Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
This is one of the best commentaries I've read on this blog. I nominate you to run for Board President. I've often questioned why our board minutes take months to be published while other communities post theirs the same month. I've also noticed in reading board minutes from other communities their attorneys attend the meetings and you are correct items are assigned acted on quickly. There was a meeting scheduled with our new attorney in early Sept to address the 12' wide issue, nothing was ever published and questions on the issue go unanswered. The "new" attorney took over this project six months ago and progress remains a mystery. Volunteers may not be appreciated by this board. Information and suggestions are not acknowledged, at least that's been my experience. Unfortunately we lost a decent and hard working man in Joe. This is a huge loss and creates an even bigger management vacuum. The BOD is not expected to run the day to day management of the community, however they created a situation where more is expected of them than it appears they are willing or able to give. Meeting once a month handling administrative duties isn't the same as being on site every day. They could meet four times a month but that still leaves 27 days of no one working the daily issues. Some suggest that all we do is gripe on this site but if things were running smoothly we would have nothing to complain about. There are many things I like and enjoy about LA and that list is certainly longer than the list of things I don't like. This is a place we can express our opinions and hope the BOD can use that information as a barometer for items most important to community members.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by
10:45 PM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BAIL OUT !!!!":
I wish someboby told me we were in the mountians before I bought my lot we should cut all the trees down to get sunlight and stop the trees from falling on power lines
Posted by
4:11 PM
bitching ????
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "bitching ????":
A thousand thank yous Jim !
Posted by
3:25 PM
bitching ????
Jim Meehan to me
show details 1:35 PM
I enjoy your site. However there is allot of bitching going on about some things that just can't be helped. L.A. is in the mountains, roads are going to ice up. The complainers should check the weather before coming to the Pocono's.Not enough salt or grit or sand on the roads. Not enough staff on hand when the power goes out. Are we becoming a bunch grouches and old farts? Enjoy what you have at L.A. or go to Florida. Complainers want a perfect world. Remember it is a Trailer Park, not Squaw Valley.
Posted by
1:14 PM
Monday, December 29, 2008
hide details 11:33 AM (1 hour ago) Reply
We were also up at LA this past weekend. We were there late Saturday afternoon. Some roads (especially near the gate and front of the park) were icy. Fortunately, our road was very clear -- I think it gets a lot of sun. We would have loved to stay overnight, but won't take the chance of doing that again during the off season with the way the power goes out so often. That already happened once this year to us and it wasn't a pleasant experience! It's a shame because it is really beautiful and peaceful there during the winter and could be such a great weekend getaway.
Posted by
12:55 PM
Labels: ice
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ice":
Oh Wait just one darn minute!!!!!
I too, witnessed the ice first hand and it was VERY bad on certain roads.
And I have not drank any eggnog!
I will start leaving my initials
pk--- thanks for reaffirming what i experienced when i came to la on saturday at noon--- more grit should have been on the roads at intersections, the entrance gate and on the hills-- if you had a small vehicle that would start to slide you could have been in deep trouble-- ended in a ditch, off the side of the road or even into another vehicle--- this is a area that a manager should be on site to monitor and respond to with proper maintenance procedures-- it's basic ice and snow management 101
Posted by
12:01 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ice":
I was at LA on sat and everything was fine. The doom and gloom is getting old. I had no issues with anything you are talking about. Maybe too much egg-nog for you over the holiday?
anon--- next time i'll take pictures -- chipper
Posted by
9:43 PM
i was up at la saturday and i was surprised at how icy the roads were-- there was very little grit on the roads and the driving was treacherous-- in fact the entrance gate was icy ruts and very slippery -- i'm surprised no one hasn't taken out the gate arm
it is evident that no one is managing the situations at la and that a manager is needed -- this bod is really falling down on this issue and can't find a capable facility manager -- they have been at this for 6 months and still no one for this position -- they are doing something very wrong and aren't able to handle the task in front of them -- the loss of the manager and the compliance officer at the same time is a serious problem developing at la and with the possibility with defaulting member dues this bod could be in real trouble really quickly-- the members should express their dissatisfaction with these problems and demand that a manager and now a compliance officer be hired before spring -
of course this could be an opportunity to rearrange the structure at la -- a full time maintenance supervisor should be considered with responsibilities for maintenance operations and act as compliance officer-- combining these two positions is a logical step in getting proper supervision over the maintenance department and controlling the compliance issues -- then again if the bod can't find a manager how would they find a ft maintenance super/compliance officer--- this may be beyond their pay scale!!!!!
Posted by
5:33 PM
Labels: bod, compliance officer, maintenance supervisor, manager
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + question":
I think most of us would agree that the current and previous boards have been lacking in these main areas:
• Capability -- they can’t even seem to be able to hire a general manager.
• Fiscal responsibility -- the recession did not happen overnight. They should have been more responsible and not develop a high priced eight-year plan to begin with (by that I mean raising the dues so drastically at once). Sure, they said the dues would not go up (except for a few dollars) for the first five years. But have they ever said what the dues would go up to in years 6, 7, and 8 in their plan?
• Ability to make the decision when needed –- electrical, water, sewage problems don’t develop overnight. Throughout the years the boards have believed in using the “band-aid” affect until it is absolutely necessary to correct the situation once and for all. That, most of all, has gotten us into the mess we’re in.
So how do we resolve this? How do WE as a group demand action and actually get accountability? Is it enough to just vote in 2 or 3 new people each year? How do we know new faces will make a difference? We can demand, yell, scream, or whatever, but in the end the board will do whatever THEY (the select seven members of the community, not the majority of us) want. How do we actually go about and change the system?
I suppose that is why the CCLA developed. I don’t know anything about the Concerned Citizens of Lake Adventure. Can anyone share some information on this group, such as their history, purpose, membership, meetings, etc.? Are they helping the community's situation?
Posted by
5:31 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement
comment reply
Eduardo Garcia to me
hide details Dec 24 (5 days ago) Reply
In spite of fees being lowered $150 by the bd for 09/10, the fees remain relatively high for the services and amenities offered at this community. Privately, bd members act as if they are doing us a favor and should have no reason for complaints. I have several friends in nearby, year-round communities and their overall yearly dues are much lower with consumer satisfaction very high. How about that? Why can't that happen here at LA?
Take for instance Breezewoods Acres, where the board actually realized savings of over $150 in their yearly fees for 09, so their members are paying much less than LA and their recreation events and services are better, too. Their board meet on a regular basis and their minutes are posted within the same month, but more important, decisions are acted upon promptly. Look at Birchwood Lakes, there's transparency in the bd and the community is actively involved. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE LA, but things need to improve dramatically, and very fast.
I know there are others that share my concerns and perhaps an alternate slate should be fielded for the next elections; like-minded people are required to push a system that is lacking inertia. I was an auxiliary police officer, ran a little league softball team and do realize the power of volunteers in our community. If you poll members, most have expertise in area's needed to help maintain a lively and safe community. Maybe a call for volunteers to participate in minor maintenance/building projects can free paid staff to do larger tasks, without having to paid exorbitant fees to contractors for certain specific jobs. Of course there are tasks that are best left to the professionals, but that doesn't mean that experienced members in a particular field can't comment on a related contract. Would it be swell if we had a data base of skilled members who are asked to review and comment on contract/projects. How do we know if we are getting our money's worth and the contractor not taking short cuts at LA expense? Just because you are a paid staff or a bd member doesn't mean that you have the only cost-effective solution. Physically-able members should volunteers a number of hours as part of their yearly dues to handle something like tree clearing and planting, re-furbishing existing structures, etc. The kitchen can be run in a similar fashion. What about an auxiliary unit to supplement security during peak months...I will not talk about a Fire department for LA.
The bottom line is how much we are asked to pay in fees and how much savings LA can expect from professionals wanting to do business with our community. Additional savings can be realized across the board with closer supervision of paid staff management and cleverly negotiated contracts with outside vendors. Our volunteer should be able to receive a discount in their yearly contribution. This is the incentive, and the task of managing the volunteers for projects goes to the paid LA manager. Members that can't devote hours, for whatever the reason, will pay the customary dues. I know that bd members read your blog, so I want them to be aware that they must be creative and think outside the box...or ship-out!
Posted by
5:27 PM
Labels: bod
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "FAREWELL TO A GOOD MAN!":
I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday chipper! How tragic for this man's family to have lost close to the holiday season. I did not know this man, however, my prayers go out to his friends and family.
God Bless
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: joe
Friday, December 26, 2008
today was the funeral for joe birrell and his family at st. vincent's church - it was a beautiful service in keeping with joe's personality -- he was a good man!
Posted by
5:09 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
For those of you who haven't been on the LA website, the following has been posted:
On behalf of all property owners, our sincerest sympathy to his family and friends.
Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
comment + question
Anonymous to me
show details 8:47 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + question":
Being we do not have the luxury of being able to visit LA during the winter anyone who does visit could you please fill us in if you have any information on the following:
12 wide issue
Electrical upgrades
Sewer repairs
hiring of a manager
part time/full time positions rec. Dir
Have any improvements such as painting the comfort stations, laundry building, improving the overall appearance of LA. With the amount of dues we are now paying these items of improving LA should be done, or, like every other year and other boards, NOTHING It also seems certain people do what they want and are not accountable to anyone.
anon -- not much happening on any of the issues you have on your lists -- this bod and the lack of management at la will guarantee that nothing will get done over winter -- i just don't understand how the members allow this bunch of clowns to control la -- they are not capable of managing or overseeing the la operations -- yet they continue to sit on the board and screw thing up worst than they already are screwed up--- i believe these guys will take la to a day when the gates are chained shut and la is out of business -- that's how incompetent they are-- really bad-what are the members waiting for???? when are they going to demand action and accountability from this bod??? when are they going to start screaming and raising hell with this bod--- i keep posting my thoughts but everyone else just sits back and are quiet as mice -- they either don't care about la, aren't interested in their investment or are brain dead--- it just amazes me the membership lack of concern on virtually all issues before them here at la--- call me when the gates are chained and locked !!!!!!!!!! -- chipper
Posted by
10:24 PM
Labels: bod, mismangement
Monday, December 15, 2008
My nom de guerre is Eddy and I'm an avid reader of your blog because I consider it to be the "grapevine" for hearing of situations developing at LA.
The reason I'm corresponding with you is because I'm looking to purchase a lot and trailer, but didn't want to use JOCO because of the monopoly that they have on nearly all sales, resulting in super inflated prices. Members should be encourage to post with whomever they would like and to deal directly with the purchaser, as would be the case with private purchases. I was just wondering if you would consider posting WANTED ads, in addtion to the For Sale ads now currently available? if not, let me know if you hear of someone selling at a reasonable price, nothing extravagant or near the lake.
Warm Regards,
Posted by
3:28 PM
Labels: inquirey
Friday, December 12, 2008
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Anonymous
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + question":
From what I understand, the board meets once a month except for December and February. So I'm assuming there were meetings in October and November. Does anyone know when those minutes will be posted on the LA website?
Posted by
4:07 PM
comment + question
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 1:42 AM, Anonymous
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
According to the published Aug board notes there was a meeting scheduled with the attorney in early Sept to work on the 12' wide issue. That was three months ago. Has anyone heard of an update? It may be mentioned in the Sept board minutes which we may see in January, why does it take so long to get the notes published?
Posted by
1:44 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
contract management
- usually these contracts are multi year obligations --UNLESS YOU HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS YOU TO CANCEL WITHOUT CAUSE AND NO PENALTY YOU SHOULD NOT SIGN A CONTRACT!-- no contractor will give you this for this size of a project-- but if you sign without this clause you will not be able to cancel the contract -- believe me no matter how poorly they do you will be committed to the term of the contract and the payment of fees -- they have many accounts and they have legal advice that shows them how to keep customers contracts valid and the payments enforceable no matter what-- you can't get out of these contracts
- the reason cancellation of a contract is next to impossible is that without strong specifications that cover all aspects of their responsibilities and performance and a measurement to determine if they are not performing you have no basis to terminate a contract without compensating them for their lost business--- and these companies know how to make you pay -- THEY ARE IN BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY!!
- keep in mind that you are dealing with a sales executive and they will say anything to get you to sign (some even offer free accommodations in their various vacation homes that they maintain for customer use as well as box seats and tickets to sporting events and etc. and etc---- still a payoff -- keep that in mind) -- then when you have problems with the operations you have to deal with operations executives -- they're not the sales guy who sold you the job and can't say anything about the promises the sales people told you-- tough -- sounds a lot like dealing with car people? -- well it's the same situation and you'll get no where
- having a contractor run your business requires a lot of oversight -- this bod can't oversee the operations they have now so what makes the bod think they'll any more successful with this situation--- one thing they do have now is that you can remove the manager -- you can't remove the contractor without a big fight and large cash compensation to end your contract--
- this bod is an absent bod -- they are at la for the main holidays and events and know little to nothing about the la operations -- somehow i think they believe that this contract services is the gift from heaven and all their problems and responsibilities will be solved and handled by a contractor -- THEY ARE WRONG !
--- chipper >>> robert friend
Posted by
10:19 AM
Labels: bod, costs, management companies
management companies
the idea that la can be managed better by a management company is probably true -- in the
absense of the bod's ability to hire a qualified manager, their inability to trust a manger to run la, in their inability not to inject themselves into the management of la --this is an option
there are problems with this idea and in managing these type of contracts
- creeping costs -- remember the contractor's purpose is to make money -- so they will more professionally manage your business and attain savings and efficiencies but they will also have a strong desire to move any savings they accomplish into their side of the column-- resulting in them making more money and you (meaning the members) will not get any financial benefit from this arrangement-- they do this by offering you the minimum contract services with a great price (a deal you can't refuse) or known in the business as low bid--- but----
- then when you realize you want better service or more service they then renegotiate the costs for their service -- each negotiation results in costing you more money and you losing more of the savings they accomplished
- they provide minimum management services -- no more than they have to to keep the contract -- if you want more -- renegotiate for more money
- their selection of managers does not guarantee you a qualified manager -- you may very well end up with one with no more experience than any you had in the past or that you can choose yourself--- they don't send their best and most costly manager to a job that is low bid and minimum profit margins--- want better -- you must renegotiate for more costs
- if you don't have a set of lake adventure specifications covering every aspect of running la: from personnel management, facilities management, office management, property owner relationship management, infrastructure management, employee compensation and human resources management, payroll management, accounts receivables and payables, management of mandatory government documentation, payment schedules, fee schedules and compliance record keeping and etc. and etc.--- missed something in your original contract??? -- you can renegotiate for more costs
i've spent that last 21 years of my career at air products and chemicals handling $ 5,000,000.00 a year in contract services -- believe me i saw it all and i don't think the la board realizes how the service contractors work and don't realize that without strong oversight you will not realize any savings for the members and you will not be satisfied with their services-- remember they work to make money -- not manage your property -- if you pay enough (believe me that amount is never known) you may get something -- any better than you can do on your own??? you have to decide!!!!! OH NO! MR. BILL ! DECISIONS
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: bod, costs, management companies, savings
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
Penthouse in NYC, maybe you should run for the board and straighten things out!!!...There are a lot of property owners in LA that have management positions in the other world outside of Lake Adventure and am quite sure they, along with retirees, would be an asset. I feel if you don't have a solution to the problem don't create another. Once the board opened up the finances with the budget and salaries to all they unleashed a whole new source of anger with property owners who are NOT happy with the way things are being run and to let everyone know how much people are being paid for what they do, those of us working probably feel slighted when we are being asked to take from 10 to 15% pay cuts and pay more for medical and are happy to have a job!!! I don't know where the board works, if they do, or if they read papers or watch TV because if they did they would understand why owners are upset about employee's salaries and the spending the board is doing. If they continue, with the economy the way it is, look for more dues increases and less owners paying dues, be real will you make car payments or pay lake Adventure. This board and manager, if we have one by now, must get a handle on spending and cut costs to survive. The time is now and not wait until the summer and have an emergency meeting and say dues must go up or the park will close and if the township levies severe fines against us, and the DEP as in the past to the tune of 10K, where will this money come from. Property owners voiced their opinions against a management company but with the shape Lake Adventure is in now that may be our only chance for survival, or maybe the property owner who knows the problems that exist and did interview for the job and where was the result of his interview posted????
Posted by
12:33 PM
Labels: finances
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
Born and raised in new york city and still live there when I sell my lot and TRAILER I will move back to my park ave penthouse
anon -- hope your not counting on selling your la property any time soon-- you couldn't give it away right now --- when you look at the bod meeting notes you wonder why they give preferable treatment to jaco and not all realtors -- i bet the other realtors have sold just as many properties as jaco over the last year -- maybe more-- that's surely an unholy alliance between jaco and this bod
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: realtors
comment reply
Anonymous to me
show details 10:51 PM (2 hours ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
First this should be discussed in private( Financial issues). An employee or their family member shouldn't be involved. I would love to be a fly on the wall in my employers office and find out information. This blog is great for interaction among the owners but it is open to all (employees/contractors/owners).Never a good thing.
We need to cut back on our spending. Jobs have to be cut.Money has to be saved. In the next few years we may lose lake adventure if we don't act. We need the right people on the board who know how to help the community. Put the Ego's aside and deal with the issues. This is a serious situation.
