i am glad to see that in the previous posting of comments that the 3 people commenting have highlighted concerns at la that i too share and am confident that if we can get more members to join in this blog we'd see many others share the same concerns and interests in getting la on a new level-- with new housing under the 12' wide issue, cleaning up the community, removing derelict trailers, opening lines of communication between the members and the manager and bod, expanding the activities for today's families and their recreational interests, moving la to more secure financial status, expanding and hasten the upgrades to the electric and the lateral programs-- a lot of work needs to be done and it's questionable whether this bod and their choice of manager can accomplish these tasks. let's see what happens!!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
comment + 12' wide issue + bod
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + management":
The comments about the board president considering other interests, other then family issues, are more important is just an indication of people being elected to the board by a popularity, or the loudest voice and bully type tactics and is something property owners should take into consideration when voting in the next election. It seems the present board and boards since we've been here, the past ten years, had their own agendas. By the way, do we have a property manager to have a donut and coffee meeting with or has the board decided we don't need one and they will spend the winter running the place, yeah, Santa's coming to town.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue + DINGMAN":
It's true not all lots will accomodate a new 12' wide trailer without some work. Some trees may need to be cut down or a deck moved. Those of us who want to purchase a new 12' wide home shouldn't be penalized because some prefer to keep a tipout for what ever reason. I think the fact that a new trailer with placement hanging over an easement was an issue with LA management and they should have been responsible for the charge of moving the trailer. Isn't that the main function of the compliance officer, to make sure we comply with township codes???? I would like to purchase a 12' wide home and am aware the deck may have to be moved a foot or two to get it in but it will be a one time cost that to me is worth
Anonymous said...
I'm 60+ and I care about my investment and am very interested in getting new 12' wide homes into the community. This is a vacation resort not a retirement village so those senior citizens who don't want change are entitled to keep their lots in the '70s but I'd prefer my property to increase in value not be stuck in a time warp. I'd like this to be a place my kids and grandkids can continue to enjoy for years to come and you're correct we can only attract a new generation if we improve the landscape and facilities
Posted by
8:57 PM
comment + management
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I don't think open board meetings during the summer are enough. What about some good, old-fashioned, informal "town hall meetings"? We could stand to have one a month from May through October on a Saturday afternoon or evening. This would give our members a chance to feel that their voices are being heard. It doesn't necessarily have to be with just the BOD either. Representatives from the different committees and departments would be great, too. This way they hear what people feel about the different aspects of the Lake Adventure Community, their likes and dislikes
anon -- i agree that there isn't enough interaction between the community members and the la bod and management --this interaction could be as simple as a weekly coffee and doughnut meeting on a saturday with the manager-- many issues could be resolved at this type of function-- bigger issues could be pasted on to the bod for their consideration---
the past 3 bod open meeting have of late been cut short by the bod president -- i think this is wrong - these meeting should go on till all members opinions are expressed-- i do say that too many minor issues are raised at these open bod meeting and these type of questions and concerns could be handled by the manager at a c&d weekly meeting--- it is and has been disturbing that the open bod meetings are cut short-- there is no excuse for this action and the members need to express this to the bod-- if members of the bod can't stay for the entire meeting them they should excuse themselves and go on their way and let the meeting continue -- in particular the president is the one who always has something else to attend and wants to short circuit the meeting -- if the bod members can't handle the responsibilities of sitting on a board then they should get off the board
Posted by
2:10 PM
Labels: bod, open bod meeting
Saturday, November 29, 2008
sno damage
contractor who does insurance estimates for screen house damages and can do repairs
MATHEWS RV SERVICE (on site contractor) uses kay home products -- 570-686-3858
contractor who does insurance estimates for screen house damages and can do other mobile home repairs
contractor who does insurance estimates for screen house damages and can do repairs http://www.machosecontracting.com/ -- rick at 610-530-8727 -- rick just installed a new screen room on my block
http://www.kayhomeproducts.com/ --1-800-626-5296
also available from bj's wholesale clubs online orders http://www.bjs.com/
any one have other contractors they want to recommend let me know and i'll post them for the la members -- contact me at lachipper@gmail.com
Gary cell 1-203-496-0541 installed the hard top on 260 Blue Aspen(corner of forest glen). He does screen room and hard top work. If you can post him it would be great...
posted 10.30.08
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: storm damage
comment + question
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue + DINGMAN":
I know this 12 wide issue has been going on for years and years. But I (and I'm sure plenty of others also) don't know what the EXACT legal reason the town won't allow them. Can anyone shed some light?
Posted by
11:42 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
comment + 12' wide issue + DINGMAN
Anonymous said...
People have to be made aware of what purchasing a 12 wide involves. Don’t just think you can haul out the old and bring in the new.
I have heard from several sources (including the LA compliance officer) that the town has been coming in, marking down and photographing what is on each site. Why? Probably this: when they see something new going on at a site, they can go back to the file and see what has changed. They can then see if that new item (especially if it comes under their jurisdiction) is under code. And you will have some big problems if it isn’t!
For example, we bought a new trailer this year. Did it by the book – went down to the office, filed for our permit; the compliance officer came up to our site and checked it out and said there should be no problem with putting it in the same spot as the old one; had the trailer delivered while the compliance officer was there. Again, the new trailer was fine where it was placed.
Guess what? Not according to Dingman Township! We applied for a deck permit so we had to have a certified survey done. The town not only denied our permit at the time, but gave us ten days to let them know when we were moving the trailer because it was not in compliance with TOWN codes. It seems one corner of a pullout was hanging slightly into the easement area. WE had to pay to have the trailer moved and have a revised survey done.
Most property owners are going to find they are going to have to move their decks, sheds, etc. to make these 12 wides be in compliance because most existing 8.5s with pullouts ARE NOT. You’re not just going to paying $40,000 (or more) for a new trailer.
A poll of 246 respondents cannot be considered representational of the entire LA community. Even based on the 246, 87 is only a 35% positive feedback for the 12 wide issue. Something like this should have been done long ago on the LA website or through the mail. Property owners should be made aware of all the costs involved in getting a 12 wide and a new survey needs to be done by ALL members, especially in light of the town’s involvement in enforcing codes and regulations.
Posted by
9:40 PM
Labels: 12' wide, dingman township
comment + 12' wide issue + DINGMAN
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
Your assumption of the 12 wides being an issue that brought the township down on LA is way out of line! The manager made Dingmans aware and many property owners went to the township with gripes and violations in house that gave them a reason to come in and start inspecting. If property owners abide by the rules and regulations, and didn't try to get away with things that they knew were out of line, they would have nothing to fear from township inspections but, if you tried to bend the rules and would not listen to the code enforcement officers you will face the consequences. LA needs something to attract new owners and raising dues and not having anything to offer younger owners you will not find new owners. Visit our local campgrounds or Trails End and Eagle Lake and observe the type of owners you will attract if they can get better trailers. Trails End had a reputation of being a dump, well, drive through there now and observe the changes that new 12 wides make in appearance and and type of property owners if you went there for the swim meet you couldn't miss the changes.
anon -- i agree that the community will only improve when it is attractive to younger people and has recreational activities that are relevant to younger families-- after all if your 60+ you really don't care what activities are being scheduled-- all you want is peace and quiet-- but you also will not be interested in investing in a new trailer and are willing to make due with what you have--- that's fine --- but the future for la is attracting younger members and providing them with a clean, safe, desirable community that has activities relevant to them and their entire family-- la is not doing this now!!!!! it must start!!!!
dingman township is simply enforcing the standard building codes that we community members must comply with--- it's like the water and sewer up until recently no one gave a rat's rear about the operation of these utilities-- NOT NOW!!!! now we must comply with the rules of the game and that has cost la plenty of money but there is no choice--- it's the law!!!! so complaining and blaming the township and the der about the cost and effort to comply with the laws is futile--- you must do it
the past decisions of many previous bods and the present bod has left la behind the 8 ball and now the community is going to have to play catchup -- it's a big job!!!
