Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
There seems to be a misconception of what CCLA is. The truth of the matter is, the last very large increase in our dues was against our covenants. many people gave their own money to hire a lawyer requesting the PM to show cause, where the money is going. As stated at the July meeting Gary along with some board memebers opted to pay LA lawyer $2000 rather than make the records public. If there is nothing to hide, why not? We are property owners and have a right to know. We can't have the powers that be taking more and more from us with no accountability. The purpose of CCLA is to lower the dues to a fairer more manageable amount to benefit all of Lake Adventure, not just a chosen few.Why then the hate campaign against CCLA, i can only believe those who shout the loudest and become the most beligerant have the most to hide. the amount of 91,000 is a rumor put out there to discredit CCLA and inflame property owners. The CCla is not suing LA and this amount is ludicrous. Why would CCLA use there own personal funds to sue themselves? People need to really start thinking for themselves. CCLA is not funded by any LA monies. It is totally privately funded, which has become an oodity in LA considering not too many people will offer any kind of service without remuneration. It's been said at meetings, Gary is gone, that's past, lets move on, Consider this,whatever incidents led to Gary's dismissal could not have been carried out without the approval of some board members, past and present, for this has been going on a long time. Some of these past members are already jockeying for a seat on the board again. Why? to serve property owners and to look out for our best interests. Looking at their past records, i don't see anything outstanding done for us as a whole. These are also the people who want to keep everything status quo, not wanting records to become public.So yes Gary is gone, the catastrohe he left behind is still in place, and until that is cleaned up LA cannot truly move on. It's the same problem, just moving the players around, so we are in fact still trapped in the past. I had to ask myself why anyone would cry when they lost their seat on the board and why the spouse would verbally attack someone right after the loss, I can't believe its the loss of prestige and must be more than the occasional free mealSo yes CCLA members must be silent about their identity. They are using their own money to help everyone. the thank you they have received for fighting these outrageous dues at their own expense is threats of stoning.To those who are circulating rumors and want to pretend all is well not making things public, and inciting neighbor against neighbor, what are you fighting for?
anon -- you seem to be very upset about several things here at la -- i guess from your comments that there are several things you are concerned about and want answers to come from the la board -- fair enough request -- a meeting should be arranged between ccla and the board with ccla having a clear very specific set of questions that it wants answered -- it must be focused and to the point -- no rumors, no assumptions for answers before you have a chance for a reply from the bod-- also whenever a group or anyone else threatens legal action it then becomes harder to meet and talk freely with the parties your threatening -- so the ccla should decide before hand what approach they want to take -- a meeting for informational purposes by members of the la association or a confrontation approach by ccla-- the latter will probably will not work--
the increase in dues was in a large part a result of two things --
- 1. the der regs and requirements that were imposed on the association by the der and the debt cost to comply with these regulations-- this is going to always be a problem with any group that supplies water and sewage treatment for themselves-- this idea was fine at the inception of la when the regulations were lax but now time has caught up to la and the cost to stay in compliance will only continue and will have to be funded no matter what the cost-- the government doesn't care how la pays for this service --only that they stay in compliance
- 2. for years it seemed that la was on cruise control and the fees were kept low-- nice for the members and the bod members at election time but bad for the future of la-- but now things have caught up to la and costs continue to rise, capital improvements that were ignored for many years now need to be done-- electrical upgrades, equipment replacements, and soon restroom and shower upgrades, building maintenance that has been ignored and other issues that will rise up and need attention ==== $$$$$$
this situation didn't happen overnight but took years of neglect by previous bod members, managers and to some extend the la membership whose only goal was to keep the fee down - budgets were not properly prepared and no financial planning was done (one wonders what kind guidance la was receiving from their accountants-- not much)-- realistic capital budgets were not developed or acted upon which then let the association get stuck with doing everything at once instead of doing it over a longer planned period that would have allowed these costs to be set over many years and would have allowed for a gradual fee increase- now you pay for that neglect with large increases in the fees
more importantly is the issue of accountability when it comes to the projects that la is suppose to be doing with the fee increases-- are they being done????-- laterals, sewage upgrades, water supplies, electrical upgrades -- are there benchmarks for completing this work and who is responsible for overseeing this work and the completion of these projects-- i really question this aspect of the la operations and would like stronger accountability with this work progress from the bod and future manager--- you don't want to find out a few years from now that this work isn't done and the monies are unaccountable-- that would be a disaster for the association
another aspect of la is the operation of the community-- this is for all intents and purposes a 12 week seasonal operation from mid june through labor day -- 99% of the members who visit la come in that period-- why then does the association run a year round staffing -- NO ONE IS HERE!!!!!! except for the dozen or so nesters who are here for 51 weeks out of the year (wink -- wink)---- this should go to a seasonal staffing situation for all positions and operations that are not essential to the operation of la--(oh the nesters will go nutzsssss!!!!!) this will allow some funds to be diverted into the must do projects and to paying down the debt on the dep compliance issues
well i think i said enuf for this day -- i'm sure i didn't make any friends with this one -- but then again it is never easy to hear things that you don't want to hear -- it easier to keep you head in the sand and make believe everything is fine with la -- chipper