And for the New York comment, if we don't come to your state and spend you better have a money making tree.
Posted by
12:54 AM
Labels: finances
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous to me
show details 5:44 PM (4 hours ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
It’s not just a matter of making your choices wisely when you vote in the next Board election. The bigger concern here is this: WHO is qualified to be on the board and getting them to run. Sometimes we may feel that we are choosing the “lesser of two evils.” If you have community association leadership or board of director’s experience (outside of Lake Adventure), PLEASE consider running in the next LA board election
Posted by
9:49 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
You are correct in stating LA is a campground and should be run as such with a main seasonal period and an off season but still being able to have activities. When LA was in the early years there were more activities ALL year and there was a recreation director who was part time and ALSO wore many hats but again, SHE WAS NOT FULL TIME!!! It is nice for a daughter to stand up for her parent but this isn't a soap box. As far as her working so much for the store, building etc, if that was so why has the board, and past boards, stated the store and kitchen are costing us money and plans on closing them, the store alrerady has been closed so that should have impacted her work load. THIS IS NOT AND SHOULD NOT BE AN ATTACK ON AN INDIVIDUAL but the position no matter who has it. It is poor business practce, especially in these times, to mis manage staff and the position is over-paid and over extended hours when there are no activities. Here again is an example of not having a manager or a board that knows what to do, but we all elected them so live with it, when election time rolls around make your choices wisely. As far as people making statements about other salaries and benefits, WAKE UP, look at the state the country is in and companies closing and cutting costs and do you think if property owners, are included in that backlash that they will have money to pay dues and keep the revenue coming into Lake Adventure!!! The company I work for has slashed jobs and stopped business travel for all employees to survive and most companies have done the same. If emplyees are not happy with change take a look at the job market and see if they can find a job to equal what they are making at LA. in that area. I just can't believe the issues that people are concerned about and not about the board and not having a manager to handle these problems. Your dues money is going out the window and costs out of your pocket is only going to increase with mis spending and not having the proper revenues coming in do you think the dues will remain the same?? You have been hit with a 300% increase over the past five years and what do you have to show for it, is the appearance of LA look any better?? Has all the sewer and lateral work been completed? Has the electrical up grade been completed?? Where is the multi-year plan ?? With the township on our backs how long do you think we will be allowed to remain open, their inspectors were in the park most of the summer, do you think they were in there to watch the chipmunks and birds or to look for violations....LA is in trouble and this board better wake up and stop the in fighting and worrying about hurting someone's feelings and run a business as LA should be run.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Monday, December 8, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous to me
show details 11:40 PM (0 minutes ago) Reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "power outage ????":
Hi! Yes, the power was out about 6 hours and it was freeeeezing! I can't remember the day but it was awful! I do know that the security guard was the most nicest, helpful man that explained everything to me...he did everything in his power to get people in here.
However, the private contractor comes from scranton and it was a fuse that blew. There are three fuses that run the park...not like car fuses, big ole' 12 inch fuses!
Eventually, the problem was fixed but the heat tape shut off due to lack of electric and I had to defrost the hose and hydrant.
Luckily, the next day, the temperature was higher, so the hydrant defrosted.
It does concern me, that this can happen again and again. With 11 degree weather like it was this morning, I shutter to think of the electric kicking out in the future, but I know these things happen.
Hope this was helpful and sorry bout your steak!
anon -- thanks for the info -- yes these power outages can be disturbing since you never know how long you're going to be down when it happens-- if someone who understood the problems was present you might get better info so you can make a decision to wait it out or look for a room at a motel -- oh yes i guess i must be thinking of a community manager - the one we don't have!!! hmmm!!!
Posted by
11:42 PM
Labels: power outage
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I just want to say LA used to be called a campground for the people who have not been here that long I have been here 25 years now its commuinty assocation you buy a lot and trailer which is a little more maybe then a new car you pay very little taxes to the county come here with your big city rudeness and complain to the town go to the courthouse in milford I think its the first door on your right there is a sign on the wall we dont care how they do it in NEWYORK so get off your highhorse its a trailerpark opps sorry a commuinty assoc it seems some people dont have benefits so they dont want you to have them seems like personal problem I can go on and on so all LA employees thank you for your service fight for rights its america land of brave home of the free
anon---- WOW !!!!
Posted by
8:28 AM
power outage ????
i was up to la saturday and i discovered that a steak that i had in the freezer was completely defrosted and the ice cream was liquefied -- this would indicate that there was an extended period without electric service---does anyone know how long the power was off??? what was the problem -- i didn't see any notice on the la web page but then maybe they only report snow accumulations
Posted by
4:10 AM
Labels: power failure
Saturday, December 6, 2008
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment reply":
I agree...employees who receive a raise this year should be thankful. Many of us have had to take a cut in pay and are lucky to still have our jobs. I'm sure some have lost or will be losing their jobs. More and more of the workforce are working longer and longer hours to keep their jobs. My spouse works close to 50 and sometimes 60 hours a week and being salaried gets no overtime. Try doing that 50 weeks a year.
Posted by
6:41 AM
Friday, December 5, 2008
i find that when people get annoyed there is a tendency to rage out at the first person you come in contact with -- if you get a late fee on you credit card bill or a bank charge for a bounced check you go after the person answering the phone at visa or give the bank teller a few rude words -- neither person had anything to do with the penalty and probably can't give you satisfaction -- you need to go after the supervisor or the manager for relief -- the person who is the face of any activity or operation gets the grief yet maybe they can't and don't make the decisions that have you steamed or dissatisfied -- usually a general manager or in la's case the bod are responsible for the operations or lack of operations and are the one's that need to be addressed when there are grievances-- this has been the case with the rec director at la -- so let's direct the complaints to those responsible for these operations -- the bod
Posted by
11:41 PM
Labels: comment
comment reply
Kerri McEvoy to me
show details 10:39 PM (48 minutes ago) Reply
Good Evening,
I was trying to sumbit this for approval but my screen is saying it is not going through. So I am emailing it to you instead, thank you for your time and your willingness to post my comments.
First of all I am not saying that I would do "anything to anyone". (Did you seriously think that?) WOW.
I simply stated that if you are going to come on this blog and discuss someone personally that you should be mature enough to leave your name. That's all. I wrote my name because I am not ashamed of what I write, nor am I trying to hide my identity. (You have the right to remain anonymous – and I guess we will just leave it at that!)
I am sorry that you do not have benefits. I am sure if you did have them... you would be fighting to keep them and if you had the opportunity to get them, you would probably take them. I know I would.
And finally, I did not post my previous comment to have you or anyone else for that matter “go off the handle” or become angry. I was simply standing up for my mother, which as her daughter I felt I had the right to do.
Thank you Chipper for posting this and my previous post. I really appreciate it.
kerri -- i don't think anyone could have misunderstood what you were saying -- you were defending your mom and for that you should be commended -- your defense was straightforward and clearly given from your heart -- i'm sorry that the postings began to get personal and in the future i will try to do a better job of moderating them before they're published -- as with any blog you want people to be able to express their opinions and therefore i am reluctant to want to get into a position of being a censor but yes this case went too far --- chipper
Posted by
11:29 PM
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
We pay dues and out of them we expect certain things. Benefits should only be for full time workers period. This is how the world works. If your mom is looking to support a family "Get in line" we all are. A raise and benefits in these times is unheard of. If a person is doing a good job just to keep it is a blessing in this state we are in. BOD why are we handing out a pay increase?
And if you see an Anonymous post "so what". Here it comes, you find out the name and what would you do then? Most of us owners don't have benefits why should we just give them away?
Posted by
9:19 PM
Labels: benefits
comment reply
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
If the activity calendar is the responsibility of the Social Committee, it may be a good idea for someone to post when their meetings are and how people can join. Maybe the addition of new voices and ideas would help the situation.
The committee and BOD should also consider having more cost-free activities on park premises so that more people can afford to go on the trips. For some people, it's not even the cost. Most trips are scheduled during the week. I think there would be a bigger response on the weekends. Many (myself included) cannot ride any longer on that old school bus (and I'm not a senior citizen). I know it probably is not financially feasible at this time, but we should start to consider a replacement for the future or else allow people to drive themselves to the activities.
It would actually be a good idea to post info about ALL the committees so more people can get involved across the whole realm of the community.
One last thing...We all appreciate that you have set up this blog and thank you Chipper. It has given EVERYONE the opportunity to vent, to learn, to educate. Some statements may seem cruel or even downright vicious; but many are valuable lessons and information. We have no other voice. I have been to many a board meeting over the years and more often than not, people's comments, suggestions and opinions seem to fall on deaf ears and questions go unanswered.