Posted by
9:20 PM
Labels: 12' wide, dingman township, relevent activites
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
I would love to see a vote on how many owners are actually interested in buying 12 foot wide trailers. My suspect that the number is extremely small. Yet because of this issue we now have to deal with getting permits from the town for trailers, decks, screenhouses, ect. instead of just LA that I suspect is because of the 12 wide issue(payback for being such a headache to the township.) We have paid enormous attorney fees for an issues I believe only very few community members are actually interested in. 12'0
anon -- there was a poll taken earlier this year
Q: what is the most impotant issue you have with la?
annual fee -------------- 30 votes
12' wide issue ---------- 87 votes
quality of life --------- 129 votes
this would indicate that a good number of the members are interested in the 12' wide issue
around la there are many new trailers and many trailers under 10 yo and that also indicates that members are interested in having new trailers -- these people, which are in the hundreds, have made an investment in la because they feel it is a sound investment for them
many are waiting for the 12' wide issue to be resolved so they can order new trailers with more config options and nicer appointments that come with 12' wide trailers
la housing stock is getting older and outdated and many members no longer take care of the old trailers, they leave them here to rot-- and probably these members aren't paying their dues either-- they have no meaningful investment to protect so they ignore it and they discontinue paying dues
when a community gets to a point that people are willing to abandon their property then the community begins to slip and head downward -- that must be reversed by the bod and getting the 12' issue resolved will go a long way to help turn this community around-- also a more aggressive action to get non producing properties back into the paying column (like a collection process that goes after delinquent dues and goes after the credit rating of defaulting members)and a more aggressive approach to getting properties cleaned up and properly maintained (even if la sends out seasonal workers to clean up properties that have high weeds and uncollected leaves and then back bill the owner a hefty labor rate for the work that was performed)
la reflects the success or failure of it's current bod and past bods-- their actions or lack of actions show up throughout the community--- right now i say la is in trouble and if the bod doesn't start to make meaningful progress on quality of life issues (i wonder if they know what this term means) and get the 12' wide issue passed so new housing and new investments will occur then la will spiral downward.
as far as the community getting in the radar of dingman township it has nothing to do with the 12' wide issue--- it has to do with a state law that mandates that townships enforce new state building codes-- dingman was one of the last to begin enforcing these new laws --- they have no choice in the matter and therefore they have started the mandated enforcement
as far as taxes go -- well just like the la dues they will go up -- they never go down (except the ill timed and foolish $150.00 la dues reduction--- that made no sense at all)-- cost for all governments are climbing and the bills have to be paid so taxes will be increased --
another thing about the 12'wide issue -- until an attorney is hired that specializes in municipal law and community association law the bod and la will get no where with the township -- it can not be done in house nor can it be done with an attorney who works in domestic relations, wills, estates and etc. --just like a medical specialist is needed for cardiac problems-- you need a specialized legal firm to handle this issue and it will cost some money but the past 3 or 4 or 5 years that the bod has screwed around with this issue has cost la a lot more in the deteriorating state at la --
well i guess i covered everything -- you got some comments send them to me and i'll publish them
Posted by
5:42 PM
Labels: 12' wide, dingman township
Thursday, November 27, 2008
comment + spraying
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Just read there will be spraying for gypsy moths next spring. If you have a screen house you may make it through the season if not you don't want to be outside when the critters are chomping everything is site and you can't walk to the car without dozens falling on you. This is good news and greatly appreciated.
Posted by
1:12 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
With the state of the economy, I am afraid we will be seeing more sites for sale than ever. At the same time, like all real estate, it is the prime time to buy if you can afford it. Lake Adventure is a relatively affordable way to have a ‘vacation’ or ‘second’ home. This should be the type of community (as with some condo and co-op residences) that there is a waiting list to get in – not over 100 sites for sale!
There seems to be a total lack (or at least, very little) of good PR or marketing about Lake Adventure. Yes, it does cost money for any kind of advertising but as the saying goes: you have to spend money to make money. It doesn’t take a lot to get started. For example, all the t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and any other promotional items LACA sells with the name Lake Adventure on it should also include who we are and where we are. Just seeing “Lake Adventure” means nothing to a stranger. Seeing “A Campground Resort” located in “Lords Valley, PA” might get a person’s interest. It doesn’t hurt to include a web address either! We have a lot of full color brochures of points of interest at the administration office. Have you ever gone anywhere and seen a general brochure about Lake Adventure and its amenities in a literature rack?
Many of the sites for sale are abandoned. Is it safe to assume that LACA now owns some of these sites? Haul out and junk the old, unuasable trailers for scrap metal. Then hire a couple of college students for the summer to work in the Maintenance Dept. for the sole purpose of cleaning up these sites and giving them the “curb appeal” they need to get sold! Clean out the leaves, dead brush and branches, spread a new coat of gravel on the pad. GET THEM SOLD!
Posted by
6:20 PM
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Wow, never thought about the double whammy. How do you tell prospective buyers that they will have the highest dues of any community in the area and if they want to upgrade the old trailer they can only get another one that went out of style a couple of decades ago? I can deal with the dues (almost) because I have many friends here and don't want to leave but we desparately need to get approval for 12' wide homes. We could change the look of the place for the better in one season if all those waiting to buy new homes were allowed to. Has anyone heard news if the new attorney (can't really call her new anymore since she was hired in June) has met with the township yet?
Posted by
4:04 PM
a: yes -------------------- 12
no ------------------------ 54
a: yes ------------------ 50
no --------------------- 9
a: thrilled --------------- 6
okay ---------------------- 7
mad as hell ---------------49
a: not at all -------------- 5
a little -------------------10
a lot ---------------------- 9
disaster ------------------ 32
Posted by
1:28 AM
Labels: poll data
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
I think employees do a good job, the question is why are we paying so much in dues to keep the place running? A catch 22, the dues go up and fewer people pay them so the dues go up and fewer people pay them. In scanning the For Sale by Owner list there are many trying for years to sell their lots without success. Same for the Joco site which has many more listed for years. It would be difficult to buy another lot somewhere else if you can't sell the one you have. We have to seriously think about our investment and how to best improve the situation if don't want more people abandoning their property. I'm lucky, I don't have a rodent infested abandon eyesore next to me but if I did I doubt I'd be able to sell my property either. Never said I didn't like LA. I enjoy my place but think we need to keep up with the competition if we want a new generation of buyers to invest.
Posted by
1:15 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Your comments are correct and right to the point. Not only have the elections been a popularity contest but a way for board nmembers to get work done. ie; electric upgrades, sewer upgrades and repairs, culverts repaired and cleaned out. Look at the location at LA where the aforementioned work was completed and you will find board members properties were included.With 12 wide issues that would have improved the attraction of people to purchase at LA is put on the back burner what do we have to attract young people to buy here, the highest dues of any community in the area!! The board is doing a lot of harm with no manager, spending money like no tomorrow and just doing what's best for them, which was shown at the open board meetings. Other blogs have praised other previous board members but if you examined their performance you would see the same results, working for their own gains. Until a completely new board is in we will continue to be managed like a 10 year old is in charge.
Posted by
1:13 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
you are so right we had a power outage sunday and my sewer pump stopped working security called maintanice who came by late at nite and fixed the problem monday morning a job well done my thanks to all la employees who do fine job I heard eagle lake has some lots for sale maybe some of the complainers who dont like la should go there and bring ccla with you
Posted by
7:15 PM
comment + bod
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
BOD meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, every month with the exception of Dec & Feb. You can e-mail Cheryl at the LACA wedsite to forward any e-mail to all board members, or to a specific board member. It has been done in the past. Just passing on some info.
Posted by
4:14 PM
comment + bod
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
BOD meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, every month with the exception of Dec & Feb. You can e-mail Cheryl at the LACA wedsite to forward any e-mail to all board members, or to a specific board member. It has been done in the past. Just passing on some info.
Posted by
4:14 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
You're right, it takes more than showing up at two open board meetings in the summer to get answers. From what I read in the August minutes questions were asked and not many answers were given. At that point it had been only one month in looking for a new manager. It's now almost five months later and there needs to be some plan to get a qualified PM even if it means working around some of the by laws. I think we really need to fill the management vacuum. When questioned about the 12' wide issue several times all that was answered was the ordinance needs to be changed but not what time line was expected or what plan or strategy the new attorney had. At least the previous PM was working the issue, have the acting PM and BOD members taken on the responsibility or is it in limbo until a new PM is hired? In the past I did contact the PM and got some answers but now we have no direct line to any member of management including the BOD and don't know how often they meet as there is no board meeting schedule that I know of published. I think people are asking questions but not getting very many answers
Posted by
1:43 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
You're right, it takes more than showing up at two open board meetings in the summer to get answers. From what I read in the August minutes questions were asked and not many answers were given. At that point it had been only one month in looking for a new manager. It's now almost five months later and there needs to be some plan to get a qualified PM even if it means working around some of the by laws. I think we really need to fill the management vacuum. When questioned about the 12' wide issue several times all that was answered was the ordinance needs to be changed but not what time line was expected or what plan or strategy the new attorney had. At least the previous PM was working the issue, have the acting PM and BOD members taken on the responsibility or is it in limbo until a new PM is hired? In the past I did contact the PM and got some answers but now we have no direct line to any member of management including the BOD and don't know how often they meet as there is no board meeting schedule that I know of published. I think people are asking questions but not getting very many answers
Posted by
1:43 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
KLuers1 has left a new comment on your post "RISING TO THE OCCASION":
We'll second that......hats off to all of the LA workers who got us back up and running! Thanks for your dedication and hard work. Thanks goes out to the office staff as well!
