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Thursday, December 4, 2008


Kerri McEvoy has left a new comment on your post "comment":

Dear Lake Adventure,

I read this blog and it makes me sick to continually read the way you bash my mother’s position (the recreation director). If you think that all she does is slap some events and dates on a calendar. YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Her position involves more than just a June, July and August schedule, believe me, she has been in this position for as long as I can remember. As a child growing up with her and now still seeing the work that she does, you should all be ashamed for your negativity and thinking that she doesn’t deserve benefits or a specific amount of money. I understand your concerns, especially now with the economy in the shamble that it is in. But it simply blows my mind that you are so quick to put another person out of a job, with no money and send them off without benefits. Do you realize that she is a person who is also trying to support a family…. Oh no not to you people. She just some recreation director who only works 2 months of the year, who only schedules a dozen activities and doesn’t have anything else to do for the rest of the year. You should be ashamed.

Do you think the activities can be planned in one day? Do you even now how many hours she spends a day, a week, a month in Lake Adventure? Believe I am sure if you paid her hourly for her work it would amount to much more than the salary she is provided with. The Social Committee makes the suggestions for the calendar, she is told what to put on the calendar and the board approves the calendar before it is sent to print. And it is to my recollection from living with her that the summer calendar is due in March for the board to review. I can also remember her wanting to travel to new places and have different activities available but I think she was always told NO. These new trips that you talk about it’s been tried and when they are put on the calendar no one signs up because no one is willing to pay to go on these trips, you expect to go for free. Sorry but you can’t get trips for 2 bucks or less. Where have you ever lived that you do not have to pay to go on trips, because I would like to live there.

Sweet deal huh? What a ridiculous comment. Where are you when the bathrooms need to be cleaned, or when the swim team needs things open at 6am? Or when people like to get their papers early on a Saturday morning? When a kitchen delivery is being made at the wee hours of the morning? You are still probably nestled in your bed while my mother is already there. And at night when you are sitting down and relaxing after a hard day of sitting at the pool in your political circles, my mother is still working. She just doesn’t do it because she is getting paid, she does is because she loves what she does. You would be sorry if you lost her because I can almost guarantee that no one will put the time, effort and devotion into this position as my mother has and continues to do. I have seen some of the recreation directors in the past in action and needless to say they are no longer there. They were never there after 4 and hardly there on the weekends (and that was during the summer, where were all you people then with your negative commentary?)

Let’s take a look at your salary, your work load, your hours, the people you have to deal with, really I would love to discuss what you do that makes you feel that you are so much better.

I understand Lake Adventure is very important to you all, and like everyone else in America, money is causing everyone to panic. But let’s remember that Lake Adventure is a community where people COME TOGETHER… not rip each other apart.

To all the anonymous “commenters” I love how you can come on here and rip someone apart and not even have the decency or the gumption to put your name with your comment.

Thanks to you Ron and the other anonymous person who appreciates what my mother does for Lake Adventure.

Thanks for your time,

1 comment:

  1. If the activity calendar is the responsibility of the Social Committee, it may be a good idea for someone to post when their meetings are and how people can join. Maybe the addition of new voices and ideas would help the situation.

    The committee and BOD should also consider having more cost-free activities on park premises so that more people can afford to go on the trips. For some people, it's not even the cost. Most trips are scheduled during the week. I think there would be a bigger response on the weekends. Many (myself included) cannot ride any longer on that old school bus (and I'm not a senior citizen). I know it probably is not financially feasible at this time, but we should start to consider a replacement for the future or else allow people to drive themselves to the activities.

    It would actually be a good idea to post info about ALL the committees so more people can get involved across the whole realm of the community.

    One last thing...We all appreciate that you have set up this blog and thank you Chipper. It has given EVERYONE the opportunity to vent, to learn, to educate. Some statements may seem cruel or even downright vicious; but many are valuable lessons and information. We have no other voice. I have been to many a board meeting over the years and more often than not, people's comments, suggestions and opinions seem to fall on deaf ears and questions go unanswered.