Posted by
5:27 PM
Labels: activities
i read the post from the rec director's daughter and i have to say that her comments are worth considering -- the rd works long hours during the season- between the management of the pool, food service, club house and the evening functions it is a bunch of long days -- the rd should be properly compensated for this long schedule or an assistant should be on board to share the schedule-- also it is true that the compensation -- from what can be determined -- is probably a bargain for la--- it is never fair to complain about individual workers since they should be performing under the direction of a manager and if their performance isn't acceptable it is the fault of management not the worker -- that is always the case
therefore i will reject any more comments about individuals--
the bod removed the manager and had no back up plan to replace him--- almost 6 months later they still haven't hired anyone -- they allow the mismanagement of la, it's assets and functions and therefore the complaints are with them not the workers
in the future i hope we can discuss anything that covers the structure and operation of la like whether it should be year round operations or seasonal operations, whether the activities schedules are fine or should be expanded or refocused, whether the dues are adequate or too high, whether the bod is performing in the best interests of the members, and etc. etc.--- let's leave individuals out of the conversations and stick to wider more important issues -- god only knows there's plenty out there
Posted by
12:10 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kerri McEvoy has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Dear Lake Adventure,
I read this blog and it makes me sick to continually read the way you bash my mother’s position (the recreation director). If you think that all she does is slap some events and dates on a calendar. YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Her position involves more than just a June, July and August schedule, believe me, she has been in this position for as long as I can remember. As a child growing up with her and now still seeing the work that she does, you should all be ashamed for your negativity and thinking that she doesn’t deserve benefits or a specific amount of money. I understand your concerns, especially now with the economy in the shamble that it is in. But it simply blows my mind that you are so quick to put another person out of a job, with no money and send them off without benefits. Do you realize that she is a person who is also trying to support a family…. Oh no not to you people. She just some recreation director who only works 2 months of the year, who only schedules a dozen activities and doesn’t have anything else to do for the rest of the year. You should be ashamed.
Do you think the activities can be planned in one day? Do you even now how many hours she spends a day, a week, a month in Lake Adventure? Believe I am sure if you paid her hourly for her work it would amount to much more than the salary she is provided with. The Social Committee makes the suggestions for the calendar, she is told what to put on the calendar and the board approves the calendar before it is sent to print. And it is to my recollection from living with her that the summer calendar is due in March for the board to review. I can also remember her wanting to travel to new places and have different activities available but I think she was always told NO. These new trips that you talk about it’s been tried and when they are put on the calendar no one signs up because no one is willing to pay to go on these trips, you expect to go for free. Sorry but you can’t get trips for 2 bucks or less. Where have you ever lived that you do not have to pay to go on trips, because I would like to live there.
Sweet deal huh? What a ridiculous comment. Where are you when the bathrooms need to be cleaned, or when the swim team needs things open at 6am? Or when people like to get their papers early on a Saturday morning? When a kitchen delivery is being made at the wee hours of the morning? You are still probably nestled in your bed while my mother is already there. And at night when you are sitting down and relaxing after a hard day of sitting at the pool in your political circles, my mother is still working. She just doesn’t do it because she is getting paid, she does is because she loves what she does. You would be sorry if you lost her because I can almost guarantee that no one will put the time, effort and devotion into this position as my mother has and continues to do. I have seen some of the recreation directors in the past in action and needless to say they are no longer there. They were never there after 4 and hardly there on the weekends (and that was during the summer, where were all you people then with your negative commentary?)
Let’s take a look at your salary, your work load, your hours, the people you have to deal with, really I would love to discuss what you do that makes you feel that you are so much better.
I understand Lake Adventure is very important to you all, and like everyone else in America, money is causing everyone to panic. But let’s remember that Lake Adventure is a community where people COME TOGETHER… not rip each other apart.
To all the anonymous “commenters” I love how you can come on here and rip someone apart and not even have the decency or the gumption to put your name with your comment.
Thanks to you Ron and the other anonymous person who appreciates what my mother does for Lake Adventure.
Thanks for your time,
Posted by
10:35 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous said...
I don't think anyone is debating whether we need a recreation director or not. Of course you have to have someone in that position if you are going to have social activities. I think the major concern is this: Why has this been a full-time position for so many years? It seems to be a bit extreme. Now all of a sudden the BOD can make it an 8-month job (and even entertain the thought of it as possibly a 6-month position). Doesn't that tell you something? If that person can do the same work in 6 or 8 months, why hasn't it been like that all along? And why haven't we had a longer calendar program than late June through August if it has been a full-time position all these years?
Plenty of people are at LA on the weekends. We open our trailer for the season at the end of April and don't close it until the end of October. I'm sure there are plenty of people who do the same thing. Wouldn't it be nice to have some simple clubhouse activities on Saturday nights in the early spring and after Labor Day (besides the one or two we already have)? There is usually a nice turn out for 'Meet the Candidates Night' in the spring and the Octoberfest is standing room only! Again, what does that tell you?
That brings us back to the point that during the off season most people are at Lake Adventure on the weekends - we're not a 9-5, Mon-Fri community. During the off season, the weekends are when we should have a presence of staff from each department and that includes recreation. Maybe then there wouldn't be as many gripes or complaints.
December 4, 2008 5:37 PM
Anonymous said...
15 Years ago we had a rec director who worked only full time in the summer and she also drove the bus to the trips. And we had more trips then we do now. Wonder where she found the time to do two jobs and both were considered part time and we now need someone full time to do one job.
December 4, 2008 4:23 PM
Posted by
8:41 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous said...
I agree, the position is needed and as I said a lot of behind the scenes work goes into planning before the actual event. Just an ice cream night takes planning, contacting vendors, coordinating times, dates and costs, etc. arranging tables, clean up. Seems like just a little ice cream but a lot of time goes into planning. I worked as an admisistrative admin for years and it took at least an hour or two just to plan a lunch meeting for 10 people so planning something for hundreds, estimating turnout and costs is a lot of work. There are a lot of headaches doing this full time and I and my family appreciate the effort the Rec Director puts in.
December 4, 2008 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
Up till several years ago the rec director was a seasonal job which had full time hours just for July and August and all the activities were similar. So why does it now take a full time employee or a seasonal employee for 8 months to now do the same job? As far as what activities occur this decision is made by the social committee not the rec director.
December 4, 2008 11:31 AM
Posted by
1:31 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
COORDINATING SCHEDULES???? Just take out the calendar for the past few years. How many DIFFERENT items are on there from year to year? Get real!!! You could basically just change the year on the printout and call it your current schedule! If the trips were new and different, maybe there wouldn't be cancelled trips due to lack of participation. And she SHOULD work on Saturday and Sunday, especially during May, June, September and October so there would be activities because the majority of the people who are up at LA those months are there for the weekends! As far as the stress and long hours during the summer - she has a STAFF! It's not a one-person department! An assistant to the director and the actual director should be alternating their hours so that neither one is stuck having to work overtime. It should be the rare occasion such as Lake Adventure Day that anyone on the recreation staff has an overtime schedule.
I'd like to know what board member proposed this glam 8-month deal when originally in August it was proposed as a 6-month CONTRACT position. A contract position would save us money: first 2 months of unnecessary wages, payroll taxes (subcontracted personnel pay their own payroll taxes), and they are not usually eligible for benefits or unemployment.
One last thing, what role does the Social Committee have in regard to the Recreation Department - personnel, activities, etc.?
Posted by
1:29 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment":
Posted by
9:15 AM
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
I agree. It seems the town is playing hard ball so before I do anything next spring I'll get a survey. I'm interested in the actual dimensions of my lot anyway so this is a good time to have one done. Appreciate your help.
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: 12' wide, dingman township
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
What long hours, how many times have we seen her at an activity. Isn't there an assistant rec director that also helps out. Our season is not in June it does not start to the very end of June it is really just July and August which is no more then 10 weeks even with the last week of June and first week of Sept. What exactly would the Rec Director do in the off season we don't have any trips or even activities on the weekends after Labor Day. Just keeping the clubhouse open doesn't count. This whole thing seems very fishy
Anonymous said...
I think the rec director has to start working in late winter/early spring to start coordinating schedules, etc so things for June are probably scheduled in May and researched in April. I also think when working on these things she most likely doesn't work a straight 9-5 Mon-Fri week, she may be working on Sat and Sun depending on what is in the works. If you look at the calendars there is something planned in almost every date. If you ever planned a birthday party for your children you would realize how much work goes into one little afternoon of fun and games so I can't fault the hours as she plans things right into Christmas. The salary, maybe a little high compare to the stress, responsibility and work load of the office workers but given I wouldn't want to do it maybe the salary is justified. Did I read correctly, Total Recreation only sold 4 trailers to LA? $250 each kickback to LA. If 12 wides passed the community stands to make a good amount of money from the dealer. I know a few came in from other dealers.