K.and B. Luers
254 Forest Glen Drive
Posted by
12:19 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Wake up people, where have you been all these years. if you were really worried about our community you would have not voted the same people onto the board over & over again and are the ones responsible for the situation we are now in and you still reelected members who have been on the BOD 14 years, 12 years, 9 years, etc., etc. If you are so unhappy then do not vote them back on or are you too lazy to get out there and do some work. You blame this board for the mistakes of the past . They fired a manager who should have been fired years ago but then why would he get fired when you kept electing the same ones who hired him and got us into the trouble we are now paying for. Do you even realize that you now have board members who care about this community & volunteerd their time to oversee the work that continued on thru the summer & completion of the second phase of electric. Just because there is no property manager the work of the community has gone on. Maybe they want to make sure that the mistakes of the past boards are not continued & are making sure that they find the best qualified person to oversee the continuation of the work that is needed to be done. If you have suggestions instead of complaints why don't you show up at open board meetings or are you too busy enjoying your weekend & letting the rest of us do your work trying to get this community back on track. I am here 25 years & don't believe anyone should serve more than 2 terms on the board so why do the majority of you who vote keep electing the same ones over and over again & then complain that the bod are a bunch of do nothings. Watch who runs for the board this year again, the same ones that did nothing in their terms before and cost us plenty & are looking to get elected again, WHY? Why did the dues go up 100% in thelast 5 years, why was questions never answered when we asked what did they do with the moneies after the mortgage was paid off, why do they want to get more money to pay the loan for the sewers off sooner when so many of us are struggling to pay our bills in this economy why is there so much money in reserves, why do they have the same accounting firm for 10 years, why wasn't there a seperate audit done after the manager was fired lots of questions no answers. ARE YOU ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS OR JUST WHAT TO SIT ON YOUR DECKS COMPLAINING?
Posted by
12:18 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
the various groups from maintenance to office support staff and security as well as the compliance officer performed above and beyond their duty to get la up and running after last month's freak storm--- the power was out and there was high winds and heavy snow-- damage throughout la had to be cleaned up, water system and sewage treatment had to be brought back on line after the power failure -- these individuals and groups worked together to get la up and running in as quick as time permitted-- they did a very good job!
the absence of a manager doesn't help but all the same they did the job that was at hand
i've worked 21 years at APCI and i was in the facilities group-- maintenance and contract services was part of my group and i can tell you that whenever it was necessary these people gave their all to keep our company open and operating-- that was through fires, explosions, flooding, major system failures and blizzards and storms-- in every case the men and women from the maintenance to the security, from the grounds operations to the food services units worked double and triple shifts, coming in from vacations and days off to keep our company open and ready to operate on the next shift
many times i've heard people complain about the various services ---
but what they didn't know was what these individuals accomplished to keep apci operating during an emergency and they never saw their exemplar performance under stress and dangerous conditions-- i saw maintenance men and cleaning people (most of the cleaning didn't speak english) go into a lab building after there was a horrendous explosion to drag out lab personnel from collapsed labs, i saw maintenance men shutting off leaking 2" water lines that were flooding 4 floors of a building, the shut offs were above an electrical substation, i saw cleaning people helping to evacuate people from a burning inferno when an office building went up in flames and other times when these workers in maintenance, cleaning or security risked their own safety to help others or to save property--
so yes our workers at la do what is necessary to keep la open and operating and we members owe them our gratitude
PS --- HIRE A MANAGER!!!!!!!
Posted by
12:41 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
November 21, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist
The Lame-Duck Economy
Everyone’s talking about a new New Deal, for obvious reasons. In 2008, as in 1932, a long era of Republican political dominance came to an end in the face of an economic and financial crisis that, in voters’ minds, both discredited the G.O.P.’s free-market ideology and undermined its claims of competence. And for those on the progressive side of the political spectrum, these are hopeful times.
There is, however, another and more disturbing parallel between 2008 and 1932 — namely, the emergence of a power vacuum at the height of the crisis. The interregnum of 1932-1933, the long stretch between the election and the actual transfer of power, was disastrous for the U.S. economy, at least in part because the outgoing administration had no credibility, the incoming administration had no authority and the ideological chasm between the two sides was too great to allow concerted action. And the same thing is happening now.
It’s true that the interregnum will be shorter this time: F.D.R. wasn’t inaugurated until March; Barack Obama will move into the White House on Jan. 20. But crises move faster these days.
How much can go wrong in the two months before Mr. Obama takes the oath of office? The answer, unfortunately, is: a lot. Consider how much darker the economic picture has grown since the failure of Lehman Brothers, which took place just over two months ago. And the pace of deterioration seems to be accelerating.
Most obviously, we’re in the midst of the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression: the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has now fallen more than 50 percent from its peak. Other indicators are arguably even more disturbing: unemployment claims are surging, manufacturing production is plunging, interest rates on corporate bonds — which reflect investor fears of default — are soaring, which will almost surely lead to a sharp fall in business spending. The prospects for the economy look much grimmer now than they did as little as a week or two ago.
Yet economic policy, rather than responding to the threat, seems to have gone on vacation. In particular, panic has returned to the credit markets, yet no new rescue plan is in sight. On the contrary, Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, has announced that he won’t even go back to Congress for the second half of the $700 billion already approved for financial bailouts. And financial aid for the beleaguered auto industry is being stalled by a political standoff.
How much should we worry about what looks like two months of policy drift? At minimum, the next two months will inflict serious pain on hundreds of thousands of Americans, who will lose their jobs, their homes, or both. What’s really troubling, however, is the possibility that some of the damage being done right now will be irreversible. I’m concerned, in particular, about the two D’s: deflation and Detroit.
About deflation: Japan’s “lost decade” in the 1990s taught economists that it’s very hard to get the economy moving once expectations of inflation get too low (it doesn’t matter whether people literally expect prices to fall). Yet there’s clear deflationary pressure on the U.S. economy right now, and every month that passes without signs of recovery increases the odds that we’ll find ourselves stuck in a Japan-type trap for years.
About Detroit: There’s now a real risk that, in the absence of quick federal aid, the Big Three automakers and their network of suppliers will be forced into liquidation — that is, forced to shut down, lay off all their workers and sell off their assets. And if that happens, it will be very hard to bring them back.
Now, maybe letting the auto companies die is the right decision, even though an auto industry collapse would be a huge blow to an already slumping economy. But it’s a decision that should be taken carefully, with full consideration of the costs and benefits — not a decision taken by default, because of a political standoff between Democrats who want Mr. Paulson to use some of that $700 billion and a lame-duck administration that’s trying to force Congress to divert funds from a fuel-efficiency program instead.
Is economic policy completely paralyzed between now and Jan. 20? No, not completely. Some useful actions are being taken. For example, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the lending agencies, have taken the helpful step of declaring a temporary halt to foreclosures, while Congress has passed a badly needed extension of unemployment benefits now that the White House has dropped its opposition.
But nothing is happening on the policy front that is remotely commensurate with the scale of the economic crisis. And it’s scary to think how much more can go wrong before Inauguration Day.
Posted by
4:56 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
don't forget about the maintenance department, the STP/Water Operator, Security, and of course the infamous Rec Director who runs all the off season events without a staff!
thank you.
Posted by
2:44 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Thank you Cheryl for KEEPING LAKE ADVENTURE ALIVE!!! Like most people complain about the way things are, well, wake up and realize without Cheryl, Joyce, Joe where would we be as far as running LA. This group, without a manager, have been doing everything to continue the operation and every property owner should give them a BIG THANK YOU when they see them or send them a Xmas card showing your appreciation. Also, the board should take notice of the type of workers they are and reward them with a raise that with their performance, in these times of confusion of management, is truly deserved. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!....
Posted by
10:32 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Thank you Cheryl for KEEPING LAKE ADVENTURE ALIVE!!! Like most people complain about the way things are, well, wake up and realize without Cheryl, Joyce, Joe where would we be as far as running LA. This group, without a manager, have been doing everything to continue the operation and every property owner should give them a BIG THANK YOU when they see them or send them a Xmas card showing your appreciation. Also, the board should take notice of the type of workers they are and reward them with a raise that with their performance, in these times of confusion of management, is truly deserved. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!....
