPENSES – There will be 3% raises for all employees and the
contribution by employees for their insurance will be 7% for health, but it will remain
that they will pay in full for the vision and dental as in the past.
Salaries – 328,000 decreased to 260,000
Payroll Taxes – 39,400 decreased to 36,000
Benefits – 23,100 increased to 36,000
Supplies – 7,500 increased to 10,000
Equipment Repairs – 3,500 increased to 5,000
Snow Removal – 6,000 increased to 10,000
Comfort Station Repairs – 4,000 increased to 8,000
RECREATION EXPENSES – The Recreation Director job will become a salaried
seasonal position (with benefits, 7% paid by employee) for 8 months a year. Employee
will be laid off for the months of Dec, Jan, Feb and March, and will be able to collect
unemployment. Insurance will also be dropped for the months laid off.
Salaries – Rec Director – 19,200 increased to 23,750
Payroll Taxes – 4,700 increased to 8,000
LATERAL/SEWER UTILITIES – 20 laterals need to be repaired/replaced
Supplies – 6,500 reduced to 0
Laterals – outside contractor – from 0 to 140,000
SECURITY EXPENSE – 220,000 – contract thru 2010
ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE – all employees will receive a 3% raise except for
Joyce, who will be raised to $12.50 per hour and Cheryl raised to 17.60 per hour. All
employees will pay 7% for health insurance, and all vision and dental insurance.
Salaries – 94,200 increased to 110,200
Community Mgr – 60,000 decreased to 55,000
Compliance Off – 0 increased to 16,000
Benefits – 18,800 increased to 29,000
Miscellaneous – 500 increased to 1,500
Prof Consultants – 9,000 decreased to 5,000
Phones – 12,000 decreased to 10,000
KITCHEN 57,200
SECURITY 220,000
ADMIN 422,200
TOTAL EXPENSES 1,896,850.00
Richard noted that the Board needs to take a look at the bank accounts that have over
100,000 and make a decision on different banks to cover the FDIC.
Richard questioned when a decision would be made on today’s applicants. Annunziata
stated it should be discussed now. Rohs stated he was too tired to make a decision.
Berkey stated we should do background and credit checks on the two women
6pm – They’re being no further business to discuss, MOTION BY: Annunziata,
SECONDED BY: Alaimo, Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
They’re being no further discussion, MOTION By: Annunziata, SECONDED By: Alaimo,
Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Posted by
2:52 AM
Labels: BOD MEETING 9.20.08
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