December 3, 2008 10:20 PM
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: costs, seasonal staffing
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue + question":
Yes, the town does keep the actual survey on file. You can get an additional copy from your surveyor for your own records. I also gave a photocopy of it to LA for their files (to avoid any other screw ups on their end in the future).
My trailer was noted as not compliant when I applied for a DECK permit. A certified survey is required by the town with that application. I don't know if they inspect your site if you are just getting a new trailer - you don't need a trailer permit from the town. But if your trailer is not in the right placement, you may have a problem in the future if you have to go to the town for any of their permits. I strongly urge anyone who is getting a new trailer to get a survey done beforehand. Better safe than sorry.
Posted by
9:16 PM
Labels: 12' wide, dingman township
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
WOW sweet deal where do I apply. Most people who work full time don't get that kind of salary for this type of job. Even the folks who are in the office all year are not getting paid that much
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + seasonal operations":
What is the deal with this recreation directors position?If you calculate the salary and benefits along with the work load she has a better job then the Governor, come on, organize no more then a dozen functions that take some work and get that salary. Come on board members, how can you honestly justify that, explain why, and I'm quite sure this will be questioned at the first open meeting and if you're up for re-election you better have some good answers
anon -- i think the issue is that this rec job requires very long days during june thru labor day and if this was a salary then you need compensation for long work days but if this is hourly then there are too many issues of accountability of the hours--- also if this is going to be a contractor relationship with la then the bod needs to look at several labor issue: contractor supervising la employees; contractor utilizing and managing la facilities; payment method; liability insurances from the contractor covering the contractor and la; oral contract or written contract-- no matter what la is entering an area that could create labor problems for la not the least being medical benefits and as a contractor this individual would not be eligible for unemployment benefits--- something doesn't sound right
the issue the bod has is whether la should operate as a seasonal operation and staff accordingly or function as a full time operation and function full time -- you can't do a half job -- in reality la is a seasonal operation but the bod pays for full time full season operations -- they are mismanaging la assets and finances
Posted by
8:56 PM
Labels: mismangement, seasonal staffing
The Lake Adventure Community Association Board of Directors held a closed Executive
Meeting on Saturday, September 20th, 2008 at the Administration Office.
PRESENT: Artie Berkey, Ed Rohs, Lenny Masucci, Thomas Annunziata, Alfredo Siaba,
Alfonso Alaimo and Marietta Richard.
CALL TO ORDER: Berkey called the meeting to order at 8:45am and requested that all
stand and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion By: Annunziata
Seconded By: Rohs
All in favor, minutes approved.
Bank Account Balances for August, 2008 (08-09-517)
Berkey noted that the current 7% commercial loan was locked in until January of 09.
Rohs was happy that the Wachovia accounts balances were down under $100,000.
Cash Disbursements for August, 2008 (08-09-518)
Berkey questioned Richard if any checks written looked abnormal. She stated she had
a question about Annunziata’s phone card reimbursement. Annunziata stated that ALL
Board members are entitled to one in order to defray the cost of making calls for LACA
business. Siaba stated that he has made several calls for LACA, and was not informed
that this card was available for all members. Siaba stated there should be an
information packet for new board members presented to them at their first meeting.
Checks in question: William Bowser – check for lettering and numbering all LACA
vehicles. TC Lloyd – Richard stated that the bill for tree trimming does not show where
trees were trimmed, nor man hours worked for labor. Berkey requested that this be
supplied. Siaba stated that the Maintenance Supervisor should be present during the
tree trimming in the future. RKR Hess – check for their work on the GP5 permit that
was not complete. Richard and Birrell completed the permit process for a fee of
$25.00. Siaba informed the Board that Stevens supplied him with a list of studies
ordered for RKR Hess by the Board for work to be done, that was turned down by the
Board. Annunziata stated he should present this list so all could see. TLC Tree - $975
was paid to them for tree removals for the new electric that did not even need to be
removed. (Steven’s recommendation)
CIF Fund Report for August 08 looks good. (08-09-519)
Breakdown of Accounts – Dues for August 08 (08-09-520)
Rohs stated he was happy with the collection rate. Payment plans are doing well with
the exception of a few. Delinquent letters are being worked on.
Write ons/ Write offs for August 08 (08-09-521)
Motion for approval – 1st by Annunziata, 2nd by Rohs, write ons/write offs approved.
Actual vs Budget (08-09-522)
Berkey stated that the electric bill was very high. It was noted that the new manager
should look into finding a better rate for LACA.
The Board briefly discussed the Kitchen and wants it advertised to an outside company.
The fee is $2,000 for the season. The specifics will be discussed at the next closed
Berkey questioned the income late charges line. DeStefano stated that this was what
was billed, not collected. He stated that this line should be eliminated. It will be
removed from the Actual vs Budget, as it is not an actual figure and gives a false
income figure.
Betty White Gross entered the meeting @9:35am. Currently the Community Manager of
Birchwood Lakes and is seeking other options, as sometimes board meetings last until
1:30 in the morning. She is on call 24/7. She is familiar with the DEP and permitting
process. Her reputation is that she squeezes the penny until it squeals. Her asking
salary is $58,000 with full benefits for herself and her family.
Robert Swinton entered the meeting @ 10:10am. Was the Community Manager of
Conasaugh Lake for three (3) years and was let go for reasons they would not say.
His job consisted of hands on with all departments, maintenance, recreation, security.
Asking salary is $42,000 without benefits.
Leslie Santiago entered the meeting @ 10:45am. Worked for Holiday City as an interim
Manager and is currently working at home handling the budget for Pocono Medical
Center which is $7 million. Has a construction background, oversaw maintenance
department in Holiday City, along with outside contractors for a 4,000 home
community. She can handle any situation, despite her size, will be visible to all
property owners, and out in the field as she is also very hands on. Asking salary is
$48,000 with health for herself.
Architectural Committee Minutes – Berkey stated he did not agree with getting the
Township involved with the unregistered, unlicensed vehicles in Lake Adventure.
Letters were sent to the property owners from the enforcement officer regarding the
illegal vehicles.
The Board discussed the lateral equipment rental rates, which are extremely high. Our
lateral crew is now gone. Annunziata informed the Board what the plan was for buying
the backhoe. Every year a piece would be purchased for it, such as a hammer, the drill,
the tamper, etc. Two trench boxes were also budgeted for and should have been
purchased by Stevens, but they never were. When there were a few mains to be done,
equipment that we did not have would be rented one time to do them in one shot.
Richard presented the Board with a list of laterals and mains needing work from
Fitzgerald. She got in touch with a contractor (Joe Grab) who has done work in LACA
before. Masucci stated he has a new machine that can go underground without
digging up the driveway. Berkey stated to let him come in a see what work needs to be
done and submit a bid.
The Board discussed gun shots in LACA. Citations have been issued. It seems that the
people are renting a lot in here. There was another occasion where the renter was
passed out on the Tennis Court. A letter will be sent to the property owners informing
them that this is not allowed in Lake Adventure.
The copy of the 07 Stream Study appears to be okay.
Scrap Dealer -Richard found a scrap dealer willing to take refrigerators, a/c’s, propane
tanks and not charge us for Freon removal. Berkey questioned if he was insured and
Richard stated yes. Berkey stated he should supply us with a certificate of insurance,
as we are responsible for what he takes away from LACA. He will take the units away
and then take the Freon out at his place. Annunziata stated he should have a license
number from the DEP because of the restrictions on Freon. Berkey stated we should
check him out and ask for his license.
Laundry Room – Berkey questioned Masucci what could be done with the laundry room.
Masucci stated we can build it up with cement and trusses. The laundry service man
will be informed that we want the machines out by Columbus Weekend and he will be
paid for the tokens used over the summer. The floor can then be looked at without
machines in there, ripped up, and a decision can be made on what will be done.
Bill for Latin Dance for Glow in the Dark Items - requests reimbursement for items
purchased given out to dance participants. The DJ’s wife hands out items for property
owners enjoyment. Motion By Alaimo to pay the bill and next year these items should
be added into the price of the DJ service.
CIF Fund – Siaba requested that the CIF Fund be reduced to $500.00. After a
discussion, MOTION By Siaba to lower to CIF fund to $500.00. Seconded By Rohs.
VOTE: Annunziata, NO, Richard, NO, Masucci, NO, Alaimo, NO. CIF stays at ½ the
yearly dues.
DIESEL TANK – Berkey stated that we are in violation from the DEP for using the diesel
tank as is. Two bids were received, and the Corey, Inc. bid was accepted for $10,000
and voted for by the Board. Berkey stated to get the quote and order the tank.