Posted by
10:32 AM
la web page
the la web page has some changes -- there are 2 ways to check the official weather report for the pocono region with links to wnep tv station and the pa state weather web page -- this is a good addition as well as posting of weather events at la by cheryl as they occur -- she also will post any weather related incidents that occur at la -- that's good progress
i see by the notice on the web page that the wifi service at the club house was shut down the beginning of october -- if this is a fact it is wrong -- computers are the way many members communicate with friends and family and check all sorts of information and access entertainment on the web-- this is equivalent to the introduction of the pay phones at la to give members a way to communicate back in the old 70's -- today there are no more pay phones because of the availability of phone service through land lines and now cell phones-- soon land lines will be gone --- members and most of the world outside la use the internet for all forms of communication and entertainment -- but not in la in the winter--young people particularly are tuned into the internet and i know from my family the kids won't even come here if they didn't have internet service-- the bod should want to make la to be attractive to all-- all the time and not just part of the year -- this attitude is why la members only show up 4 or 5 weekends and holidays a year-- this is as the old saying goes " penny wise and dollar foolish " -- save a few dollars on wifi service and that will keep la financially sound -- yea!!!!
Posted by
1:48 AM
Labels: la web page, wifi
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A: yes ----------- 105
no --------------- 8
A: yes ----------- 105
no --------------- 5
don't know ------- 50
A: extremely important ----------- 136
somewhat important --------------- 15
not at all ----------------------- 0
don't need one ------------------- 5
A: extremely vetted -------------- 93
somewhat vetted ------------------ 50
just hire someone ---------------- 1
doesn't matter ------------------- 1
A:annual fee ----------30
12' wide issue --------87
quality of life issues --- 129
A: too high ----------- 29
adequate ------------- 121
don't know ------------ 95
A: clean up derelict properties --------- 148
collect leaves -------------------------- 79
reduce road dust ------------------------ 7
control geese --------------------------- 6
A: yes --------------173
no ------------------ 16
A: yes --------------- 174
no ------------------- 11
A: yes --------- 167
no ------------- 18
A: very successful ---------------- 57
enjoyable ------------------------- 28
okay ------------------------------ 50
need improvement ------------------ 3
A: picnin ------------------- 48
games ----------------------- 3
music ----------------------- 8
pool ------------------------ 28
Posted by
1:51 AM
Labels: poll data
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
when i changed the format of the blog i lost some of the poll data -- i have been able to recreate it from some old data and here are the results of those polls. i feel that since it all deals with the consequences of the october sno/wind storm and power and utilities failures it is important since many people were affected by the failures of the la community management (?) or whomever wasn't in charge of the situation at la during these events
A: EMERGENCY HOUSING -------------- 17
GENERATOR 4 PAVILION ----------- 3
OFFICE OPEN -------------------- 20
A: NO DAMAGE ---------------------- 5
COLLAPSED GAZEBO --------------- 0
COLLAPSED AWNING --------------- 1
DOWNED TREES ------------------- 8
DAMAGED TRAILER ---------------- 6
A: JUST FINE ---------------------- 0
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT -------------- 18
NOT RELEVENT ------------------- 4
NEEDS CONTACT INFO ------------- 12
NEEDS NO PLANNING -------------- 4
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: poll data, sno, storm damage
Monday, November 17, 2008
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: LOST BLOG, lost polls
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Posted by
11:57 PM
la emergency plans ??? got any???
Wildfire destroys 500 mobile homes in Los Angeles
1 day ago
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The mayor of Los Angeles says about 500 mobile homes were destroyed in a wildfire plaguing the city.
Fires in Los Angeles County, to the east in Riverside and Orange counties, and to the northwest in Santa Barbara County had blackened nearly 29 square miles and destroyed more than 800 mobile homes, houses and apartments since Thursday night. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared states of emergency in all three counties
Fire officials estimated 10,000 people were under orders to evacuate. Among them were residents of the Oakridge Mobile Home Park, where about 500 trailers were lost to the flames. Many had housed senior citizens
In one of the worst-hit areas -- a Los Angeles mobile home park in the foothills of Sylmar where fire devastated 500 trailers overnight on Friday -- police using cadaver dogs began a search for bodies of elderly or disabled residents who authorities fear may not have been able to get out in time
Posted by
6:13 PM
Labels: emergency preparedness
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hoa defaults
the preceding article reviews the problem with hoa defaults in ca. -- sounds a lot like la -- but la has a lot more defaults than it should have -- i believe that the last stated number was 100+ members not paying -- that is unacceptable and this bod needs to consider a better approach to this problem then just carrying these properties for years and having everyone else pay their way-- a collection agency can go after delinquent payments and follow up with filing liens and reporting these delinquent members to the various credit rating agencies -- these people aren't concerned about the financial welfare of the community assoc and therefore the assoc should not be concerned about the consequences of the credit rating being dinged up -- even if la gets nothing financially out of this action it is worth it to send a message that la will pursue all methods to collect defaulting fees and that will lead some to either pay up or perhaps sell their properties -- any way that these non paying members are removed is beneficial to the community--a difficult financial environment may be just around the corner and the bod should prepare to take strong action to go after defaulting members and the fees or else they will be looking for a special surcharge to cover the operating expenses to operate la --that will be bad for the bod
Posted by
8:54 PM
hoa defaults
Foreclosures put county's HOAs in financial bind
Mortgage meltdowns have cut into homeowner association budgets, prompting fee hikes and delays in repairs.
Comments 64 | Recommend 11
Correction: The Robinson Ranch Community Association in Trabuco Canyon is not considering asking homeowners to volunteer to provide basic maintenance such as mowing lawns. Nor has it taken steps to negotiate lower water rates with the Trabuco Canyon Water District. Due to incorrect information provided to the Register, an earlier version of this article reported incorrectly that it had done so.
LAGUNA HILLS Hard times have hit Aliso Meadows hard.
The Laguna Hills condo complex had at least 23 foreclosures in the past six months, resulting in months of unpaid homeowner association dues.
Now, Aliso Meadows is so short on cash that it has deferred roof and termite repairs, can't fix rotten wood siding and must wait to fix potholes "big enough for your families to make Jacuzzi's of," association officials said.
"In some cases, we're doing (repairs) piecemeal. A fence here, a piece there," said Art Recalde, president of the Aliso Meadows Condominium Association. "We can't afford more."
Aliso Meadows is one of many HOAs in Orange County and around the state that are having trouble coming up with the money they need for maintenance and services because of rising foreclosures.
While most HOAs in Orange County are able to ride through turbulent times, many – mainly newer ones and ones catering to first-time home buyers – are reeling from mushrooming delinquencies.
Examples of HOA troubles include:
A Lake Forest condo complex plagued by at least five dozen foreclosures and mortgage defaults had to defer all but the most urgent repairs, leaving termite and wood repairs undone.
A Placentia complex with at least 33 homes in foreclosure or default ended up raising monthly fees and levying a $1,000 special assessment. The increases were caused in part because of prior financial problems, but foreclosures were "the icing on the cake," the association president said.
The HOA for a Huntington Beach senior complex has limited its tree trimming services to trees that are in most need because of safety concerns.
Experts say that problems like these are most pronounced in the Inland Empire and Central California where there were more new buyers stretching their finances to afford a home.
In the more extreme examples, lawn mowing, street sweeping and window washing are cut from three times to one time a week. Pools go unheated in the winter. Security has been curtailed.
Industry officials say that the majority of Orange County homeowners associations have the resources to overcome increased delinquencies.
But even financially sound HOAs must budget for bad debts or, at the very least, pick up expenses for one or more neighbors who have abandoned homes in the face of foreclosure.
"It isn't all about destitute homeowners associations," said Robin Owens, managing agent for Affinity Property Services Inc., an HOA management company that oversees about 1,200 units in Orange County.
But, she added, "Am I going to budget for bad debt? Absolutely. Everybody's going to budget for bad debt. I don't know what's coming down the line."
HOAs are like mini-governments set up to maintain commonly owned property in a housing development. They maintain private roads and care for community pools, clubhouses, landscaping, roofs and elevators.
To pay for those services, they levy monthly dues on each property owner in the development and can require owners to pay special one-time assessments for emergency repairs, like cracked foundations or leaky roofs.
Even a few foreclosures can eat giant holes in an HOAs finances.
Associations must maintain "zero-balance budgets," meaning they can raise just enough money to cover expenses and build up reserves for future maintenance, industry officials say.
Homeowners facing foreclosure often stop paying dues for a year or more before losing their home, so the unpaid dues mount up.
"When some homeowners aren't paying their fair share, it puts a burden on the other homeowners," said Karen Conlon, president of the California Association of Community Managers.
Orange County has 4,400 HOAs, the third-highest number in the state, after Los Angeles and San Diego counties, according to Conlon's trade group.
More than 61 percent of Orange County's residents live in an HOA, with more than 750,000 homes belonging to those associations.
No one tracks how many associations are facing financial problems. But Aliso Viejo-based Merit Property Management reported almost a ten-fold increase in the percentage of delinquencies in the 140,000 units it manages statewide.
Merit reported that 2.4 percent of annual dues were 90 days or more delinquent as of June. That's up from 0.25 percent in June 2003.
Those numbers are skewed upward somewhat since Merit added newer HOAs in recent years that are more prone to delinquencies, said Andrew Schlegel, Merit's vice president of finance. Without the addition of the new HOAs, he guessed the delinquency rate would be around 1.5 percent – still a six-fold increase.
In addition, Schlegel projects that Merit will file liens on 4.8 percent of the units it manages this year for not paying HOA dues, up from 1.2 percent in 2005.
Dues first thing to get cut
Schlegel said delinquencies began rising as recent homebuyers using creative home loans began to get in a financial bind.
As home values dropped and mortgage payments adjusted upwards, many of those new residents "are throwing up their arms and walking away," he said.
The HOA dues are often the first thing such residents stop paying.
When lenders foreclose, the HOA liens get wiped out, and going after the residents in court often amounts to throwing good money after bad, he said. The residents can't be found, and when they are, they're often broke.
In Orange County, however, most HOAs are older and have built up reserves to cover the problem. They have fewer new residents who bought at the top of the market.
And the newer communities here, such as Talega and Newport Coast not only see fewer foreclosures, but also were put on a sound financial footing by the developers who built them, Schlegel said.
Less common, but still pervasive, are associations like Aliso Meadows, where HOA delinquencies swelled to around $150,000 – up from around $35,000 two years ago – as foreclosures mounted, association officials say. The HOA raised fees by $10 to $240 a month to make up for that loss.
Elsewhere, "For Sale" and "Bank Owned" signs dot units throughout the Aliso Creek Villas in Lake Forest, which had 63 units go into foreclosure or default, according to ForeclosureRadar.
Association President Ginny Dunn said those foreclosures created a financial burden for the Aliso Creek HOA, which had to defer wood and termite damage repairs and concentrate on the most urgent items.
"We take care of anything that's a dangerous situation," Dunn said. "But those things that aren't, we put to the side and will get to them when funds are available."
At the Cinnamon Tree condos in Placentia, more than 30 foreclosures and mortgage defaults have aggravated the complex's existing financial troubles and disputes.
Foreclosures, and HOA delinquencies, mushroomed after prices there fell from around $300,000 a unit to as low as $150,000, helping to push the board into raising fees and levying a $1,000 special assessment, property owners there said.
Even in developments where foreclosures are rare, HOAs still have been forced to step in and care for vacant units – at the association's expense.
At Threewoods, a Fullerton community of $1 million homes, owners abandoned one unit under the threat of foreclosure, leaving the association to water and mow its lawn during the months it sat vacant. The association also was forced to act after a 100-pound beehive was discovered inside the home.
Conlon, president of the state trade group, noted that her own association in Laguna Hills discovered 14 squatters had taken up residence in one of four foreclosed units.
While four foreclosures may not seem like a lot out of the 133 units in the complex, Conlon noted that those unpaid fees add up.
"We're not talking about one month or two months. We're talking about a year to 18 months," she said.
"It's going to take us a long time to recover," Conlon added. "I think it's going to take a good two to five years to fully financially recover from all the things happening in the community."
Register staff writer Mathew Padilla contributed to this report.
Contact the writer: 714-796-7734 or jcollins@ocregister.com
Posted by
8:21 PM
rain rain rain
yes all day -- rain and constant misty weather -- mild temps but sure couldn't clean up leaves-- cleaned up some of my destroyed screen house -- finish the rest tomorrow -- then it is going to get cold at night -- low 20's-- need to drain water and put antifreeze in the lines -- winter coming
drove around today and was rather surprised at how many trees are down -- the street behind me village drive west has about 3 or 4 with trees on the trailers -- i think more have come down since the storm because of the high winds that have been buffeting the area-- some members will have quite a bit of fire wood and a few roofs to repair
the october storm caused a lot of damage --
Posted by
7:53 PM
screen houses + bj's
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "screen houses":
Thank you for the information. I checked it out and it's much cheaper then the prices on the Kay website
anon -- yes i just ordered one price was 1211.89 and free shipping -- can't beat that with a stick
Posted by
7:14 PM
comment replys
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
You're right, I've been here 20 years and invested alot of money in my place. But it seems that there's no pleasing the couple of people who have made dissing LA and spreading all kinds of BS about what is not being done with utilities etc. their main goal in life. Hate to burst your bubble but there is plenty of ongoing work and also much that has been completed. Yes, the BOD right now seem to be chasing their tails, and it probably is no coincidence that the dues were lowered $150 (which we really can't afford to do) because of the upcoming election since it is only for this year!!! That reduction has got to affect the 8 year plan and BOD was foolish to make that move.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Do we really need an obituaries page on www.lakeadventure.net? This is stupid and should be removed. I mean no disrespect to any of the names listed, but they are dead. Move on already!
I can think of so many other topics that would be useful. I'm sure that anyone thinking of purchasing at LA would be pleased with an obituaries section. NOT!
Posted by
10:58 AM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
I didn't buy a lot and trailer to go "real camping" I bought them for summer weekends and vacation otherwise I would have bought a tent and sleeping bag. We pay almost 40% more in annual dues than other local rv communities yet I don't think our amenities are 40% better. We could lower our dues a little if we weren't paying retainers to lawyers for five years to get 12' wides approved. It's been over one year since anyone representing LA has met with the township on this issue. If I'm mistaken about the time table please let us know. You have a good idea about collecting wood, maybe we should consider having a neighborhood clean up day in autumn and storing old tree branches in the maintenance area for just such a snow emergency. I have bundles of logs in back of my house that I paid for, at LA we could get all the wood we needed for free.
anon -- you sure are right on about this place == people have major investments at la in trailers, decks, screen houses and etc. and that should be of concern to them-- obviously the camper lives in a pup tent or a pop up and he's happy as a clam but the rest of us who have an monetary interest in la have a right to demand more and expect that la is run professionally and has a capable management in charge-- also we expect and should have a bod that enhances our investment and protects our interests even if they're not looking after their own -- if this bod can't do this then they should be replaced -- it has been a year of one failure after another, manager fired and no replacement, 12' issue allowed to die, quality of life continues to decline, no oversight or progress with the lateral project or electrical upgrades, closing of laundry with no alternative facility or plan to upgrade or replace the service, no emergency preparedness or procedures to handle emergencies, an across the board reduction in fees during an extremely dangerous financial crisis in the country with no consideration what they'll do if member's fees defaults escalate and hinder their ability to pay the expenses, no evidence of a plan or attempt to reduce discretionary spending and modify operations in the event of heavy defaults-- this is a perilous time for la community and it's very doubtful this bod has control-- the members may indeed pay a very high cost for this incompetence of this bod
Posted by
1:57 AM
Labels: bod, finances, tough times
Friday, November 14, 2008
screen houses
the screen houses that are around la mostly came from kay home products -- these are sold online from bj wholesale clubs -- NOT A BAD PRICE but of course you need to install them yourself or get someone to do it for you -- for the do it yourself guys this is an option
Posted by
10:48 PM
Labels: bjs, kay home products, screen houses
insurance + sno storm
the freak sno storm last month was something that no one would have expected and was very localized in the pocono region -- particularly higher elevations like la -- i had my screen house collapse -- it was completely destroyed -- i was up the saturday before but it rained all day so i thought i'd wait until the next saturday-- mistake -- my insurance co hasn't given me a price yet but the adjuster gave me a notice that the coverage will be adjusted -- you know what i mean -- so i don't look forward to the price they'll pay--- i'm sure i won't like it-- so anon you may actually get something towards a new one and have to take that and apply it toward a new one-- not much else one can do
Posted by
10:36 PM
Labels: insurance, storm damage
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
you are so right I have been here for 25 years never had aproblem with la maybe minor things but what can you do thats life staff at la was always nice and helpful maintience is always helpful and so was secruity no matter were you go there will be afew aholes who have nothing better to do but complain about someone else what can you do they have no life going aroud taking pictures of other peoples lots complianing to the town its a campground get real
Posted by
6:33 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "sno storm + aftermath":
Snow Damage- I just received a letter along with a check from my LA insurance through Aegis for my screen house that was destroyed in the snow storm. It was for $500.00.Needless to say I am one angry property owner, especially since I had hired Mathew's RV to take the awning off my trailer in the first week of October. Is there anyone else who's awning was destroyed because of neglect through Mathew's RV. I am considering going after them for damages. I get my screen house empty and prepared for winter early so that something like this could be avoided. I can't imagine there wasn't a limit on the amount of time the awining should have been removed.