SPRAYFIELDS – Berkey stated that the canary grass will grow out of control and will be
too hard to harvest without damaging the pipes. The fence needs to be finished first.
Then next year 30 or 40 trees can be planted after the dead trees are cleared. Berkey
stated we can have volunteers come in and help clear the trees. Siaba stated that Art
Smith is looking for work and is willing to work any hours given. Berkey stated it was
not necessary at this time to hire anyone. Annunziata stated we should get a
professional in to assist in the best way to clear the dead trees.
CCLA Letter (no record for minutes) was emailed to all Board members by Berkey.
Siaba stated that a form should be filled out requesting whatever info they want. No
information should be refused to the CCLA or any property owner within a reasonable
time. Richard stated the the CCLA want an audit of our books. Berkey stated they can
pay for their own audit. Berkey stated he will bring this up with Clause. Richard
suggested that our lawyer and the CCLA lawyer should try to iron things out.
CATINA (KAREM CASE) – Catina was let go from the 12 wide issue, but never formally
from the Karem Case. Berkey questioned if we thought any money was going to be
collected. Annunziata stated this case has gone on for over 10 years, and he doubts it.
Motion By Siaba to remove Catina from the Karem case. VOTE: All in favor. Catina
should be notified via certified mail that she is off the case. One of our maintenance
men can pick up all prior files from her office.
MOTION BY: Annunziata - being the longevity of the suit and the fact that two of the
claimants are retired and out of business, and it doesn’t look like we will get anything
out of it except lawyers fees, that we drop the suit, and inform Catina to cease all work
on the case. SECONDED BY: Siaba – VOTE: All in favor.
Letter From Swimteam – next year the championships will be held here at LACA and the
liaison would like to meet with the Board at the next closed meeting to discuss
preparation for these 2 days.
Berkey stated to have Security keep an eye on Pat Moffitt and his friend over on Big
Bass. They are splitting wood, and partying and noisy all hours.
Siaba read Katies agreement for compensation time made between herself and Stevens.
He also stated that this office needs new windows as they are molding away.
Security will go down to one man effective October 31st. Siaba wished there was a way
to have a maintenance man cover at night for Security so there will be patrols done.
Annunziata stated he has said for years to keep Dan Matthews on off season for
painting, etc. to free up maintenance for other things.
Berkey stated the new property manager will be held accountable for handing out work
and making sure it gets done properly and efficiently and also the firing of any worker
who does not conform, and reporting to the Board on all accomplishments done.
PERMITS - LACA lost money for not requiring people to file a permit for township
required permits (deck,platforms,gazebos,screenhouses) with us before going to the
township. Stevens only required the office staff to get the people’s name and lot
number and what they were going to the township for. This will cease immediately,
and it will be publicized that a Lake Adventure permit is required before obtaining the
township permit. The township has been in LACA and several people have gotten
violations. The old permitting process will allow the Compliance Officer to keep on top
of what is being built.
TRAILER DEMOS – Richard stated that LACA makes about $35.00 per trailer demo as
the $600 fee is too low. Lords Valley Towing charges $1500. Many of the trailer
companies do not remove old trailers any more. After a brief discussion, Motion By
Richard to charge $750 per demo, Seconded By Rohs, Vote: All in favor. Trailer demos
will now cost $750.00.
Alaimo presented blow up bouncers (wet or dry) that should be purchased for the kids
at the beach or pool so we don’t have to rent them and can use it whenever suitable.
Berkey stated he was all for it, but would like to table it until next meeting.
2:20pm – Joseph Birrell – Community Manager Applicant
Joe stated he feels he is qualified for the job because he is familiar with the operations,
the problems, and the players. He is familiar with the Township Officials, the DEP, and
many property owners. He has many years experience in management and office
procedures as well as real estate. Joe discussed with the Board how he handled recent
situations with the township and deck violation, and his notifying the township of a
contractor building a deck without a permit. Siaba asked Joe how he felt about Doug.
Joe stated Doug needs direction. He has a wealth of information, but he doesn’t apply
himself or direct his men. Joe also feels that Ray is on top of his job and he has learned
a lot about the sewer plant from him. Joe’s asking salary is $60,000, but he is open
and will work without a contract.
2009/2010 BUDGET
The Board began their budget process by reviewing line by line items and edited
certain lines from the Budget Committee as follows:
Before the line by line, employee benefits and salary freeze was discussed.
Berkey stated that 25% and no raise was a slap in the face. There will be a 3% raise for
employees and there will be a 7% charge for employees insurance.
DUES INCOME – BASED ON 1600 LOTS 3,040,000
Total Income 3,278,200
The only line item to change in the income is the elimination of
Income Late Charges, because this is what is billed.
KITCHEN – All line items remain the same as committee’s
UTILITIES – line items that were changed:
Electric – 310,000 decreased to 300,000
Electric Repairs – 26,000 decreased to 20,000
MAINTENANCE EXPENSES – There will be 3% raises for all employees and the
contribution by employees for their insurance will be 7% for health, but it will remain
that they will pay in full for the vision and dental as in the past.
Salaries – 328,000 decreased to 260,000
Payroll Taxes – 39,400 decreased to 36,000
Benefits – 23,100 increased to 36,000
Supplies – 7,500 increased to 10,000
Equipment Repairs – 3,500 increased to 5,000
Snow Removal – 6,000 increased to 10,000
Comfort Station Repairs – 4,000 increased to 8,000
RECREATION EXPENSES – The Recreation Director job will become a salaried
seasonal position (with benefits, 7% paid by employee) for 8 months a year. Employee
will be laid off for the months of Dec, Jan, Feb and March, and will be able to collect
unemployment. Insurance will also be dropped for the months laid off.
Salaries – Rec Director – 19,200 increased to 23,750
Payroll Taxes – 4,700 increased to 8,000
LATERAL/SEWER UTILITIES – 20 laterals need to be repaired/replaced
Supplies – 6,500 reduced to 0
Laterals – outside contractor – from 0 to 140,000
SECURITY EXPENSE – 220,000 – contract thru 2010
ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE – all employees will receive a 3% raise except for
Joyce, who will be raised to $12.50 per hour and Cheryl raised to 17.60 per hour. All
employees will pay 7% for health insurance, and all vision and dental insurance.
Salaries – 94,200 increased to 110,200
Community Mgr – 60,000 decreased to 55,000
Compliance Off – 0 increased to 16,000
Benefits – 18,800 increased to 29,000
Miscellaneous – 500 increased to 1,500
Prof Consultants – 9,000 decreased to 5,000
Phones – 12,000 decreased to 10,000
KITCHEN 57,200
SECURITY 220,000
ADMIN 422,200
TOTAL EXPENSES 1,896,850.00
Richard noted that the Board needs to take a look at the bank accounts that have over
100,000 and make a decision on different banks to cover the FDIC.
Richard questioned when a decision would be made on today’s applicants. Annunziata
stated it should be discussed now. Rohs stated he was too tired to make a decision.
Berkey stated we should do background and credit checks on the two women
6pm – They’re being no further business to discuss, MOTION BY: Annunziata,
SECONDED BY: Alaimo, Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
They’re being no further discussion, MOTION By: Annunziata, SECONDED By: Alaimo,
Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
Posted by
2:52 AM
Labels: BOD MEETING 9.20.08
The Lake Adventure Community Association Board of Directors held a closed Executive Meeting on
Saturday, August 16th, 2008 at the Administration Office.
PRESENT: Artie Berkey, Ed Rohs, Lenny Masucci, Thomas Annunziata, Alfredo Siaba, Alfonso Alaimo and
Marietta Richard.
PRESENTER: Roy Zold – Chairperson of Budget Committee &RKR Hess Associates – Wayne Gross and
CALL TO ORDER: Berkey called the meeting to order at 8:35am and requested that all stand and Pledge
Allegiance to the Flag.
Berkey introduced Roy Zold and commended him and the Budget Committee’s hard work. Zold
presented the Board with the proposed budget and a list of recommendations by the committee. Zold ,
while realizing that the Board was very busy, mentioned some highlighted areas of the budget. The first
area was the Dues Revenue with 1747 lots, with an 11% delinquency rate, bringing that down to
approximately 1555 lots paying 1900, totaling $2,954,500.00.
All salaries were frozen except for two office workers. A recommendation to eliminate the Compliance
Officer position whose duties would be assumed by the Community Manager. A recommendation to
make the Recreation Director’s position to a seasonal position being paid as an outside contractor was
also made. They figured for 24 weeks a year @ 40 hours per week = 960 hrs per year @ $20 per hour
comes to $19,200 per year. An additional amount of $50,000 was budgeted for electric utilities because
an 11% increase is expected. All employees should pay 25% of their health insurance cost.