Posted by
11:52 AM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
You sound like you live in a condo complex. Remember this is a campground, and if you ever did any real camping you would know how to manage without all the amenities. Maybe you should be the one to go and collect the firewood for the clubhouse during the next snowstorm. I'm tired of hearing about all the things we need to buy, but in the same breath lower the dues....GET REAL!!
Posted by
11:49 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
sno storm + aftermath
i think that many of the concerns about conditions after the storm are a result that members feel there is no one in charge of the la operations -- that there are no emergency procedures in place and little to no emergency preparedness-- the absence of a manager is a grave concern and this needs to be addressed by this bod (someone told me they thought that a sitting board member wants the job and that was causing problems with other bod members as it well should)
i think the employees in the office and maintenance did what was expected of them -- they always do their job as they know how to -- there is no complaint about their work
that having been said doesn't mean that la operations should not be reviewed and better planning done to head off any future problems -- a few thoughts
the office complex should have a backup gas powered electric generator to supply necessary minimal lighting and heating -- this then keeps this operation on line and can be used for emergency housing -- a cell phone should be operational for use when land lines go down
the club house should also be backed up with a gas powered electric generator for minimal lighting and heat and also serve as an emergency shelter
temporary porta potties should be in place near the office complex and clubhouse for the winter months just in case they are needed
managing a complex includes emergency preparedness for any event you may think of from a snow/ice storm, power grid failure, water system failure, fire, inter personal crisis, and lethal accidents -- the preparedness includes assigning functions and responsibilities to all workers and having a clear procedure known to all employees-
allowing the community to hangout and dry when things go wrong is not acceptable-- this bod needs to get off it's ass and hire a capable manager -- the members need to remind the bod members that this is an important issue with them and they want action NOW NOT LATER!!!!!!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: bod, emergency preparedness
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
what source?no one can ever give a straight answer.weres the manager,4-5 months later no manager.ask any board member no real answer.with 10 full time workers we have 400 man hours per week,how about monthly reports on all departments on what was accomplished.since you all do so much daily this should be very simple.just remember we all pay your salaries,you work for us.2 weeks later trees still down in the streets,laying on bath houses.did any one make a list of ownwers who received damage?were they contacted?my brother inlaw did not receive a call.this is why we need a manager on duty.yes open the club house,start a fire,it was a snow storm not a hurricane,enough with excuses already,thats all we ever get at la
Posted by
5:17 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
The board may have been aware of what was going on but property owners were not. I'm not only referring to those stuck in the community but those of us who are out of state wondering what the status of our property was. Other RV communities were able to put storm status information on their web site. I shouldn't have to log into Eagle Lake's web site to find out about snow, electric and water problems and assume the same thing is happening at Lake Adventure. The web site needs to be utilized with timely information. I still think the club house would have been better for people stuck regardless of the lack of heat. During high winds it is safer than being is a very thinly insulated old trailer. The old tip outs only have R 10 while the new 12' wides have R19 and R22. Plus they risk injury if a tree falls on a trailer. I believe the glass in the club house would have to be shatter proof. My home sun porch is.
I know much as been written about the staffing problems at LA but to my knowldege the Office Staff is the one group that is held is the highest regard with everyone recognizing and appreciating the work you women do for us all year round. I sincerely doubt any comments have been directed at your office and apologize if anything I've written annoyed you.
Posted by
5:16 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Very well said Cheryl, too many people spreading untruths. If they would go to the source maybe more good things would be said on this site.
Posted by
3:30 PM
STORM – Could you please tell me what a Community Manager could have done any differently if he was on property during the storm? There was a Board Member on property, who suffered damage to her property, and got no assistance from any department. The Board was well aware of what was going on at LACA, and how each department was handling everything. They also advised the Office to go home, as there was no reason to pay someone to sit in the dark.
Each department in LACA showed up for work and did what they do with any storm. The STP/water operator was on site doing everything possible that he could. The Maintenance Department was out clearing the fallen trees, clearing the roads, etc. The Security Department has their EMERGENCY LINE that is published on every copy of the flyer (570)-686-3496, that was handling any call that came in.
God forbid, in case of an extreme emergency, the local fire/police departments would take over to either evacuate to safety, etc. As far as housing people in the Clubhouse, I don’t think with high winds that housing people in a room with a wall of glass is safe. Also, it would take several kero heaters to make it maybe comfortable in that large room. Also, there were no lights, nor did the bathrooms work.
The Office staff showed up for work, (one did not because her house was buried under fallen trees ). There were no phones, and electricity. The office is very dark, and even if there were phones, what could the office staff have done to help the people.
OFFICE STAFFING – The office consists of 2 full time year round girls in the office, plus 1 part time girl. When the season starts, we employ 1 girl to help in the front office. Money comes into this office every day. We offer payment plans, and also monies are being sent in in smaller increments to help property owners make payments. Permits are still being issued, trailers come in until the snow fall. Payroll needs to be done, bills need to be paid, the Adventurer goes out in December, there are always phone calls, bulk mailings for the mailbox renewals, boat rack renewals, badges organized, etc.
LACA employees Holidays are as follows : New Years Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Christmas Day, and Good Friday. That’s it. When the Office is closed on the weekends, and people come up here, Security has any paperwork that the office has. Permits, Suggestion/Complaint Forms, etc. There is also a safe where Security can deposit anything to be given to the office. If there is a problem and the Maintenance Department is needed, there is a man on stand by for Security to call in.
There are 10 full time people working at LACA. The A/R clerk and Compliance Officer are part time. The Rec Director will not be working in the winter months beginning next year.
Many workers have been here at LACA for several years, and this constant criticism is like a slap in the face. We take pride in our work, and try our best to assist property owners to the best of our ability.
Thank you for letting me get this off my chest, and now I can get back to work.
Posted by
11:31 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
comment + management
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "complaints + web page":
The aformentioned comment is correct in every aspect. What is taking the bod so long in selecting a manager? Are they waiting for a friend to come forward and award him the job? It has been almost 5 months without a manager and even if Gary was as bad as everybody said at least he was a body in place to make decisions, even if most of them were bad,and someone was watching the money, and spending it. What is the reason for not putting someone in place? With the recent storm and all the damage somebody should have been there to try to restore order. Did board members run up there and take charge? We all have our little properties and trailers at stake, for what they're worth, and if mis management causes major electrical, water, or sewer repairs to come forth we will be broke and then what, higher dues? It is a sad thing to say after being up there for over 10 years but I doubt, unless someone takes charge, we will not have another 5.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
If everyone has your opinion of the board, I do as a 10 year property owner, why don't YOU start a grass roots group to get them out! Every board that has been in place since we bought up here has been been bad---bad---unbearable!!! So how do these people get elected?People are against a management company, well, if you look at the situation LA is in and after the storm and how the board and staff responded, a management company may be our only way to survive.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
I totally agree with using mostly seasonal staffing. I think though, some of the full time off-season employees should not be working a M-F schedule because property owners mainly go to LA only on the weekends during that time period. There should be some kind of weekend coverage. For example, Thanksgiving weekend is a four day weekend for a lot of people. If the weather stays relatively mild, quite a few might show up at LA sometime over that weekend. But will anyone be available if there is an emergency with the electric or water (which seems to be happening more often)? The office and maintenance will both be closed. It would be interesting to see a survey of what everyone thinks about staffing--what should be seasonal, full-time vs. part-time, weekends vs. weekday, etc.
You also made a very good point about activities. There is so much more that could be happening at LA, especially on the weekends and without costing property owners any added expense for admission to the activity. Maybe it's me, but it seems you have to pay to go to just about any activity that is provided by LA. The natural elements and features of the park are not being used to their fullest potential.
anon -- yes i agree that between labor day and the spring the most member usage is weekends and the thanksgiving holiday--- there should be a winter schedule off season schedule for the maintebance operations that covers 7 days a week-- office operations should be 8am to 12n everyday 7 days a week -- i come from a background of employment for which we were responsible to operate 365 days a year and 24 hours a day -- there had to always be coverage no matter what happened -- we always had several hundred people working on the off shifts and 5000 on the day shift -- we never closed so i know how you run a facility that is here for the members and not for the employees -- members come first and everyone else next -- that is not the practice here at la and that's wrong and should be corrected
hell i worked 15 years every weekend and holidays and had thursday off --the only day we closed in that 15 years was the day jfk was buried -- we closed--- it was great but you know that's the way our business ran and you just did what you had to do-- it was the job
yes activities here at la could be so much better without a lot of extra cost but with a little direction and planning and proper distribution of labor it could be better -- if the community members are engaged in activities they then are more interested in getting to la more frequently-- now it is only busy memorial day, 4tth of july, la day and labor day holidays -- that's pathetic that la is becoming a nothing in members lives -- we need an improvement!!!!!