The contribution to the reserves is $896,000. The budget results in a surplus of $62,000. The committee
requests that whatever surplus is left should be put toward the principal of the commercial loan. One
last request was that if a significant change is made to their figures an explanation can be given so he
could relay the reasons to the committee so they can save time next year. Berkey suggested that maybe
Zold can attend the September meeting to review the budget with the Board.
Annunziata questioned how the contractor’s payment saves LACA money. Zold explained that they get
straight pay with no deductions. LACA does not have to contribute ½ of payroll taxes, etc. The
contractor would pay all the taxes on his/her own.
Siaba questioned why a 25% insurance deduction on employees who are not making very much money.
Zold stated he agreed that maintenance was paid low, but the whole world pays some part of their
health insurance.
Berkey thanked Zold and stated members would bring home the proposed budget for review and their
next meeting in September would be dedicated to the Budget and hopefully a special meeting can be
held for the community on Octoberfest weekend.
Motion By: Annunziata
Seconded By: Rohs
All in favor, minutes approved.
Bank Account Balances for July, 2008 (08-08-502)
It was noted that the 3 month CD for $100,000.00 matured and was deposited into the Sewer Loan
account that pays the commercial loan.
Cash Disbursements for July, 2008 (08-08-503)
Berkey questioned if Richard had any problems with the cash disbursements after her review. She
stated no, but be advised that the Laundry Serviceman has not come to LACA after several phone calls to
repair the many broken machines, and she advised DeStefano to hold back his money and he can collect
it when he comes to repair the machines.
Richard stated that buying local is too expensive and trips to Home Depot or Lowes should be made. An
occasional small item is okay, but too many things are purchased local that are too high priced. Richard
also stated that items are purchased before a purchase order is requested. Berkey stated he preferred
Independence over Flair. Effective immediately, Bowser is to request a purchase order before the items
are purchased with the hopes that items can be purchased for all upcoming work needing to be done
from a few stores. Masucci stated that all electrical items should be purchased from one electrical
outlet store, not 30 from one place and 20 from another.
The more we purchase from this one store, possible we can get a discount. Masucci also questioned
why so many hydrant heads and hydrants kits were purchased this month and also last month.
Richard stated that to store multiple items right now in the maintenance shop would be impossible, as it
is too disorganized.
Alaimo questioned if the freezer repairs was to the new freezer. Unfortunately it was, and there was no
warranty and the company has not returned calls, so we had to get it serviced from the outside.
CIF Report for July 08 (08-08-504)
This is a new report showing the income in the Capital Improvement account and also a good account of
lots sold.
Breakdown of Accounts – Dues as of July 31st, 08 (08-08-505)
Rohs stated the collection rate has improved from last month.
Write On/Write Offs for July 08 (08-08-506)
MOTION BY: Annunziata
All in favor, write ons write offs approved.
Actual vs Budget for July 08 (08-08-507)
Berkey stated it looks okay, maintenance is over, but now is the time most of the money is spent in
maintenance. Also, a lot of unexpected repairs for property owners have been done.
Berkey stated that we should start looking for someone to operate the Kitchen next year NOW.
Annunziata stated someone expressed interest to him. Berkey told him to send
them to the office.
Annunziata stated that the new culverts on the main road look good. Culverts have been cleaned out
and the property owner has to realize that they are responsible to clean out their own culverts. Lake
Adventure is only responsible for common areas.
Annunziata stated we should use the jetter truck to clean out culverts. Richard stated that you have to
know how to use the truck safely as it has so much power. Annunziata stated Fitzgerald can operate the
machine. Berkey questioned if there is a class that
the men can take to use the jetter truck safely and efficiently. He will speak with Fitzgerald. We need a
few men that can use the truck.
Richard noted that Kickirillo has been backing up Ray at the sewer plant, and has been for a long time.
9:25am – Wayne Gross and Sam Dellasandro from RKR Hess entered the meeting.
9:30am – Ben Johnson entered the meeting as a consultant for LACA
Berkey questioned the need for a denitrification system, and spending $91,000.00 for engineering fees
with a total projected figure of a million dollars. He questioned their justification for this project. Ben
Johnson entered the meeting as a consultant for the Board @ 9:30am.
Sam stated that LACA was in big trouble with our sewer system a few years ago. A consent agreement
was entered into with the Township and DEP that required us to do a few things. Our spray field was
rebuilt, and that’s when RKR Hess became involved with LACA. The Sewer Plant had a 65,000 gallon a
day capacity, which worked in season and 2 10,000 gallon sand mounds that was supposed to handle
the winter but it blew out. We then entered into an agreement with the DEP to expand the plant to
handle 165,000 gallons a day, with 120,000 gallons a day to go into the spray field. These permits are
very specific. We are allowed 120,000 gallons a day in season and 60,000 gallons a day off season. A
study was done by a forester at that time and built into the permit we are required to manage the
forested area in the spray field. The whole premise of the spray irrigation is that wastewater with
nutrients is sprayed into the soil where the plants uptake nutrients. They can then go into the ground
and percolate.
There are monitoring levels that are tested looking for pollutants. If the pollutants hit the air and
migrate into the ground water, LACA could be shut down. The spray field is an intrical part of the plant.
About a year ago RKRHESS sent a forester to LACA to check the spray field. It is not producing any new
seedlings and because the ground is saturated the environment is changing where the trees grew up in.
Options were to start replanting, possibly change the permit to a meadow and grow canary grass. They
suggested starting with an acre in the wettest patch and plant an acre to see the results. If there were
problems with the piping, you could stop. The cost for reforestation is extremely high, so that’s why
they suggested the meadow.
The canary grass would have to be harvested once a year, being careful in between the rows of piping.
Sam stated they only suggested the meadow when the cost of reforestation became so extreme.
Denitrification – there is a provision in the clean streams law for a $10,000 a day penalty any time we
are out of compliance with the permit. There is no mechanism in the sewer plant to convert the
ammonia nitrogen into nitrates. There is no provision to denitrify it. Our DRBC permit says we cannot
discharge into the stream between May and September. The DEP permit says you can use it when you
can’t use the spray field because of rain conditions. Every time Ray turns the plant on and does a stream
discharge in the summer he has no way of treating nitrogen and is in violation.
Sam stated that in 2007 there were three months that were violated. Our DMR reports could be
challenged and we could be fined heavily. So far this year he has not discharged into the stream. When
the levels are over 11 he must use the spray fields, and if they cannot be used then he must use the
stream, causing us to be in violation.
Berkey questioned if there is a grid for the piping in the spray field. Sam had a copy with him. Berkey
questioned if the deer eat the canary grass and he stated no. The grass grows about 4 feet high with a
consistency of hay.
Ben Johnson stated to try using one or two acres with the canary grass, and then buy an attachment to
one of the machines to harvest the grass. Trees must be cut to ground level, all leaves raked, etc. The
DEP would have to grant us a permit to transfer to a meadow.
The DRBC put on regulations that there can be no measurable change to the Delaware River as of 1992.
Analysis has to be given to them on any changes being done to the sewer plant. Now they look at any
permitted system for changes and rates LACA at 160,000. per day whether we use that or not.
If we go with the denitrification system, new requirements could be placed on us to have the water
cooled, and whatever else they decide they wanted.
Berkey questioned how they came to a figure of $91,000 for their engineering fees.
Contracts are written, contractors are hired and if there is a problem, RKR Hess is responsible. Richards
questioned if they were responsible for Pioneer’s work, and they stated they were.
The 3 pump station replacement project was halted and they stated it takes 6 to 8 months to get a
permit. They stated they can be replaced either all at once or one a year. However, their fees are for
the three pump station designs. There is a fixed fee of $46,000 that we pay a partial amount every
month until complete. (Stations 1, 4 and 5)
The denitrification system is on hold. RKR Hess stated that if Ray doesn’t have to discharge into the
stream, it is okay, but if he does, there is no equipment that can denitrify.
Wayne Grosss informed the Board why the camera system was purchased for the laterals. There is an
agreement with the Township to do a study of the inflow infiltratation. The lateral project completed
sections 2 & 3 but they ran out of money and they asked the Township is they purchased the equipment
if we could find & fix the repairs ourselves.
Reports were supposed to be turned into the township on all the leaks found, or not found, and repairs
done. Report for July – findings from January to June ; Report for January – Findings from June to July.
RKR Hess has not gotten any copies of said reports. Annunziata stated that both the Manager and Ray
were informed.
RKR Hess questioned the status of the Karem suit. They explained that the attorney Catina was fired and
all cases were turned over to Tammy Clause, Esq.
They can continue with the GP 5 permit as they are 75% finished, and the pump station replacement.
The men stated any copies of plans they needed can be furnished.