Posted by
8:59 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "staffing":
It seems like most of the property owners share the same views about staff during the off season. The position of manager, which is most critical, is overlooked and we keep a recreation director all year For what, organize dances for the Chipmunks and Turkeys? Come on people we are spending money like it's going out of style on these people. The office manager and asst. are necessary but the other positions are just draining the budget, but, no one on the board cares where the money goes because if they want more they will raise the dues again. This board is going to bankrupt us the way they are going with no one accountable of spending or management of the staff and until they hire a real manager, at this point we NEED a manager. Wake up other property owners and verse your opinions.
anon -- i think la should operate on a seasonal basis with full time staffing with seasonal part time help being on board from may through labor day -- after labor day la should go out of season staffing with reduced operating schedules and reduced staffing to reflect the community usage - a considerable amount of payroll could be reduced during the out of season operations -- this reduction could be used to enhance the in season staffing to pump up the summer activities schedules-- get activities that expand on the la features and add some new activity features to reflect the interests of people today --expanded activities could be scheduled for weekends all summer -- they could be expanded water features such as canoe racing. kayak racing, inflatables racing, water polo, enhanced sports such as pick up games for volley ball. basketball, t ball games, softball games, mountain bike races, tennis clinics and pick up games, summer weekend sport clinics for various youth groups -- this would be in addition to the other activities that la has had in other seasons -- the biggest and best being the wildly successful dolphins swim team activity--
additional people would be necessary for these activities but there are plenty of people that can be hired part time and seasonal in teaching fields, sports programs and outdoor activity programs to staff these operations throughout the summer-- this would then be more relevant activities schedules for the entire family with men and their children having a selection of la sponsored activities-- the expansion of la activities should get more members involved in la and that would be good for the entire community
la needs to be more interesting to the whole family not just kids, seniors, and the dolphins program (the dolphins program is an excellent model for what can happen when la offers programs that the members are interested in and want to participate with their children)
Posted by
3:56 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
several weeks ago i lost my dog-- jazzy was 16yo and was my best friend -- she was a beautiful, loving, loyal dog who was beside me everyday she was alive--
Posted by
10:15 PM
thanks 4 the invite to be a contributor -- see what i can come up with -- lake a was busy this weekend -- were you up?
Posted by
12:41 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "staffing":
4 staff members and 1 rec director FULL TIME, M-F in the OFF-season????? I learn something new all the time on this blog! They have got to be kidding!!! Why do we need all this personnel when there is virtually nobody at Lake Adventure November through March? You can use billing and lockbox processing services for your bookkeeping and money handling. You basically need someone to handle the phones and assist the general manager (if you had one). And we don't have a full time year-round recreation program! The summer program is practically the same thing every year - you just need someone to change the dates, change a few trips, make reservations and oversee the rec staff during the summer. All this extra personnel should be seasonal! (Sorry, you'll probably hear from "the husband" again!)
anon -- it is not about individuals or individual's jobs - it's a bigger issue than any one job - it's about whether la should operate as a year round operation or a seasonal operation-- since less than 5% of the members that visit la come between labor day and mid may it is difficult to justify having ft employees out of season -- the finances of la are going to take A VERY BAD HIT VERY SHORTLY-- there is no reason to believe that la will avoid the financial meltdown occurring everywhere else, local and state governments, all kinds of companies and individuals not being able to get credit, soaring unemployment and mortgage foreclosures-- it is only beginning and la will soon see have drastically this will affect it's ability of operate--the bod is the stewards of the member finances and if they fail they could be liable for mismanagement of assoc finances-- failure to act to get control of discretionary spending is their responsibility and so far they aren't performing very effectively--- at no time is this about specific positions or individuals -- it's about managing la so that it survives the biggest financial crisis in the history of this assoc--- that means managing the payroll, operations, facilities and other costs to adjust to the realities of the time at hand-- the welfare of the assoc is paramount and all others issues should be on the table for consideration in reducing costs
Posted by
1:00 PM
Labels: costs, mismangement, tough times
Saturday, November 8, 2008
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "earth day":
Looking for all of the Minutes from the board meetings. Could someone help me as i think i am doing something wrong. I click on this site and somehow missing a few date's from the meetings. Do they post all of them or just a select few? Thanks
anon -- the meeting minutes are at the la web page www.lakeadventure.net -- click on board of directors; subcatagory meeting minutes, and the past several meeting minutes are listed there
Posted by
9:56 PM
open bod meeting notes
The meeting was called to order at 11:00am by the President, Arthur Berkey, who asked all to stand and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
The Board introduced themselves as follows: Arthur Berkey, President, Lenny Masucci, Vice-President, Alfredo Siaba, Secretary, Ed Rohs, Treasurer, Alfonso Alaimo, Member, Tom Annunziata, Member and Marietta Richard, Member.
Berkey announced to all that the Dolphins Swim Team won First Place for the second year in a row! A presentation was made by Carol & Joe Lopez, along with Courtney Lopez and Michael Orlando, Swim Team Co-Coaches. An article was read from the Pike County Dispatch honoring the Swim Team. Courtney presented the Board with the First Place Trophy and asked permission for it to be displayed in the Clubhouse.
Berkey, on behalf of the Board and Community thanked Carol & Joe, Courtney & Michael and the whole swim team for an excellent job. Berkey also thanked Jim Martin, who is always there to help the team.
President’s Comments – Berkey thanked the Budget Committee for their many weeks of hard work, and is hoping to have the Budget done at the next closed meeting in September, and if everything goes well, will have a special meeting with the community on Octoberfest weekend.
The Dumpster problem was cleared, and it was possibly medical waste. Samples of our drinking water came back with a positive ecoli reading. New samples taken the next day proved that the water was safe.
Maintenance has been out cleaning out culverts on common property; however, the property owner is responsible to keep their culverts clear. If you are up on a hill and we get torrential rains and your culvert is clogged, the water will wash away your neighbors landscaping, and cause tremendous damage.
Treasurer’s Report – Rohs informed the people that as of the end of July, 1581 lots either paid in full or paid their first half dues, out of 1746 billable lots, making the total collection rate at 90.5%. The total operating funds are $1,048,082.42. The reserve funds are $1,767,423.68, for a total of $2,858,586.10. Rohs stated that the Budget Committee was increased from 7 members to 14 members, with 9 new members who blended with the old timers. As the liaison of the committee, and after setting his guidelines, and informed them that there would be no dues increase this year; he was amazed at how well the committee worked. They also found ways to cut areas and have a surplus. The committee received a round of applause.
Question & Answer Period
Sal Ventola, Lot 1773 – he requested on July 19th to have the employee’s individual pay, and as of this day has not been given an answer. He also requests to view any documents that been sent to Dingmans Township regarding the 12 wides. He also questioned why the pool is not covered with the solar covers. When he questioned someone from recreation, he was told that the reels were bent. He feels that this should be repaired and the covers be used to preserve some of the heat, therefore saving on the propane bill.
Ben Johnson, Lot 155 it has been about 30 days since the manager’s dismissal, and has the Board made a decision on his replacement. Berkey stated there are a few candidates that the Board will review this afternoon. Some of the requirements for the manager are: college degree, previous experience in property management, positive customer relations, understands blueprints, delegate authority, and most importantly, control costs. It seems that we already have that person on board, Joe Birrell, and is he being considered for the job. Berkey stated that the Board will review all applicants and they will choose the most qualified for the job. Rohs stated that the Boards fiduciary responsibility is to take their time and choose the right person, and this is not something that you rush into. Ben asked when the summer was over who was going to take charge.
Toni Johnson, Lot 155 &156 – doesn’t think its right to cut the question & answer period, as there is a lot of trouble in here that all these people are not aware of, and all they know is that they have friends that they don’t want hurt. The Community is in deep trouble with the sewer, water and electric. Gary made a mess of the place. The Board needs to take action now.
Lot 960 Mrs. Mahoney,(mother of property owner)– Problem with electric and maintenance came and ran new line thru the culvert ditch. The ditch got filled in with rock and dirt. She spoke with Gary, Joe and Marietta who said they were going to look into it. Her culvert is no longer a culvert. Christine Court has been regraded and every time it rains the water washes away her property. There is now a hole in her property and her sewage drain is exposed. Maintenance once again came out and they taped it closed. When the next lot is occupied, there is a stench, and her lot fills with water. Berkey stated that it would be looked at.