Wayne & Sam left the meeting at 10:35pm.
Berkey asked Ben Johnson for his opinion. He feels they were very professional. He was concerned
about the reports requested by the Township regarding the use of the camera equipment and our
findings, and if they are being done. Ben left the meeting at 10:40am.
Berkey addressed the board stating that there are too many rumors going around LACA. If the members
hear or know something, please keep it to themselves and address it together behind closed doors. He
is all for being open, but let’s get things straight. The violations that RKR Hess were talking about were
mostly for not filing reports on time and Ray thought they had to be postmarked by a certain date when
in fact they had to be in their hands by that date. This was taken care of in 2006. It was up to the
property manager to handle. Siaba stated that whatever Ray recommended Gary said okay because he
didn’t know nor did he take the time to investigate to see if there was another alternative. The Board
Richard wanted the following noted for the record: She did not accuse nor defend Ray of anything at
this point. She only recently found out that Ray came into the Office to warn Gary of a problem and he
totally ignored it. She also recently found out that George from maintenance had been backing up Ray
at the sewer plant. Siaba stated that George can only take readings and switch from one tank to
another through Ray’s okay. He is more or less a helper, not a backup operator. Siaba stated that both
Terri and George can assist him and that’s all. Berkey stated there is a back up plan on paper, and has
been for years. If there is an emergency, such as an overflow, Ray can call in someone to work under his
license. The plan will be reviewed after the open meeting.
The Board ended its morning session to attend the Open Meeting in the Pavilion @ 11am.
The Board resumed its afternoon session @ 1:15pm
Tree Permits – it seems that too many trees are being taken down without permission. After a lengthy
discussion, MOTION By: Richard that effective immediately any tree taken down without a permit be
assessed an additional $100.00 per tree along with the original fine of $100.00, along with planting 2
trees within 30 days. SECONDED By: Masucci, VOTE: all in favor, motion approved.
LAUNDRY – Berkey asked all members to go online and try and find a different company with prices and
the possibility of pouring a new slab in the laundry room to stabilize the floor. After Halloween, when
the count is down would be a good time to start, and have the new room ready for Memorial Day, ONCE
VECTOR – now is not the time to be looking for a new firm…before their contract is over is when the
Board will take a serious look.
Joco Realty Request
According to Vince of Joco Realty, the sales of Lake Adventure lots has decreased, and he feels that if we
raise the dues credit referral up to $950, more lots would sell.
A motion was made to raise it from 250 to 500. Richard motioned that we should ask Vince to lower his
commission for selling LACA lots from 2200 to 2100, and then we will raise the dues credit to 500.
Seconded by Siaba. Vote: All in favor, motion passed.
The kitchen inspection report was noticed by the Board.
Total RV – Siaba mentioned that trailers are coming in from other places and we are not getting a
commission. So far, we received a check for $1,000 for 4 trailers sold. The Compliance Officer will check
this out and keep a count from now on.
LA Dolphins want to meet with the Board regarding the Championships being held at LACA next year.
They can present what they want at the October meeting. Alaimo stated we need to get rid of the 2a
modified stone by the pool.
Berkey stated that a meeting is set for Sept 4th @ 3pm at Tammy Clause’s Office regarding the 12 wides.
She requested us getting copies of any minutes of the meetings from the township, and any advertising
of a zoning change, which Joe Birrell went and obtained from the township. Berkey stated that Catina
has not done anything regarding the 12 wides for the last 6 months. According to Clause, Catina should
not have requested a curative amendment. This only caused the Township to feel hostility towards
LACA. Since Joe Birrell spoke with the Township, the Board requested that he enter the meeting.
Joe Birrell entered the meeting @ 2:45pm. No rejection letter was sent regarding the 12 wides. Joe
spoke with Karen Kleist at the township (secretary/treasurer). Birrell noted the zoning proposals by the
township, and Annunziata stated the Board did review and amend the proposals to be considered by the
township. In a nutshell, all we want are the same rules except the addition of 12 wides. The township
also stated that they wanted to license LACA as a campground. We are not a campground, but a private
community. The township was calling Coast to Coast people as transients. The other problem that
Birrell stated the township has is the amount of water that flows through the sewer plant in the off
season. They are now aware of the in house work being done, as Birrell told them we hired a new
lateral crew. Berkey asked Birrell if he can go talk with the township. He also told Birrell that he could
work full time to see if he can get something accomplished. Once again, the meeting is set with Clause
on September 4th @ 3pm.
Joe Birrell left the meeting at 3:15pm.
The rest of the meeting was a discussion between Berkey, Richard, Masucci and Siaba regarding Joe
Birrell. Ed Rohs entered the discussion.
They’re being no further discussion, MOTION By: Annunziata, SECONDED By: Alaimo,
Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alfredo Siaba
Posted by
2:22 AM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
comment + 12' wide issue + question
Anonymous said...
Does the twsp keep the certified copy of the survey or make a copy? Apparently they actually come out to the site and check the placement of a new trailer. Does LA keep a copy in your file? How did the twsp know that a new trailer was slightly over the easement if they didn't already have a current copy of a survey? Sorry about so many questions but I'm seriously thinking I need a new trailer next season and don't want to lose half the summer on logistics if I can help it. All the information I've gotten on this site in the last few weeks has been very helpful. Thanks for everyone's input.
December 2, 2008 7:38 PM
Anonymous said...
LA is requiring us to get permits from them before going to the town for decks, platforms, gazebos and screenhouses. Is there a fee for these LA permits? If so, that means we have to pay twice - once to LA and then to the town!
December 2, 2008 7:59 PM
Posted by
11:26 PM
comment + seasonal operations
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
I was glad to hear that the BOD showed some fiscal responsibility in limiting most staff salary raises to 3% and are having our employees contribute 7% towards their health insurance. (See the Lake Adventure website, pages 8 & 9 of the SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING MINUTES). Also, starting with the 2009/2010 season, the recreation department will be considered seasonal. After all, our recreation calendar is mainly just July and August.
What disturbs me though is the fact that they are increasing the recreation director salary more than 23% and making it a salaried seasonal job for 8 months of the year with benefits. The other four months they can collect unemployment (which might increase LACA’s unemployment insurance rates). And we probably will still only have a recreation calendar consisting of mainly July and August!
Can someone please explain to me: 1) how this is benefiting the association; and 2) why we don’t have at least more activities from May 1st through October 15th (especially on weekends) if we are paying for the service?
anon -- yea sounds rather fishy -- hmmmm !!!! --- also the bod better watch out on those benefits since you can't give some in a class more benefits than the others in the job classification--- that could lead to real problems --the labor department loves these type of cases--- also seasonal is seasonal and shouldn't have a full time salary and benefits -- does the bod think everyone is stupid with this shell game
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: mismangement, seasonal staffing, violations
comment + 12' wide issue
Anonymous said...
A certified survey done by a licensed surveyor includes a drawing which shows the location of ALL structures and utilities on the property. To be certified, it must have their seal applied, signed and dated. The four corners of the property will usually be marked with rebarb stakes. You can also have them mark midway on property lines with wooden stakes.
Dingman Township does NOT require you to get a trailer permit (at least not yet). The trailer permit is only through LA. That's why LA should REQUIRE a recent survey to be done and on file before any trailer placement.
December 2, 2008 9:26 AM
Posted by
4:36 PM
comment + 12' wide issue -- more
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
I am sorry to hear that I guess I wont make my millions and be the new donald trump of trailer parks I was looking forward to being on jerry springer
Posted by
11:58 AM
comment + 12' wide issue -- more
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "comment + 12' wide issue":
Good point. I didn't buy property to make a monetary winfall but invested in a place that will be fun for the family but that won't continue if the appeal is gone if old, rusted and abandon trailers increase. People selling their lots with a trailer can't even get back the money they paid for their lot 10 years ago which may not be the case at some other communities. My neighbor said she would give her lot away for free just to get rid of the dues and taxes and it's still on the for sale by owner list. I know I'm not going to make money when I try to sell my lot, my thought is I don't want any abandon trailers in my neighborhood so I don't have to consider selling sooner than planned. We need new housing whether it be 12' wides or 8.5' wides but I hear many are waiting for 12' wides and the longer they wait the older and less appealing the neighborhoods appear to prospective buyers. In looking at new trailers the cost of a tipout was only slightly less than a 12' wide. Right now the dealers have a lot of '07 and '08 stock of 12' wides and are offering good discounts on them while the 8.5' still have to be special ordered at full price. The park models do depreciate quickly but for about the same money you get a better built home. If you check the specs of 8.5 vs a 12' you'd notice just about everything is upgraded on the 12'er making it more energy efficient for both heating and air conditioning.
Posted by
11:55 AM