Lot 1276 – Bob Gallo – laundry room is in sad shape, along with the bathroom, machines have no pressure, etc. and what is in the works, and the overall status if the sewer project. Berkey stated that he agrees about the laundry room, money is being held back from the vendor. During the off season, the Board will make a decision and take action regarding the laundry room. As far as the sewer project goes, the engineers were in the morning meeting, and a project has been put on hold, laterals are being searched for leaks using the camera and jetter truck, 3 pumping stations are in the process of being redone. Berkey stated this is an on going problem.
Lot 1903 – Jim Martin – the reel to the pool cover was fixed. The Board cannot hire a friend as the manager, and there are too many back door meetings. When the new manager is appointed, the community should know who voted for and against. Berkey stated it will be posted.
Lot 710 – Donna Grzybowski – Board members are holding meetings all over property, in the screen room, and doesn’t think this is appropriate. Grzybowski asked Richard if she is a member of the CCLA. Richard stated when she was running for the Board she stated she was a member. She also recluses herself from any discussion at the meetings regarding the CCLA. Grzybowski stated that the CCLA was suing LACA. Grzybowski stated that Richard should either leave the CCLA or resign from the Board and the Community should hold a recall election because it is a conflict of interest. Richard stated that the CCLA are many great people of the community and they realize that you cannot sue yourself, and that was never their intention. All they wanted was information that should be open to all members of the community regarding the financials and contracts under Stevens reign.
Grzybowski then questioned the Treasurer, Rohs. She asked if the new budget took into account paying back the sewer loan, with no dues increases. Rohs stated yes. She then questioned why Rohs was not at the Budget Committee meeting but attended the swim meet even though he had no children swimming. Isn’t the Budget your priority? When she was the Treasurer, she had children who swam, and she missed them because of these meetings. How committed are you? Rohs stated thank you to Donna and that he appreciated her comments. Rohs stated that he committed to the swim team. There were only supposed to be 2 meetings, but the third one conflicted with his prior commitment. Rohs stated he decided to attend the swim meet and represent Lake Adventure.
Lot 486 – Tony Cucuolo – Too many people are wandering around other people’s property. Her wood was taken from her property. In May she witnessed her neighbor’s property being vandalized and she called Security and they told her they were too busy checking in visitors at the time.
Lot 1701 – Maureen Blue – Informed the audience she has over 30 years experience as an executive administrator and has some concerns. The Committee applications should be revised to ask for qualifications so the right people can be chosen. Also questioned who is on the committee to choose the new property manager. Berkey stated the Board. She wanted to know the criteria. Mrs. Blue questioned who on the Board has the experience in interviewing, hiring and firing, and selecting the right individual for the job.
Annunziata stated he had his own business, was head custodian of school district where he was in charge of the budget and the hiring and firing of custodians, and did inspections of their jobs.
Siaba stated he had his own trucking repair business where he hired workers, contractors, was a union delegate and shop steward.
Rohs has worked many years in Social Work, where he has interviewed, hired and fired and reviewed contracts.
Berkey has been in construction for 30 years. He was not in charge of hiring, but letting people go when the work was done. He feels that common sense comes into play when looking for the right person.
Masucci has a Bachelor of Science degree, a master degree from Montclair State, was head of the Department of Special Technology where he had 4 people under him. Formerly owned a construction company.
Richard was formerly an office manager and a sales manager and was responsible for hiring and firing staff. Ran construction business with her husband for 30 years. Dealt with contractors and bids for the jobs.
Alaimo works for Con Ed. Is a shop steward and does interview people for jobs. Took a course on how to interview. Handles 12 million in budget for company.
Mrs. Blue requests that a committee be formed to assist the Board with their decision.
Meri Hedricks – Lot 821 – stated that the Budget committee worked very hard to figure out line by line as close to the actual as possible. If there is a committee to help hire the community manager it should be done the same way as the budget committee worked. Also stated that if there is a board member not able to vote, then what good is that member.
Lot 1435 – Mr. Peregrin lateral was done across the street, and his property was damaged…his wall and 911 sign destroyed. When outside contractor are in LACA, someone should be overseeing them so this does NOT happen. He suggests that the grass cutters be given rakes so they can clear the culverts so water can flow.
1259 – Felicia Campasano – there needs to be a speed bump in the middle of Creekview/Big Bass. People are cutting down too many trees, painting boulders, etc. Joe Birrell stated that he has instituted a tree cutting ban. Wants a 12 wide and she was told that the Board was not allowing them in. Berkey stated that the proposal was unrealistic for LACA and it needed to be changed.
Toni Johnson – Lot 156 – wanted to know who was running the park with no manager. Berkey stated that all department heads are running their departments.
875 & 1291 – Mr. Adamczyk long range planning for the handicapped, possible a lift for the pool.
Pete Maletta – Lot 1982 – is also very upset on all the trees that have been cut down throughout the whole park. People that remove too many trees should have their utilities turned off.
Ray McCormack – Lot 955 – was late because he didn’t know there was a meeting. Something needs to be done to address the excessive use of lights on properties not in use, etc.
Berkey read the qualifications advertised for the Community Manager position: $45 to 50,000. Three years as a manager, assistant manager or supervisor in an RV Campground Recreational Community and/or year round residential community, good interpersonal relationship skills, knowledge of budget, accounts payable and receivable,
Electric, water, sewage treatment plant, recreational planning, security, knowledge in construction and property management, DEP regulations and having a good relationship with Township officials a plus. High school diploma. Duties: Under the general supervision of the Board of Directors the manager would be responsible for the day to day operation of Lake Adventure, provide administrative leadership, implement policy,
Budget, disbursement of funds, etc.
They’re being no further business to discuss, meeting adjourned at 12:20pm/
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
Posted by
5:59 PM
Labels: BOD MEETING NOTES --8/08
yes it's raining all day here at la -- mild temps but almost continuous showers -- won't get any leaves cleaned up today -- tom'w may be sunny and we'll try to get some cleanup done then --- still waiting for estimates to repair my screen house -- hopefully this be resolved by next week and i'll be able to clean up the damage and fix the rest-- many people were around over the last few days working on the damaged structures, clearing trees and limbs and fixing any damage to the trailers-- still better here at la than the 4' snow blizzard in the dakotas --see what sunday brings
Posted by
3:46 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "staffing":
about staffing do the members realize that we have more staffing in the office than security guards.
one securty guard in off season but 4 staff members and 1 rec.director monday to friday.
if they have that much work to do and i doubt it why don't some of them work weekends.
in off season how many members are there monday to friday.
i feel that the money for salaries and health benefits. could be used in better ways. like new electric. i agree there should be someone there. why not just the sect. she seems to be doing most of the work
and the most 1 other person. the rest should be seasonal jobs
anon -- the entire la operations should be reviewed and the operations and staffing should reflect the usage by members -- this usage is the 12 weeks of the summer when 95% of the members who come to la arrive--this is predominately a seasonal operation when full staffing is justified -- the rest of the year ( about 40 weeks ) should be on a out of season staffing and operational mode-- this would substantially reduce the operating cost for la and in light of the current financial climate would be a step in the right direction
Posted by
9:27 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
yes the staffing at la is questionable and the bod and past management and bod allow this community to be staffed full time year round-- this is mismanagement of the assoc funds --
la is a seasonal community with 95% of the members arriving between mid may thru labor day-- approx 12 weeks but we have full time staffing year round --- WHY????--why do we pay for 40 weeks of ft staffing when they have no work load??? because the bod and past management don't have any incentive to save money and no one wants to make the tough decisions-- the members allow this to continue and until they say stop-- it will go on
with the tough financial situation at hand i believe the defaults on dues will greatly increase and then the bod will dip into the la reserve (a small reserve that won't go far when the cash stops flowing)-- now the credit markets are so tight gm, ford, chrysler can't raise or borrow money -- what chance do you think la will get a loan to carry it over a rough patch---NONE--yet the bod allows mismanagement of la funds
back to staffing -- yes in the winter m-f you have several ft people working in the office -- can someone tell me what they could possibly be doing -- l have worked 40 years in facility management positions and i can tell you there is not enough work to justify operating with this staffing level-- they are there because they're there and tradition is this is how la does things-- well someone better wise up because the rooster will come home to roost and when la is chained shut at the gate it will be too late-- this bod is again unable to manage la finances, assets, employees, or just about anything else -- they need to hire a capable manager, get the hell out of the way and let la be properly operated-- then they can run for the bod and tell the members what a great job they're doing for the members and get reelected forever
Posted by
3:47 PM
Labels: bod, finances, mismangement